Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Started by PZ, April 12, 2017, 08:03:10 AM

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Anyone have knowledge of this game?

The reviews are not that good, but similar to what took place during FC2 reviews back in the day. 

A very large open world shooter, many of the complaints I've read are characteristics that I actually appreciated from FC2.

I love desert scenes like this
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Art Blade

it's U*bleep* -- not gonna touch that.


This is a rather good review video - of course, the thoughts of this particular gamer, but he mentions things that I like.

  • Fully open world
  • No story mission line - you are to kill a cartel boss, but there are no main line missions - you explore the world at your pace doing whatever pleases you
  • Very large map - he claims 4-5 times the size of GTA, and all of it open from the beginning - no locked areas like UBI*bleep* normally likes to do
  • Specialize in whatever talents you like from electronics expert to marksman
  • Slow paced game because you decide how you want to approach it
  • Beautiful world - makes you want to just explore and look around


This guy mentions good coop, and says that he thinks this game is a combination of Just Cause, Far Cry, and Socom. I can see the similarities  to the buildings in FC2, some of the game play in FC4, and even the parachute in JC3


The driving controls are horrendous and PC port is also "unoptimized", you need a monster PC to run this at high settings...
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah, I read that the vehicle controls were not that good - looked like driving in the Far Cry games.

They had it on sale for the PS4, so I couldn't help myself  :gnehe:


The game sounds good, except for two things: poor PC optimization, and Ubisoft. That counts as a double-whammy for me :undecided-new:


You're right about that fragger.  I'll see how it goes, but like with quite a few movies I really like - they are rated poorly, so I'm hoping this will be like FC2 - tons of bad ratings, but a game I can appreciate.


Well, the game came in the mail and I popped it into the console fully expecting to spend a day and a half doing a reported 8gb update. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see a message appear on the update download page indicating that I could bypass the update and play the game - I would be missing the online component.

How refreshing to be able to opt out of an update.

Art Blade


The funny part is that I did not have time to game when it arrived in the mail, but had budgeted the day and a half download time to do the update.  Now I have the game but still have not been able to start it!  :D

Art Blade

you need to w0#k on your scheduling skills, man :anigrin:



The problem is that I'm so Pavlovian when it comes to the game companies making the experience increasing worse and obstructive to gamers like me that I automatically assume the first experience when starting a game is going to be a bad one, and plan accordingly  :gnehe:

Art Blade

Alright, makes sense. But I hope you're not that Pavlovian that you start to drool when someone rings a bell :anigrin:


 :anigrin:  luckily not Pavlovian with that kind of stimulus!

Back on topic - stated the game and I love it! The best game since FC2 as far as UBI*bleep* games go in my book. Certainly not for everyone, but here are a few thoughts:

  • You can completely customize your character with clothing hair, face, etc like in the Fallout games
  • You have full access to the entire map right from the start, and you also have decent weapons - I already have a couple of suppressed assault rifles and a suppressed pistol. You can go anywhere and do anything - best part is unlike the Far Cry 2 where everyone is hostile, you are left to your own devices on the roads as long as you don't cause any problems.
  • Driving to my first mission - plenty of interesting side roads that were really cool to explore
  • People are walking along the side of the roads much more like what we saw in the FC2 intro
  • You travel as a group of 4 team members - either you can do online coop or the game has rather good AI that knows what to do.
  • You can get into a vehicle as either the driver or a passenger - you can hang out the windows to do shooting - the animations are very good
  • The world is beautiful - there is so much to explore even if you don't do any of the missions
  • Here's one of the best parts: you can stand, crouch, or go prone
  • Weapons appear to be fully customizable
  • Your drone (which you have from the start) runs out of battery if you go too long, you can target the cartel members
  • Your binoculars, which you also have from the start appear to w0#k well

The bottom line at least for my gaming tastes is that UBI*bleep* has taken all the best parts of the Far Cry series and left out the worst.  I hope the game does not disappoint (for instance, with a stupid boss sequence, or drug-induced haze, both of which I detested in FC3, FC4) but so far, it has been nothing short of spectacular.

This is a very short video illustrating sync shots - you target one guy and one of your team mates will acquire him - then you target a second one and take the shot - the two targets die simultaneously - really cool. Best to watch this video full screen.

🡱 🡳

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