Nov-17-17 recent Firefox update

Started by mandru, November 17, 2017, 08:44:55 PM

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We recently had a Firefox update that was less that satisfactory on both Mrs. mandru's and my compters.

The icons in the tool bar have all gone to a black and white minimalist appearance and most distressing was at first it looked as if my many saved bookmarks had been lost in the update.  It seemed that a disaster had occurred and only my most recent bookmarks had survived.

It turned out that the new icon for Bookmarks is a header for all bookmark functions.  It now opens up a maze I had to w0#k my way through (over several nonsensical and user unfriendly clicks) to find my full menu of itemized folders and various loose bookmarks that I visit frequently.

Fortunately after some considerable frustration I was able to locate a way to pull up my full bookmark menu.

If this FF update has affected or does affect you in a similar fashion if you've not been impacted by it yet the fix is a simple one.

I found that Right Clicking an open space on the toolbar at the top of the FF window where the Minimize and Exit Window icons are located and then selecting (or toggling on) the Menu Bar option gave me back the several options (including my precious bookmarks) that live in the menu bar.  All without eating up any more space on the viewing field.

I've no idea why they hid all of that with this update instead of allowing the User to stick to their own preferences.  :banghead:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


apart from the tabs now having an orange background, nothing much has changed regarding appearance -- the bookmarks are sitting on the menu or more likely, bookmark bar as before and what cannot fit in there continues to the right with a ">>" symbol as before. Apparently the page refresh button has returned to sit on the left hand side. I remember when they changed that to the right, it was left of the search input and that meant not centre, not far side, just somewhere roughly middle right and I hated it :anigrin:

Albeit we'll have to wait for NoScript to match the new standard.


Quote from: Art Blade on November 18, 2017, 01:23:24 AM
Albeit we'll have to wait for NoScript to match the new standard.
Or roll back to 56.0.2 witch can be found on their ftp:
(56.0.2 is the last release version supporting legacy add-ons.)


Mine came up with the menu bar still showing along the top of the screen, but I no longer have the custom background that I used to have up there (no big deal, I was a bit sick of it anyway). I also thought the Home icon had disappeared, but it's migrated to the left side now, next to the Refresh one.

My tabs have white backgrounds, like mandru's. In the right section of my URL window I have an icon for "Enter Reader View", then a "..." (for "Page Actions"), a "Save to Pocket" icon (which I never use) and the "Bookmark This Page" star. Then comes the Search window, then my "View History", "AdBlocker", my anti-virus and "Show Sidebars" icons. Then "Open Menu" icon at the end. I don't have ">>" because there's not enough tool icons there to make it appear.

Art Blade

thanks, TV :)

the orange must be from my windows colour scheme.



The reason I tossed the description of this fix out was I'd seen this problem arise twice.

First on Mrs. mandru's computer which is a recent purchase for which I'd not set up the preferences and then again two days later when my computer updated.

It's good in none of you experience similar frustration.  :)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


My biggest problem was with the lack of legacy plugin support, which one can fix by roll back. I like my old mods, so now regret having set my FF to update automatically.


The only thing that changed for me was the black tabs instead of the greyish white I had before. Don't really like it, but it's no big deal. Also the icon in the taskbar has changed. I remember the fox being orange, not it is a clear spectrum from red to yellow.
"No hay luz"


Okay.  ::)

By going in and customizing my tools in the toolbar I was able to find the "Show your bookmarks" icon ( a "[" bracket laying on its back prongs upwards with a star over it  :banghead:) that I had overlooked on my first attempt at locating all my save points that I thought were lost.  So I've been able to hide the Menu Bar on our computers returning to something resembling a normal preference setting once again.

It sounds like all you guys had this already present in your toolbar after the download.  I've no idea why it was missing in both of our download experiences.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

you bein' studyin' Murphy's law a lot, recently? :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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