Counter-Strike Global Offensive

Started by LowPolyOWG, November 28, 2017, 03:43:30 PM

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So, BinnZ finally decided to grab the world's famous e-sport game :anigrin:

What is it? It's a tactical 5v5 shooter which pits counter-terrorists vs terrorists across various maps. The game makes extensive use of tactics such as "flicking", "peeking behind cover" "bunny hopping", "pre-firing", "'nade bouncing" and "weapon spray". There is no aim down sights mechanic. But what does these mean?

"Flick/twitch/VAC" shots: Basically, the player can pull a 180 and hit the target in one swift motion. Requires good aim and reaction. VAC comes from Valve Anti Cheat. Those twitch shots are usually not possible without cheating, hence the term "VAC" shots.

"Peeking": The act of poking behind a corner so the crosshair is pointing at the target. The player is partially hidden by the wall/door, but can fire upon other players.

"Bunny hopping": Jumping like a kangaroo by binding "jump" to the mouse wheel. If done correctly, you can traverse a map more quickly.

"Grenade bouncing": In this game, some grenades can be bounced to reach certain areas. Used by smoke grenade throwers as they can make it bounce or hit a chokepoint from afar.

"Weapon spray": While CS GO lacks an ADS mechanic, weapons has different spray patterns. By pulling your mouse up or down, you can hit enemies while not aiming directly at them. Only works when you hold the trigger down.

"One tap": Killing the enemy instantly with a non-sniper weapon. Basically a headshot with the Desert Eagle/AK-47.

"Pre-fire": Shoot at the enemy before he can react. Might be considered "cheating", unless the target is deliberately revealing himself by reloading or rushing.

"Smurf": A high-ranked CS GO player using an alt account to crush lower levels. Often done when players hits "global elite" or they simply can't advance higher.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Sounds tempting Gkid! I'm looking forward to it, gonna give it a test round or two this weekend ;)

I don't fully understand these mechanics and am hoping you are willing to demonstrate them to me :) :thumbsup:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

omg.. peeps, stay away from the servers this weekend!! :anigrin:


 :laughsm: :anigrin: Will definitely help you.

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In-game. Note my default crosshair and the yellow color.

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Team selection. Note the stats in the corner. I use it so I can see if the server is 64 tick and dedicated.

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Weapon buy menu. This is the pistol round. For beginners, NEVER buy the Deagle. Sure, you can spam it, but accuracy is degraded to the point you wouldn't hit a barn. Can be used to snipe with if you're skilled enough

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Heavy weapons. Not useful in competetive. Except for the shotguns :)

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The AR/Snipers. For the T side, the SCAR will be replaced by the PSG-1 and the AUG with the SIG553

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SMGs. Perfect for run and gun. Just learn their spray patterns.

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Armour. T side cannot equip defuse kit (Never heard of terrorists defusing their own bomb)  :huh-new:

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Grenades. For the T side, they use molotovs rather than a military incendiary device.

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Pushing towards B site on Dust2. Note the red crosshair, this is generated by the custom map. I highly recommend you download that map and choose a custom crosshair.

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The default crosshair. Not being static, it distracts your aim as your eyes may end up focusing on the lines. It's also obstructive as you see.

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How not to fire a Deagle

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Using the weapon spray to kill enemies with headshots while I'm not aiming for the head :evil2: Note the flash being bullet impacts hitting the wall.

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The Crosshair I am using. The map features the Crosshairs used by the professional e-sport scene.

Crosshair map. It's legal to use, crosshairs doesn't affect gameplay. It really comes down to the users' experience with the weapons in the game. But it can definitely improve your feel of the game. Also, it's from the Steam workshop.

Other things to mention is the shift/ctrl keys. Shift makes you go in "stealth" mode so enemies can't hear your footsteps. CTRL is crouch, used to go through small tunnels. I recommend to set them to "toggle" rather than the default "Hold". But that's my experience with it.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Art Blade


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Ahhhh, that brings back memories.... so many of them...
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.


Rush B, cyka blyat idi nahoy?

If you don't get it: This game is for whatever reason played by a lot of Russians. Russian cursewords are therefore popular within the community.

