BinnZ Cuts

Started by BinnZ, April 01, 2017, 06:15:05 AM

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Art Blade

interesting topic. :bigsmile:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"



Indeed. But BinnZ Cuts the *bleep*; let's get back on topic! Despite my neighbours being some whining Jehovah who don't give a *bleep* about culture and Art, I keep on going. Here's my recent progress. I decided a week ago that it was time for the claw chisel ( the one with three 'dents' instead of a single point). This one is used more to peel off layers of stone instead of cutting large shells off with the point chisel. Now it really starts to begin to look like something:

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"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Looking good :) I like the claw marks on the stone :)

Quote from: BinnZ on May 12, 2017, 09:40:13 AMwho don't give a *bleep* about culture and Art

Alright, I don't care about the culture bit but for the other bit, I might have to come over in person and maybe I'll have to borrow that other chisel of yours to make my point.


"No hay luz"


@D_B: Good observations, spot on :)

@Art:  :D  Make that a "triple-point" :gnehe:

@BinnZ  Nice w0#k my friend, looking very intriguing O0

Art Blade

I thought making one strong point would suffice, given the size and weight of the hammer is adequate to land a teeth-rattling blow :anigrin:

Art Blade

I just had an idea, Binn. Next time you're in the garden and notice your neighbours are within earshot, pretend to be talking on the phone to a friend. Then talk loud enough so they understand when you say, "oh really? You're working on a stone sculpture, too? ... Ah yeah, your neighbours.. well, you know what, why don't you bring that stone over to my place, you can w0#k on it here any time you want." :evil2:


 :laughsm: :thumbsup:

That might as well be a good idea indeed :gnehe:
"No hay luz"


"Better one neighbour in pain than two" ;)
"No hay luz"


 :D :thumbsup:

This IS a most interesting topic spanning many diverse thoughts


Looks like you're making some good headway on your project BinnZ.  O0

Ah well.  I waited too long and missed jumping into the language discussion.

Quote from: Art Blade on May 13, 2017, 05:16:14 AM

I thought making one strong point would suffice, given the size and weight of the hammer is adequate to land a teeth-rattling blow :anigrin:

This line gave me a good chuckle.

One of the tools we use in metal forming is a hammer with a hollow brass head partially filled with lead shot.  When used the softness of the brass securely grabs onto the butt end of a forming tool, hole punch, or the Fine Silver/Sterling ID stamps we need to apply without slipping off its mark.  But it's main purpose is to deliver a single powerful solid strike.  The shifting mass of lead shot prevents it from rebounding and causing a second unintentional hit which can mar a piece's surface or spoil a clear ID stamp on a jewelry piece.

It's called a dead blow hammer.  Though I don't think Art wants to get quite that serious with what he had in mind.  :D

On reflection BinnZ when you get into the fine finishing details of your piece you might want a hammer that won't bounce.  :)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

I could disclose that information to you but then I'd have to kill you. :anigrin: neither of which is my intention, by the way. :gnehe:


That might be an interesting choice Mandru. The hammer I'm currently using is made of cast iron and is quite soft. The edges are curling around the base block already, and every hit leaves a little scar on the surface of the hammer. I think this general softness of the iron is causing a hit that is close to that dead blow you mentioned. Anyway, the hammer never bounces to accidentally hit the chisel again. It feels like I'm in control. I also have a wooden hammer (my own fabric) which I might use for gentle sculpting once I get close to the final form. Don't know how that will turn out in terms of bouncing off and twice. We'll see ;)
"No hay luz"


Been a while since I last uploaded my progress. Here's some pics of what it currently looks like. I was suffering from what I call an annoying neighbour that didn't like my hammering, but I am still working on it, although in a slower frequency. The stone is getting shape now, check it out:

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"No hay luz"

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