The Stealth Mod - Merc awareness, camo suit, and stealth SOLVED

Started by Diablo_Lobo, May 05, 2017, 12:20:38 AM

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I know that a few people downloaded, edited/ added the mods, recompiled the mod, and played it. I never did get any negative feedback or reports of bugs. The link to the "Knowlege Base article " about the mod is here ....;area=article;cont=60 

The discussion about the mod was here.

I am posing this as a poll to decide wether or not it would be worth the effort to improve it. This is a mod that tries to improve the stealth mode of playing FC2. If you object to the mod based solely on the fact that you ONLY prefer the Run and Gun type of gameplay, please do not vote.

There is another mod being developed for those that enjoy R&G gameplay. Again, this mod is specifically for those that enjoy playing the Stealth form of gameplay.

BTW, it is possible that you can also enjoy both mods,  ;)

Art Blade


Not going to vote because I don't play FC2 any more but still I want to remind you of the not working stealth aspect of the very expensive camo suit. I know some people said it worked, at least "to some extent" to put it this way, but there also were people who said it didn't w0#k (I was one of them) -- a camo suit should prevent you from getting spotted easily while hiding in the bushes. It was random. I could hide in the bushes and not get spotted without wearing the suit while it was also possible to get spotted while wearing it.

If that camo suit actually worked, it would certainly be highly praised and appreciated. :)


I lost the ability to compile mods (why I do not know, but an error is thrown) I too would have liked the camo suit to w0#k like advertised, but did not find it to do so in most situations - sometimes it appeared to w0#k, but in some instances without the camo suit I appeared to be less visible.


I am going to remove this poll, question. I had honestly thought that the mod had worked pretty well, but since 2 of the "ole timers" have weighed in with opinions to the contrary.

For now, I am just going back into Africa for another run, and will forgo the modding for now.

Thanks for the reply gents.
Tried to remove the poll, edit it, but did not w0#k. Can an Admin remove it. Thanks


Art Blade

I just noticed that my statement about the camo suit looks as if I was referring to the mod which wasn't my intention.

I meant the "old" vanilla camo suit and perhaps an option to have a working one with your mod.

I don't know whether or not the stealth mod worked. I think back in the day I didn't try it or was unable to combine it with mods I used.


I would have loved to combine my ridiculous over the top mod with D_L's stealth mod  :thumbsup:

It would be nice to be able to roam the FC2 world without having to be tormented the entire way.

Art Blade


Art Blade

yep, best overhear conversations without them knowing/noticing someone is eavesdropping on them :gnehe:


Indeed - interestingly I heard those conversations using that line argument when I never heard them in the game when playing without cheats. I think I probably played long enough to have heard everything, but evidently that was not the case.

Art Blade

without that cheat, I rarely heard them say anything else but "Look what we got.." and "AAARGH!"  :anigrin:


Art Blade

"..he shot himself in the foot the other day." That's true, that indeed we heard a lot, too :anigrin:

🡱 🡳

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