Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Started by PZ, April 12, 2017, 08:03:10 AM

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Either way I'd end up dead - laughing too hard to respond to the "threat"

Art Blade


just started this :D let the party begin!!


I got my hands on an armored vehicle, man, is this a mean thing......... :anigrin:
Took it for a drive to see how it handles, the idea is to keep an eye on the hud for enemy vehicle approaching, just before it comes in sight you press the attack button, or when you get near an enemy way station or something, it's mayhem............ :evil2:   

I used it on a "Steal a Helicopter" mission, everything got blown up, even the Helicopter we were supposed to steal was blown up   :banghead:
Respect is earned, not given.


Look for, and then either shoot the pilot or sync shoot him  :evil2:

Art Blade

I like those first encounter screw-ups. You go in YAAAAY only to realise you've just blown up something you weren't supposed to. :anigrin: Then there is the next time. Not so much YAAAAY anymore but at least you know what you're doing. Or, what you're supposed to be doing. :anigrin:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Unfortunately you can't control who or what gets blown up, your team mates
gets the order to attack and that's just what they do, they attack and shoot all the bad guys,
so if a bad guy hides behind a vehicle or Helicopter, said vehicle and/or
helicopter gets blown sky high, and I mean "sky high"   :evil2:
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade


In that particular situation (helicopter must not get blown up) the global attack order obviously isn't helpful.

I'd try a tactical approach. Either the one PZ suggested, picking your targets manually and then a synchronised kill shot, two or if possible more targets down. Which still doesn't completely guarantee that the chopper won't get blown up. Or, use a bait (throw a stone) to lure them away from the chopper and then take them out. Motto: weeding out the resistance.

If someone close to the chopper survived all that or simply if he's just left over and won't cease to hold a position close to the chopper, then that's a surgical strike target -- do it yourself with a precision kill.

I hope it works O0


AB's advice is spot on.  O0

I use the stealthy sync shot instructions to my team mates all the time, and if I choose the targets properly (guys out of sight of their friends) then I can sometimes clear an entire area without firing a shot. However, it is fun to use a good sniper rifle to take out the most important target  :evil2:

Art Blade


That's what I usually do, so I was just advising everyone not to use an armored vehicle when doing a chopper mission.
Driving around in one of these armored vehicles picking fights with the bad guys
when I noticed we were in the area of a chopper mission so I decided to do the mission by arriving there in this thing,
shoot everyone to pieces and take the chopper.

Only, everything went up in flames, chopper included  :anigrin:
Respect is earned, not given.


I get it now  O0

Yeah, using military vehicles is not the way to go in stealthy. If you use a benign common vehicle, you can sometimes drive right into a hostile area, especially at night.

Art Blade

are there any benign bicycles with a white flag strapped to them that you could use?

OK. A tad unrealistic, perhaps  :gnehe:



I'd ride one of those to get into a hostile area undetected  :bigsmile:

🡱 🡳

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