Been a long, long,,,, a very long time ...

Started by Diablo_Lobo, May 04, 2017, 07:36:03 PM

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Hey Guys,

It has been about 4 years, since I have been around here. I did not mean to abandon you all, but .....

I'll try to keep this short. My wife has been diabetic for about 10 years, and had numerous health issues over the years, but In July of '13 my wife had 2 heart attacks in one week, followed by 3 heart surgeries. So, regular and frequent Dr's appointments, trips for different test, and lengthly hospital stays became the norm. Then in Oct '13, she was told she was in stage 4 renal failure, so dialysis 3 times a week too.

So I had to retire early, to take care of her as I was not about to put her in an old folks home, or leave her daily care to home-health care, not in the U.S. anyway.

Over the last 2 years, she has lost her lower left leg (below the knee) during 3 different amputations, and then in the last year, her right leg above the knee with another 3 amputations.

Back in January, after 36+ years married,  I lost her.

Not saying this for pity, just trying to let you guys know, that sometimes real life must come first, and I did not mean to leave, for as long as I did, and after the ball started rolling, I just never thought about coming by and saying "hey I am too busy." I guess I spent a lot of time hoping that things would in some way get back to normal, well they didn't, and never will be again ,,,,,

But if you all don't mind, I would really like to take another crack at modding FC2 SP again. I don't know how far you all have gotten or if you are even interested in old FC2, but I have got to get myself busy doing something,... BTW,  I thought I saw a post somewhere on the old site, where someone managed to start modding the DLC. Is that right ? I was trying to get that figured when, well that is where I left off, I think.

But anyway, I am back, sorry that I never got back by to explain why before now, but ....

Thanks for listening,


So sorry to hear about your loss Diablo_Lobo - life can be harsh at times, and there are no words that can adequately describe how one feels that loss.  :(

Yes, there are still a few modders for FC2 in our organization, and some of us (myself included) fire up FC2 once in a while to relive the good 'ol days of one of the first (and in my opinion, the best) of the original open world games.


Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.


I appreciate your sentiments and condolences. And I know life is rough, like my wife used to say, "Life's a bitch, and then you marry her"  :)

And like I said, am not looking for pity. I still think we made a damn good run at it. 36+ years, 4 daughters and almost a dozen grandkids and still counting,.... 

I just needed ya'll to know that I did not just up and run off, "disappear".

Been trying to catch up on the tools and methods to mod FC2 and the DLC. Hope to get started on it real soon. Just need a couple cups of Joe.

Art Blade

hey man, first off a +1 :thumbsup: for you. Because despite all the *bleep* you still managed to return, to which I say, "thank you, good to have you back." :)

And secondly, of course, sorry about all the *bleep* you have been going through. I think you returning to our site will give you a welcome distraction and you're very welcome to hang abouts :bigsmile:


Sorry for your loss.

I hope you will still do the things in life that makes you happy :bigsmile:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Welcome back Diablo_Lobo.

Life sucks sometimes, but those moments also show value of things. I'd love to help you with the FC2 modding, only I don't know *bleep* about modding :anigrin:

"No hay luz"


Welcome back D_L
When we lose a loved one here on earth, we gain an angel in heaven that watches over us. My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family. May God give you the peace that you seek my friend.
Respect is earned, not given.


Welcome back to OWG, Diablo. I know there are no words, but what we guys can definitely provide is friendship and support. You'll always have that from us :)

Feel free to bend our ears about anything FC2-related, anytime!

Art Blade


But... it would be nice if you stayed for a while now :anigrin: 8)
"No hay luz"

🡱 🡳

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