Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Started by PZ, April 12, 2017, 08:03:10 AM

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Nice, does it do a better job stopping convoys? Maxed out the VHC Destroy skill and my HTI destroys the convoy targets rather than disabling them :banghead:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I don't know because I just obtained the sniper and have not done any convoy missions yet. I'll try one likely the next time I go in to see how they go, but it kind of reminds me of the convoy missions in FC2 where I used the AS50 to disable the big truck, then went in to mop up the survivors. We'll see how it goes  :gnehe:

What I really like about the game is that you can use a wide variety of techniques to get the job done. There is usually a method that makes the mission easy if you think about the approach - at least so far  O0


Tried it now, the MSR disables the vehicle in two shots. Still, I get the full reward rather than the usual 50% with the HTI. I might experiment using the suppressor next time on the HTI, it reduces the damage.

Ok, suppressor makes it useless...

Seems like taking away the long barrel attachment made the convoy vehicle survive with just 1 HP ??? :gnehe:

Dealing with a convoy OWGKID's way 101:

1. Get a sniper rifle (preferably the HTI, statistically similar to the AMR from FC3/FC4 and AS50 from FC2). If you haven't unlocked the VHC Destruction skill yet, the long barrel for the HTI might help. Also, the high level convoys (5K reward) usually have a heli escort. If you for whatever reason don't snipe, simply bring with you a high capacity weapon and spray them all down. Alternatively, use any sniper rifle as long you don't destroy it. I assume all of them will w0#k, especially with VHC Destruction maxed out. If VHC skill is maxed out, use two sniper rifles. HTI + rifle of your choice.

2. Find a spot where you can snipe the convoy from without bringing too much attention. The enemies will stop and the truck drivers will run off. Deal with the bad guys with your sniper. DON'T hit the truck as it should be left with 1 HP left/low HP.

3. Tag it.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Sounds like a good method - thanks for the tips  :thumbsup:

The other day a Lieutenant was trying to escape and I had to hop into a vehicle to chase him down and run his vehicle off the road. I was using a truck so it was easy. Once off the road he simply cowered allowing me to grab, then throw him into my truck. Off to a secluded spot for the interrogation.

I'm going to try to increase my skills and level so I can try other kinds of attacks. I've now visited quite a few areas, and have done a few things in each - there is so much world to see I don't know if I'll ever see it all!  I'm still looking for the area where the Saguaro cacti can be found - I love deserts like that.


Best rifles for convoys are the HTI/MSR/L115. It seems like certain convoy trucks have different HP values as I could snipe a comm truck/box truck with the HTI w/default barrel+ VHC maxed. Both the MSR/L115 guaranties 2-hit kills on them so those are the safest once the VHC skill is maxed out. You could also use a semi-auto sniper instead and spam fire the truck if you prefer a more aggressive style of play  ;) Watch out for helis and NPCs... I have "lost" some trucks due to  a NPC inadvertly die from his own grenade when he dropped it. Also, with the HTI, the vehicle might stil get destroyed if NPCs ram it or it crashes into terrain...

The health pool is something like this:

1: Comm truck/Box van (Max HP, can withstand HTI shot w/VHC bonus with just <1HP left)

2: Tanker (2 shots from L115/MSR + VHC)

3: Ambulance (2 shots from L115/MSR + VHC)

I stop Lieutenants with a well-placed .50 cal shot and then, I fire some Deagle shot near him to freak him out :gnehe:

The PC version supports 3 save files just as WD2. Decided to start a new save and this time, I'll head straight to Montuyoc and grab the HTI. Will do a little experiment with the weapon without the VHC skill

Experiment went succesful, the rifle is indeed powerful without the skill. Still, comm trucks are not disabled completely with its default stat :huh-new:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"



Looking forward to the results!  I've been busy and have not had a chance to get into the game. Summer is coming and the missus wants me to get the outdoors ready  :undecided-new:


Alright, my new result with the HTI. Attachments: T5Xi scope and standard barrel. VHC at 100%. Target: Comm truck 500 meters away. Result: Vehicle disabled with 1HP left. Anything else: BOOM!

I'll do the same test with long barrel enabled and see if I make the same type of truck go boom

Alright, well, I think I might have "broken" the game :laughsm: :gnehe: The long barrel's additional damage makes everything explode...

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Yep, literally overpowered. UBI*bleep**bleep*, why do you do this?  :anigrin: HTI with long barrel and T5xi scope. Along with twice the damage

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The MSR yields a much better result with the same attachments and skill maxed out.

Sounds like fun PZ, I usually tend to interrogate them on the spot.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

looks like a terrific rifle, GKID :thumbsup: Perfect for stopping runaways, permanently.  :evil2: Escape car? Boom.. nope, coffin on wheels. :gnehe:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

nice :gnehe: oh and there is no such thing as an overpowered weapon. :evil2:


Quote from: Art Blade on April 25, 2017, 06:57:44 AM
nice :gnehe: oh and there is no such thing as an overpowered weapon. :evil2:
:thumbsup: :bigsmile:

We were in an area where we needed to interrogate the lieutenant quickly because I needed to get things done in the real world, so my son said "let's change up the attack this time". The area was full of cartel members and it would have taken quite a bit of time to get it done - more than I had time for. "Not to worry" he said, "here's the plan..."

We ended up racing into the area infested with cartel members in a vehicle native to the area to cause the least suspicion - right up to the lieutenant. My squad member then jumped out of the vehicle, subdued the lieutenant and threw him into the back seat. Then back into the vehicle, we raced into the desert where we performed the interrogation - mission completed. The whole mission was a whirlwind that took only moments, but the take home lesson for me is that you can approach missions in just about any way you can think of, which is exactly what "open world" means to me.

I still love this game  O0

Art Blade

what you did sounds like a proper operation. Professional  O0


Thanks AB  :bigsmile:

I'd never done anything this bold before, nor would I likely have come up with the method  :gnehe:

Art Blade

To me it sounds as if your son's military background might have helped form the plan. :)

Imagine it was a real situation. You don't waltz in and kill everyone just to get to someone you want to interview.


Good job, PZ, the stealth aspect seems to be important in this game :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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