Movie: The Free State Of Jones

Started by fragger, April 09, 2017, 07:43:37 PM

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I saw this on DVD last night and it blew me away. It's pretty much an "indie" film and and such is characteristically superior to the formulaic garbage Hollywood regularly spews out.

Based on real events during (and immediately after) the American Civil War, it's about Jones County, Mississippi, whose mostly poor yeoman farmers become disillusioned with the Confederacy and in effect secede from same, in union with a number of runaway slaves. Matthew McConaughey plays the lead role of Newton Knight, an open advocate of racial equality and interracial relationships who instigates the "seccession", and it's far and away the best thing I've seen him do to date. He was the only cast member I'd heard of, all the rest are "unknowns", but there is not one weak performance among the lot.

It's not an action-fest, though there is some medium-graphic CW action at the beginning, and a few more armed conflicts that take place during the course of the film - this rebellion against the rebels didn't exactly proceed peacefully. Nor is it a fast mover. Certainly not one for the instant-gratification bunch, but I found it quite riveting despite the slowish pace. I already knew a little of the actual event (sometimes referred to as "The Kingdom Of Jones") and it was cool to see a movie rendition of it, despite some obvious liberties being taken. It's also one of the most authentic-looking period pieces I've ever seen. The sets and costumes in particular are fantastic, like someone traveled back in time and filmed what they saw. You really get a sense of what it was like to live in that period.

I highly recommend this film.


Art Blade

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