Win 10 Creator update

Started by mandru, April 17, 2017, 10:03:42 PM

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Unfortunately it appears to be a widespread problem  :undecided-new:


Regarding my computer woes I've heard and verified through observation that Murphy was an optimist.  ::)

A lot of the time for me it seems as if it's a case of "Anything that can go wrong needs to take a number and wait for its bloody turn at the end of the queue."

On the topic of public assistance I do feel that there are dire situations where there is social responsibility to care for individuals or families in need of responsive assistance however I feel that the determining line has been progressively distorted and abused.

Sure I'll take the heat and potential labeling as a hater for my views about welfare and public support programs but it all comes down to winning elections.

Increasing the number of people you can load on the government dole and the more lavish the promises from politicians of continuing/increasing grant and free services (free college, free sex changes, fully socialized medical, etc...)  amounts to nothing more than a universal plantation of slaves where the product harvested is votes.

People who have become dependent on and satisfied with the (promised) quality of life from kicking back and letting the free stuff roll in will almost invariably vote for "More Free Stuff" and which ever p0L!t!c!an sells his vision of milk and honey to the most people is often the victor at eh polls.

Nothing is free.  Someone somewhere and at some point in time will have to pay it all back.  Right now you could strip the richest 1% of every asset the total value of that accumulated wealth would rattle around like a BB in a shaken Boxcar compared to hole created by our national debt.

If governments need to take out loans to maintain the free stuff there will come a day when the piper plays and demands the reckoning.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


On a positive note regarding a fair portion of my lost files.

I pulled an old hard drive back out of my computer junk box.  You know the box (or two or three boxes I suspect we all have).  ::)

That collection of old cables and ill advised spur of the moment tech purchases that because of the money spent we couldn't bring ourselves to throw away.  When the computer that HD lived in (10 or so years ago) was phased out and replaced by a newer gaming system I'd converted it into a self powered USB remote 250GB storage drive.

I was able to recover quite a few of my really old graphic files and some other random weird (unfortunately not Word) files that for some reason I'd thought saving was worthwhile way back them.

The recovery of a roughly sketched (in MS Paint) cartoon "La Chez Luna" of an astronaut who'd parked his lunar rover (its tracks in the dust fading back over the horizon) and was sitting at an Al fresco table in front of what could be considered a really out of the way bistro.  He was addressing a spacesuit clad waiter with the comment "The food's good but your place lacks atmosphere." made me chuckle.  :anigrin:

That took some of the sting out of the loss of something like 50 more recent MS Paint experiments.  Because of Mrs. mandru being a weaver (we have no less than 5 looms ranging from small to huge stored and eating up space in this shoe box of an apartment) using Paint I was virtually rigging loom yarn placement setups for the production of plaids and tartan patterns.

Each of those sample files were composed of a base pattern draft laid in pixel by pixel, an expanded fabric swatch (copy the loom set, manual match to pattern, and paste came in very handy with this step) to determine if it was a pattern worth saving, and additional examples (usually 3) of each base pattern's fabric swatches but using alternate colors swapped in for the original colors.

If nothing else I still have a useless understanding of the nature of Twill fabric that I probably wouldn't have been able to acquire any other way.  :laughsm:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"



Excellent!  I've been in a similar position but with a failed hard drive.  Lost many of my photos, but was able to retrieve a good many of them from other drives plus my Google Photos albums


I'm glad you were able to retrieve at least some of your files mandru :thumbsup: I too still have a couple of HDDs from pre-loved machines hanging around, just in case (finds something wooden to knock on).

That astronaut gag gave me a good laugh :D

Art Blade

I can't get rid of the punch line, it keeps coming back in my mind -- "lacks atmosphere" :anigrin:

🡱 🡳

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