Impessions: Assassin's Creed Origins

Started by PZ, November 01, 2017, 09:12:21 PM

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 :D  :thumbsup: I have to admit that a  Gauss Rifle would be quite welcome  :gnehe:

I actually have come to like the giant scorpions, and have discovered that they are only in a specific area of the map called the afterlife. You can go there at will, explore, do missions, and collect shards of a star, which are necessary to craft your weapon upgrades. This is actually the first time I have enjoyed outrageously unrealistic foes in a game.

I spent about an hour killing the scorpions yesterday (about 40 of them) to collect enough shards to fully upgrade all my weapons. I'm using a fire sword, which kills them in 1 to 2 swipes.

Art Blade

nothing beats a well-levelled character with actual proper gear :gnehe:


Yes indeed; I've max'd out everything so it is almost unfair to the enemy, but I don't care  :evil2:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yep - I'm now enjoying fighting the Phylakes I formerly tried to avoid  :evil2:



Ahh, UBI*bleep* decided to screw gameplay for better game tech in AC Unity  :huh-new:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I didn't think Unity was that spectacular, and to me Origins is orders of magnitude better. I thought the game was okay, but the world was way too small, and game way too short - definitely not worth a second play through.

Art Blade

I liked that part of Unity that dealt with being in Paris a few centuries ago. And I liked the crowds, the masses, it was fun to hide in between everyone while wiping out half of the city. But most of all I liked playing it co-op with a good friend, chatting over headsets and laughing over high-profile acrobatic choreographed skilled synchronous kills. :anigrin:


The real bad issue was day 1 performance. Ubisoft thought the current gen consoles would be more powerful than the last gen. Sure, nice with 3000+ NPCs, but it doesn't help if the hardware can't keep up
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I must be lucky, but I never had significant problems on the console.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Probably - the AC series is my favorite. For me, the updates they do cause more harm than good. FC2 for instance, I never had a lick of problem until they started patching it.

I'm also now experiencing some problems in Origins that never were there on day 1.


Well, that's UBI*bleep* for you. Fix one problem and add another - then don't bother fixing the new problem :huh-new: Thinking of the Jackal tape blunder in FC2...

Art Blade

damn, that was indeed unbelievable. Or, FC3 co-op, they never fixed those bugs that were there from the start and some of those bugs were actually game-breaking (like, "blow up that radio tower" and the tower wasn't there or some such, really annoying) which is something I hate the most: having to learn to accept those bugs because we knew they wouldn't fix them, anyway. Kind of the same thing with AC:Unity co-op. Actually, AC:Black Flag and AC:Unity already had micro transactions, and that was stuff you could only buy with real money.


That is the trend of it for me - game working just fine right out of the box, then they patch (screw) it up  :banghead:

I was in the afterlife area and strayed a bit too far outside invisible borders and I did not get the usual warnings - instead the screen turned blinding white, and I could tell I was still somewhat moving my character, but could not find my way back into the game - had to restart the game.

Quote from: fragger on March 29, 2018, 06:18:01 PM
Well, that's UBI*bleep* for you. Fix one problem and add another - then don't bother fixing the new problem :huh-new: Thinking of the Jackal tape blunder in FC2...

Exactly what I was thinking. When everyone was complaining about the bugs in FC2 and I did not, I was quite happy, until patch 1.03 which introduced the tape bug. I was thinking the problems people were having were due more to the way they played the game - for example, when a buddy is talking to you about a mission, if you left before the dialog was done, the game inadvertently introduced a fault which broke the mission. I always listened to all the dialog at the beginning, never leaving anything out, and never had a single glitch.

🡱 🡳

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