Impessions: Assassin's Creed Origins

Started by PZ, November 01, 2017, 09:12:21 PM

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Art Blade

better than repeated dodging and button mashing and dying all over again :gnehe:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"



If video games had been all about boss missions, I'd never have become involved in gaming.

I now know why there is a setting to allow the soldiers level up to your level - I went back to the mainland, swung the Fang (poisonous sword) once, and it killed a guard in a single blow. Immediately he started off gassing poisonous vapors, which I had upgraded 15 times (you evidently can upgrade as many times as you like). All of the guards, cats, dogs, and people around me started dropping like flies.  :D

Then I went into a high level military installation in which I would normally sneak, poison, and otherwise keep myself anonymous because of the big brutes guarding each of the sides of the main building. This time I just ran through loud and quickly dispatched everyone in sight, hardly suffering any health loss.

Art Blade



Too bad I don't have skill points  :-X
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Skills are essential in honing your character to how you play the game. I've chosen to maximize my stealth potential, meelee, poison, and bow damage. There are other skills that make it quicker and more efficient to chain kill and several other perks, but those are the icing on the cake for me.

I've changed to my most recent play through which I left at level 36. I went to the new area and immediately started on the high point value mission (22,000 XP). However, the opponents were too many and too high a level, so I went back to the mainland and did enough to level to 37. Then back to the new area to do a lesser quest at 7500 XP. That one was easy to complete and I quickly went up to level 38. Then trying the high value quest (recommended level 40) which I am now qualified to do even at level 38, I was able to go to level 39 in a single step using stealth and poison methods. The target and his entourage never did see me, and they all ended up dead.

Now at level 39 I went back to the mainland and continued the main mission line which recommended level 11 to complete - this was the Gennadios mission which populated the map with the Phylakes. Of course, there was a level 20 Phylake that immediately was available to attack me, and while tough, he was relatively easy to dispatch since I'm at level 39. Now there are more missions to take me further on my adventures, including the rest of the 9 Phylakes plus the 2 new level 45 Phylakes in the new area.

I left the game at level 39 back in the new area for more high value quests. Soon I'll be at level 45 and will then continue the main mission line on the mainland.


Cool :bigsmile: I instantly levelled myself to LVL 40 with Cheat Engine, but the game didn't gave me the skill points I should have  :-X
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Now at level 45 and have returned to the mainland to take advantage of all the areas discovered, plus continuing the main mission line, which I left at level 12.

Funny thing about the voices - there are several characters that clearly have the voice of Cesare Borgia, from an old AC game - sounds kind of funny to hear his voice still full of rage  :D

Kind of makes me want to play the old game again  :gnehe:

Art Blade

I think your worst nightmare is choice. :anigrin: If you had only one video game, you'd probably finish it. The more games you've got, the less you finish :gnehe:

Art Blade

I have to add, you did finish some games, like AC:O because you loved them to pieces :bigsmile:


 :gnehe: You posted before me this time!

You're probably correct, but I always finish the games I really appreciate, like the AC games featuring Ezio, (and especially Origins which I am playing through the 3rd time already), all Uncharted titles, FC2 many times through, (still fire it up on occasion), Fallout 3 a few times, and even a few linear games like Band of Brothers: Hell's Highway.

Still not sure what exactly attracts me to a particular game.

Art Blade

who cares, as long as you're having fun and are enjoying yourself. Games are supposed to entertain you. If they don't, well, why keep on with them. And yes, some games are so good it's worthwhile playing them more than once :)


The best part for me is that my memory is so poor, each play through is almost like playing a new game. Evidently I do not pay attention to detail long enough to remember it.  :gnehe:

Art Blade


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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