Impessions: Assassin's Creed Origins

Started by PZ, November 01, 2017, 09:12:21 PM

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More positives:

  • Because looting is so widespread in the game, you no longer need to hold the loot key - a simple quick press even while on horseback and it is done. You can also get a perk that allows you to loot automatically
  • The game organizes your loot into things required to craft, and things you can sell by a single button click when you visit a vendor. Nice that you need not know what you need to save for crafting.

Art Blade


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I guess the best summary I can say so far is that this is the first time I have been able to focus entirely on the experience in the game rather than fighting mechanics that do not w0#k as I expect.

Art Blade


Some time ago I reported a mission where I was to escort an armed guy to his destination, but that he followed me when I veered off into a side mission. I have since lost him along the way, but I now realize that mission was main line.  At that time I was at a low level, but I'm not at level 25 and plan to find where he is and then continue roaming the world with my buddy at my side. In particular, I'd like to find a Phylake and then both of us attack him. That should be a fun experiment.

Art Blade


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I did not know they were real characters, D_B  O0

In the game the Phylakes are extremely strong "mini-bosses" that roam the different areas. They are bounty hunters that will attack you on sight, but there are only 10 of them, with predictable pathways in the area they frequent.

I have only killed one of them so far, but now that I'm at level 28, I'm about to take on a Phylake named "The Stranger", no relation to our member  :D

I was hoping that they would clad the pyramids in what is supposed to be smooth white material, and in the game, the Khufu pyramid is topped with a shimmering capstone so here is a video of sliding down after synchronizing at the apex.

Khufu pyramid

I knew you could somehow throw your torch, but I did not know how until yesterday. Fire is something that I need to master - I have a fire perk that allows me to throw fire bombs.

Throwing a torch


Well I am sad to report my first disappointment in the game. Yesterday I continued the main mission line to escort a warrior to his home. He's the guy that is a good fighter and one I'd used as a buddy to help me fight the enemy. I was hoping I could travel the world with him, but once you leave the mission area, he stops following you.  :(

Spoilers below, but because none of you are playing, I thought I'd give impressions:

Even worse when continuing the main mission line, my character had to help some high Priest with his pregnant wife, and when I did, she had me sip some kind of liquid which sent me into a drug-induced trance, and into the nether world which was inhabited by a huge snake. This stinks of the boss mission in Far Cry, I thought, and it was. You are given unlimited fire arrows and a bow, and you have to kill the giant snake boss - at least it is not timed. It was not difficult, but definitely not fun.

Within the first few seconds it reminded me of the ghost things and the huge boss in FC3  :banghead:

Why, oh why did UBI*bleep* need to ruin a good thing!  :ranting:

Just kidding, kind of. I'll still do all of the side quests even if I abandon the main missions because they are so fun. In fact, the side quests are sometimes as intricate as the main missions in other games, so I'm still a happy camper whatever happens. I'm now at level 28 and combat is very easy for the most part, and I still have more than half the world to begin to explore.

Art Blade

fire sure looks real :thumbsup:

I'm curious, does the game actually refer to a single unit as a Phylake? Because thanks to D_B's link, we know that phylakes are plural and phylax is singular (the reason why I couldn't find it in the first place)


I actually coined the term "phylake" because it sounded like the singular of the term "phylakes"  :gnehe:

The fire is really cool - this video shows lighting your arrows before shooting.

Fire arrows

Art Blade


Nice O0 Well, AC isn't a game I'm interested in...

I think the word before the colon should be Impressions rather than "Impessions" :-X
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yes, it should be - just ask AB about my typing history  :gnehe:

This is  short video of me getting my *bleep* kicked by a nest of cobras because I used a blade. After being reincarnated, I used fire instead, shooting an arrow into one of the red jars that contains black oil accelerant (you can see it spread over the walls when the jar is broken). Then a simple torch throw cleanly sterilizes the area  :anigrin:


This short video shows how the "sleep" function works - how one waits for night time to conduct their nefarious activities.

Night and day

🡱 🡳

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