Just learned Binnatics the weapon mechanics. We loaded in the custom map I recommended to him. He has good aim  :bigsmile:

We also jumped into a casual game. Bit difficult. I haven't played that for a long time so I suck on that mode.

Short game modes info. All can be played with the bots in offline mode.

Casual: Defusal. Player counts are 10 vs 10. Everyone has one life per round. You earn money for killing players and finishing a round. Often played by beginners. Game ends if a team has above 8 points. The team with the highest score after or before 15 rounds, win. Round is won by detonating the bomb for the Ts or the AT team defuse it or eliminate the Ts. If round timer runs out, the AT team wins

Deathmatch: Kill players with random or bought weapons. Infinte respawns. Game ends if the time runs out or the score limit is hit.

Gun Game: Kill players to advance to another weapon. Game ends upon a player reaching the top tier.

Competitive: Either hostage rescue or SnD (Search and Destroy). 5v5, no respawn during a round. 30 rounds with 1:30 to complete. However, you cannot leave midmatch as it will result in a matchmaking cooldown. It ranges from 30 minutes to 1 week. Friendly fire enabled. The team with 16 points wins. Up to four grenades can be carried. Two flashbangs can be carried.

Hostage: AT need to save two hostages and carry them to spawn. T has to defend their hostages.

Defusal: Same as in casual.

There is a tutorial mode too. Should be found under the "Find game" menu. Might be worth a try and it also explain stuff I haven't managed to.

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

I only played that game once, and I think it was at least once Casual: Defusal. I was at a friend's place, on his computer. Never played it before, never thereafter. Not my cup of tea, for whatever reason.


It's a slow paced game and you need to be accurate with the keyboard and the mouse. You also need to figure out the behavior for every weapon. Of course, it isn't everyone's cup of tea.

Just a small tip: The developer console.

I run the following command: net_graph 1. This creates an overlay in the bottom right that tells you about the game conenction. It's also possible to determinate how much traffic the game can send on your network and the "ping" for matchmaking (delay between the server/players). All playlists are run across dedicated servers (except for private matches)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Thanks for all the help so far GKID! I'm not sure if I like this game/ What I like about it, is that it has a good dedicated server *bleep*. So if you want a DM you don't suffer from any weird bullshit making some players overpowered and others feel like they shoot rubber bullets. That's what usually happens in R* MP games and I hate it. Somehow I'm 80% of the times the rubber bullet guy.

I think the type of game isn't exactly what I like, but I haven't tried out the Deathmatch yet, that might be more my thing. Will keep trying though, before I put it aside ;)
"No hay luz"


Yep, Valve has always been using dedicated servers. R* probably went for P2P because of the complexity of GTA Online and last gen networking. Also, costs. Unfortunately, cheaters can run rampant as there is no server checking for cheats/malicious software.

There are some super bullets in CS GO, but the 64 Hz tick makes it unnoticeable and weapons have high headshot damage. Well, there are 128 Hz 3rd party servers. Which further eliminate the super bullets and makes peeking more responsive. Valve haven't jumped on that, you need solid high bandwidth server/client connections. Before updates, the hit detection was poor back in 2013. In 2015, Valve fixed animations and fixed hit boxes.

Good to see you are giving it a try. I wasn't so eager to play this, until I learned to adapt to the mechanics. My friends have been veterans since the original release, 1.6 and Source.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Just read on NRK P3 that our NRK Sport channel will broadcast the CS: GO ESL Pro League finale from Odense, Denmark tomorrow at 15:30 PM.  ???

NRK wasn't so keen to broadcast something like that, considering how the game plays and gaming is considered a hobby here. After some external reviewing, they found out that the mechanics involved were equal to tactics found in real sport. There's also a Norwegian e-sport player playing for Faze clan. Tomorrow, they will fight against SK Gaming from Brazil.

NRK's statement:
"Counter Strike er et skytespill, men det er også et strategisk og taktisk spill. Det ser voldeligt ut, men det er et spill som samler millioner på millioner av unge verden over. Vi mener det er både riktig og viktig å vise frem fenomenet."

"Counter Strike is a shooter game, but it's a strategic and tactical game. It looks violent, but it is a game that attracts millions upon millions of youths across the world. We believe it's both right and important to show the phenomenon"

I am definitely going to watch this on my PC tomorrow :bigsmile:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