Hitman 2016

Started by PZ, February 12, 2017, 09:55:03 AM

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Art Blade

Now the editor looks normal again, like it was supposed to be. Thanks again  :anigrin:


Art Blade


Just because. And I love doing that  :anigrin:

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That guy has a long tongue  :-X

Art Blade

and yes, you slipped in your post just before I could hit send.

AND AGAIN  :anigrin:

lol yes, metal gear solid tongue  ;)


 :D I think I'll fire up JC2 for a little while

Art Blade

what is strange though is clicking on the pic and then on top of it the mini-menu on those two diagonally opposed arrows so it expands, it expands oversize. It is bigger than my screen while the original equals my screen.

have fun with JC2  :)

Art Blade

ah sod it, it is because I use zoom on my browser.

Art Blade

"There she goes."
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Did you push that poor young lady off that balcony?  ???

Art Blade

I don't think you'd believe that she sneezed so hard that she got flung over the handrail.. so yes. I did it. :anigrin:  She had risen through the ranks to become the Yakuzas' top law^&r and you see how she is falling through the cold thin air to become a big red smear on the white icy rocks far below that platform. You can virtually hear the thud and snapping of bones  :evil2:



Ah, well, if she was a law^&r, that's okay, you did the world a favour :evil2:

Art Blade

Heh, interesting how I could turn that into something you didn't mean: "fragger is a radical asserter of male jurisdiction and therefore he obviously trusts only in male lawyers; he even goes as far as considering having female lawyers killed a favour to the world" :laughsm:

Or, "fragger is an outspoken sexist outlaw. It is OK with him to kill women and he is convinced that killing people with professions in any way related to law is equivalent of doing 'the world a favour.'" :D


 :D fragger - I suspect that lawyers are universally despised:

  • Prosecutors because they just want to find a fall guy to win a case - they don't really believe in justice, only winning
  • Defense because they just want to release a person, criminal or not, back into the population - they don't really believe in justice, only winning

🡱 🡳

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