Impessions: Assassin's Creed Origins

Started by PZ, November 01, 2017, 09:12:21 PM

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I was hoping for hidden areas, and it seems like this version of the game does not disappoint. There are 14 hidden tombs to explore and collect vital ingredients. By all reports, the game is massive.


In other words, UBI*bleep**bleep*bleep* managed to deliver a great gameplay experience this time? ??? :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


12 cool little details with AC Origins

Digital Foundry graphical comparison
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Quote from: OWGKID on November 02, 2017, 10:33:10 AM
In other words, UBI*bleep**bleep*bleep* managed to deliver a great gameplay experience this time? ??? :gnehe:

Well, at least for the introductory game play. I heard there are bosses later in the game, which will ruin it for me  :banghead:

However, fight now I am really happy because the graphics are so impressive and varied. It almost feels like a marriage between Uncharted and Assassin's Creed. I love the Uncharted series because of the movie-like feel, which I experience when doing some of the challenges in this game. I love the AC series because of the history - visiting places that are real, in a virtual way.

So far what I like:

  • The map is huge, and works much like Wildlands - everything is open from the start. In this game, you climb structures to "synchronize" your views in prior AC games - these are now fast travel points.
  • I recall the complaints in FC2 about the long distances to travel - it is somewhat the same in this game, but you can put your camel into auto-pilot, and at the same time switch views to your eagle so you can tag items from the sky along the way if you want to deviate to new targets.
  • I really like how you can go to sleep waiting for nightfall like in FC2
  • You can gain perks and customize just about everything, including your eagle - I just got a perk in which your eagle will harass foes automatically while you are in battle
  • Looting is actually productive - as you clear out areas and complete looting, you find weapons and other materials you can do in crafting items to assist you in your level advancement. This is the first time that I have actually enjoyed and participated much in crafting
  • Even the smaller side quests lead to graphically spectacular hidden tombs - this is the first time a small side quest for me is as graphically interesting as the main event
  • I never feel the blocky running like in prior games where if you were off a few degrees from the developers intended path, you'd run into an invisible barrier.
  • One of the things I did not like in prior games was running into a dead end that made the game feel like a game rather than real life - so far running feels very realistic.
  • You can climb almost everything - walls that would halt you in prior games are now climbable.

I have read that the developers of this game were the ones that built Black Flag, which I did not like that much. There are also some kind of sea battles later in the game that I am not particularly anticipating. However, I am looking forward to climbing the pyramids.

I suspect that the increasing difficulty in missions to come will sour me on the game, but I will continue on my current path of doing side missions and exploring - if it never gets beyond that then the game will be a success for me.


UBI*bleep* went full RPG with AC Origins. Hence the boss fights.

You probably want to spend time leveling up your character so you can deal more damage on enemies and farm better gear. The downside is that enemies will do more damage on you as they scale with your level
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I went to a new area and promptly got my *bleep* kicked at my current level 10. I went to my original area and picked  a fight and the poor fools went down with only a single blow.

Sneaking around appears to be much better in this version - I managed to clear an area of all bad guys by silently incapacitating each guard.

Killing the crocodiles (and other animals) is also much more rewarding. As long as your character is reasonably leveled up, doing away with the dumb animals and looting their hides is much more reasonable.

Climbing is most remarkable - I was able to climb a sandstone mountain to a synchronization point - something that would never been possible in prior games.

So far, the game is quite balanced for me in difficulty and ease.

Art Blade


Quote from: PZ on November 04, 2017, 09:00:07 AM
I went to a new area and promptly got my *bleep* kicked at my current level 10. I went to my original area and picked  a fight and the poor fools went down with only a single blow.

Kind of reminiscent of The Division, I got insta-killed by "purple" enemies in the Dark Zone due to my low rank.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


It is snowing today, my outdoor chores are almost completely done, and I'm going back in to Egypt with the snowfall as a backdrop.  :bigsmile:

... after a stint in the hot tub of course  :gnehe:

Art Blade


"No hay luz"

Art Blade


I must admit that retirement is a good gig  O0

🡱 🡳

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