Just Cause 2 Bullshittery

Started by LinkHero, March 30, 2017, 09:53:39 PM

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I decided to fire up Just cause 2 today for some random destruction ( after a really depressing day). So I had some ... issues and I found a statue of Pandak Panay, and said,"F*** it, I'm going to town with this one." Then I took some C4, and applied it to the statue's ... let's just call it a critical area. After detonation, Rico said,"That's got to hurt the big guy."

No *bleep*, Sherlock.
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.


 :D :thumbsup:  I remember that line - there are quite a few that are funny.  Even though JC3 has better graphics than JC2, I sill like the latter better.
The pattern continues: when a developer hits a home run with a game, each subsequent iteration becomes worse than the prior one. Evidently you have to qualify as a moron to become the lead developer in sequel titles.


New method of travel in Panau: rooftop travel.

Basically you grapple to the roof of a civilian's car and he drives you wherever you want to go. The other civilian vehicles actually move out of the road to make way for your car.

Inspired from Indian railways, where some morons ride on the roof of trains.
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Not to that extreme a degree, but sadly, yes.
THe picture above is of the junta going to the Maha Kumbh Mela, a very iconic festival
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.

Art Blade

JC2 is perfect with a couple of mods. I remember a rocket launcher that, when fired, reminded me very much of a space shuttle launch.  :anigrin:


Quote from: PZ on March 31, 2017, 09:50:44 AM
The pattern continues: when a developer hits a home run with a game, each subsequent iteration becomes worse than the prior one. Evidently you have to qualify as a moron to become the lead developer in sequel titles.

Rockstar seems to be, so far, the only exception to that rule. But hey, what about Bethesda? With their Fallout series? Aren't they improving? I can't tell myself since I only played FO3, but I bet F)4 is a big hit to the ones of us playing the game... :huh-new:
"No hay luz"


I like the Fallout series, especially FO3. I was excited to see Fallout New Vegas come out, but was disappointed in the game - never finished it. When FO4 came out I was equally excited, and I think it is a good game,  However, unlike FO3, I never finished the game, but it is definitely on my list to heavily mod with better companions, homes, weapons and NPCs just like I did with FO3.

Like Art, I modded JC2 to the point where it is really fun, and so much better than the original game. The grapple hook now has an extremely long range, your faction friends will hop into vehicles with you and take the fight to the cops, and many more game changing features.


Quote from: BinnZ on April 01, 2017, 08:53:15 AM
Rockstar seems to be, so far, the only exception to that rule. But hey, what about Bethesda? With their Fallout series? Aren't they improving? I can't tell myself since I only played FO3, but I bet F)4 is a big hit to the ones of us playing the game... :huh-new:
Speaking of Bethesda, the Elder Scrolls series is also an exception. Each game gets better and better, especially with mod compatibility. So much so that on release of Skyrim Special Edition, most people found the original Skyrim with mods to have better graphics than vanilla Skyrim SE.
Quote from: OWGKID on April 01, 2017, 05:10:51 AM
LOL, Like this?
Also OWGkid, hanks for the pic, it tells me that you have some Danish roots. Sherlock skills ftw!!!
<Shameless advertisement> Speaking of which, if you love open world games, go for Skyrim. Fallout players will find the game familiar, so it's an added level of enjoyment. </Shameless advertisement>
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.


Norwegian, but hey, Denmark is pretty close ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Enemy rocketeer fail:
I was at some big port near the centre of Panau, and facing a rocketeer. As you may know, enemy rickets have heat seeking abilities, i.e. they target Rico. So if you stand very clise to the rocketer and run around him, the enemy's rocket actually goes in circles around you. And if you are at the perfect distance from the enemy, it actually hits him.

A pity that JC 2 doesn't have troll faces. ;)
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.


 :laughsm: Well, that's an un-usual way to program rockets :P Perhaps the designers thought the grappling hook would make it easier to evade rockets...
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Quote from: OWGKID on April 03, 2017, 12:30:08 AM
...Perhaps the designers thought the grappling hook would make it easier to evade rockets...

Could be - I've grapple hooked my way out of trouble more times than I can count  :bigsmile:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Strange Enemy deaths in JC2:

1. Death by radio mast.
Life goes on as normal in Panau, with Rico attacking in military bases. A random govman is trying to get a shot on him with his revolver, when suddenly he is crushed to death by a piece of the falling radio tower (which was destroyed just seconds earlier).

2. Roadkill... with a boat.
The military is chasing a gun-toting parachuting terrorist, when suddenly he lands on one of their boats and hijacks it, after throwing the driver out. He then turns the boat around, and runs over said ex-driver, sending him under.

Pls comment the strangest enemy deaths that yho have witnessed/ had a hand in causing.
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.

🡱 🡳

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