Hitman 2016

Started by PZ, February 12, 2017, 09:55:03 AM

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Art Blade

there are other lawyers worth mentioning (and perhaps hating) for instance divorce lawyers.  :anigrin:


Of course - that is only the tip of the iceberg - bodily injury (also called ambulance chasing), corporate, etc., etc. The bottom line for that profession is to make money at someone's expense  :gnehe:

Art Blade

I'm glad I realised it wasn't my cup of tea and quit my studies of the law because of many reasons; essentially because during my studies I noticed unlawful behaviour and injustice at the university itself that was supposed to teach the opposite.


Unfortunately I think that becoming a law^&r is much like becoming a p0L!t!c!an. One may go in with all kinds of altruism, but when actually in the field realize that if they do not conform to the norm for that profession, they will not be successful. Even more unfortunate is that fact that each of those professions have more "bad dudes" than good ones.

Art Blade

At least Hitman offers a satisfying solution. :anigrin: I've killed politicians and lawyers :gnehe:



What's black and tan and looks good on a law^&r?

A pack of Dobermans.


Art Blade


So, I'm in.

Steam sale gave me this game for only 19 euros, the full first season. So that is quite nice.
I've not come across the basic training yet, but these missions are nice to learn the available tricks. For me, it's like 10 years ago since I played a real Hitman game. I don't count those few hours in Absolution since that game isn't really the Hitman it's meant to be.
Those training missions are cool. I like the fact that you actually play in a movie studio version, a remake of the original assassin location. By the way; did you guys know that the word assassin comes from Syria? It's the name the French gave to the HasjHasjin, a group of rebels who believe in the wisdom to read the future in stars, in someone's hands even. They have long been chased and murdered by other religious / cultures groups; Sunits, Turks, Christians etc. Word goes they changed their name into alevits. And they claim to be much more peaceful than back in the days. That's the religion of Asad's regime.  :bigsmile:
There are various explanations why those Hasjhasjins got their name. One is kind of funny. Word goes that they used to smoke lots of hasjisj to get to higher grounds and reach the wisdom to read the stars.
Anyway, this group of people were known for their way of dealing enemies; they would kill and die for the greater cause of their people. Therefore the French adapted their name in a degenerated way 'assassin' to indicate a killer.

Here's some more detailed info on these people; Wikipedia/Assassins

Anyway, I managed to get my first silent assassin award:
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I probably gave a lot of double info, I didn't want to read through the entire topic because it might give some spoilers :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

I'm glad you're enjoying it :) You'll like the "real" missions even more :)

Art Blade

I just unlocked the new katana. Not so new anymore but recent, I just hadn't played Hitman for some time. You get it for completing five challenges that go by the name The Art of Revenge and it is part of the Hokkaido map.

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Art Blade

ahhh. This is a game that doesn't crash, usually the servers are online, and it's created so well that I don't even think about cheating or modding. In other words, whenever I feel like it and fire it up, it simply works. That's how a game is supposed to be. :thumbsup:

For those of you (probably all of you) who are not familiar with what has happened in the recent past, here a quick update.

The developer IOI and their publisher Square Enix split up. IOI now publish their own game on their own. A couple of days/weeks ago, they released a GOTY edition of season one (aka Hitman 2016) and added a whole new story line called Patient Zero, along with it they released three new disguises and a couple of new weapons. For those customers (like me) who hold a season pass along with the original game, it was a bit of a surprise to learn that the season pass does not apply to the update -- they need to purchase it. Some $20 or €20, more or less the same for everyone, is something worth considering.

I decided to buy it because I think by doing so, I'll help the devs and not some publisher. Given the background, I want to help them, show my loyalty, and of course, get my grubby mitts on the new content as I am a fan of the Hitman franchise. I've got and played every Hitman game except Absolution, their allegedly worst iteration which they learned their lesson from, they decided to go back to what all fans agreed upon was best, Hitman Bloodmoney, and improved on that -- the result is Hitman 2016 and now the GOTY edition with extra content. I think it's worth it, a lot of new stuff and a lot of fun :)

Not only did they release that update, they also re-released the Elusive Target series (let's call them ET from now on) to all customers (no matter whether you updated or not) and by that, they allowed every player who missed out on any of the original ET to give it another try.

ET are missions that are released every two or three weeks and are live for about one week, then they're gone forever. They are called "elusive" targets because they're not marked on your mini map and you cannot see them using instinct (it would show normal targets in a red silhouette), there they're just a blip like any other random AI. You need to watch the intro vid (the contract) and can look up a picture at any time but you need to visually recognise them, find a way to kill them without anyone watching you so you won't get hunted and very likely get killed. And, essentially, you've only got one single attempt to pass the mission.

It means, as long as neither you nor the ET has died, you can start over at any given time until the mission will be removed after about a week, and if you die, it's over for good. If the ET dies, you cannot exit and restart, you must finish the mission. Either you manage or you don't, it will really be the end of the current ET mission. So it is very thrilling and quite a challenge.

I am telling you that so you understand that missing out (not playing) on one doesn't count against you, so now you are given a second chance. However, if you failed or succeeded during the original release, the result cannot be undone, so you cannot replay those missions now. For me and everyone else who purchased the original game after the original release, it is an unexpected gift and a very welcome opportunity to play those missions now that were originally released before we purchased the game, they were simply lost to us. Now they're back. Cool O0

Well. The main reason you want to play ET is to unlock unique exclusive disguises if you succeed and pass certain challenges (like, kill one ET in Bangkok.. they'd release missions across all maps) When I was new to the game and I tackled my very first ET, I failed absolutely horribly. I was panicking, had sweaty hands, a heart rate way beyond normal, heart pounding like a jack-hammer and all that -- I'll never forget it. :anigrin:

After that, I managed to kill (success) all of the following 11 ET and.. realised that I'd have needed only two more to unlock the last disguise. It was impossible, they were officially no longer releasing any new ET and I was both sad and annoyed.

Until now. Some two weeks ago I succeeded in killing the very first re-released ET and today the second one. So today I killed my 13th ET and unlocked the last disguise. I'm happy. :)

final suit
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I hope they stay independent and don't end up with studiokiller EA, Activi$ion, Warner Bros, Konami or UBI*bleep*.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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