BinnZ Cuts

Started by BinnZ, April 01, 2017, 06:15:05 AM

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Yes Fragger, that sounds pretty much like the way I experience the w0#k. I do feel a sort of pressure though, since the block of stone I bought costed me over a 100 bucks. Nevertheless, I'm quite confident in what I want to make and that I will succeed. Not always have that ;)
"No hay luz"


Well, think of it this way: you could spend a hundred bucks on a couple of games that you might not like :anigrin: I know I have... :undecided-new:


Today my neighbour came to complain about the noise I make when cutting. He said I might consider not to w0#k too long on one day, like max 2 hours, because he can't relax when he's in the garden. Of course, it's finally good weather. *bleep* MY NEIGHBOUR!
That's what I feel like. I said to him I don't want to molest anyone with my works so I will of course take into account that others may be disturbed by the noise of my cutting, but seriously....
I WANT TO FUCKING LIVE IN A FARM!!!! No stupid narrow-minded neighbours around to make your piss sour, with their stupid dogs, crying children and whining housewives. *bleep* 'm! I will go on with my works, find a way to make it less disturbing. Like starting 8 am or something. O r maybe I bring my stone to the forest and w0#k there. For fucks sake I hate neighbours. They ain't good for anything but complaints :angry-new:
"No hay luz"


I feel your pain BinnZ - been there, done that.  :undecided-new:

Art Blade

yes.. sorry to hear that. And time to walk over to complain every time his children, dog, or wife, annoy you. :evil2:

Use the same words he did. :gnehe:


I can dig it, BinnZ. All our neighbours are nice, quiet people - except for the family of misplaced trailer trash that lives next door to us. Many are the times when I have been woken from a blissful early morning slumber by the family's mother screaming at her three drama-queen daughters to do this or don't do that. More often than not all I hear is the mother. Honestly, flipping Hitler had more dulcet tones than this one-woman freak show. Her voice sounds like an amplified macaw doing an Alf Garnett impression, her face looks like a bulldog chewing on a thistle and her personality would cow Genghis bloody Khan into behaving himself. Real class act.

AND I keep finding her kids' basketball in our yard. I keep throwing it back over the fence (fortunately I can't see this mob over six feet of Colorbond) but if the damn thing ever takes out a window, the ball I'll throw back won't be a basket, it'll be a bowling, and it will be sent with a good deal of kinetic energy. The basketball itself will be added to the cherished collection of tennis balls that my dog has amassed courtesy of the little tykes next door and their lousy aim (they keep me supplied with free fetching balls at least).

Yep, neighbours can suck the big one alright.

Art Blade

the ones that really annoyed the living daylight out of me moved out a few months ago. They used to open all windows and blast HipHop out of them in a fashion that I didn't want to spend time outside. They had a ceiling lamp in the kitchen, some sort of spotlight, that for some reason was pointed straight into my line of sight when I was on the balcony, it blinded me. It was, on top, always switched on. All night, too. WHAT the HELL  :angry-new:

Well, they're gone now and the ones that replaced them are not getting on my nerves at all. :anigrin:


I'm so glad I do not have close neighbors


My neighbours (why don't you write the "u"?) are always like max 10 meters away from me. Man I feel fucked. Sandwiched even :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

hehe, American English spelling tends to cut off stuff or spell it as it sounds to them :)

Like, donut rather than doughnut, nite instead of night, same with lite and light (d!et food) or armor and armour, all that.

Art Blade

oh and, fragger, sorry for slipping that in before you could hit "post." Terribly sorry :gnehe:


lol Art, you beat me by mere seconds :D I'll post it anyway.

Quote from: BinnZ on May 08, 2017, 03:36:11 PM
My neighbours (why don't you write the "u"?)

American spelling is different to English/European. Words ending in "our" are usually spelt without the "u" in the States. Honour is honor, colour is color, etc. I don't know how that came about. We also say "aluminium" but Americans say "aluminum", which changes the stress syllable and the whole pronunciation of the word. It's interesting.

The spellcheck on my Firefox is apparently set to American English as it's always highlighting words which to me are spelled correctly, such as neighbour :gnehe:

Art Blade

oh yes, that blasted spellchecker. I keep teaching it BE but apparently there's a limit to its obviously American soul -- it tends to forget words that I know I already taught. I think the oldest ones get handed down by one every time I add a new one until the very last of the oldest ones get kicked into the abyss. I once installed a British English spellchecker but it was worse (because it hardly knew any words) than teaching the AE one "proper" English. :anigrin:


Are there any spelling differences for some words in Australian English/British English, mate?
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

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Art Blade

As far as I can tell, there's the United States with their "AE" spelling, and then there's the rest of the world who all use "BE" spelling unless they learned in the US or from Americans and therefore use the AE spelling. :anigrin:

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