Win 10 Creator update

Started by mandru, April 17, 2017, 10:03:42 PM

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I had an update for the Win 10 Creator's version that was forced on me last week by Microsoft.  Thursday I received a notice that an update was due and MS was really unhappy with my Privacy settings as well as all of the Win 10 features I'd silver bulleted and or unpinned from Start Up.  I have Zero apps on start up.  :anigrin:

Part of the update warning read like; "Dear User, You know Cortana can't eavesdrop on your in home private conversations if you keep her turned off." and "We don't seem to be able to locate your system's camera. What's up with that?"  (Not to mention the ever popular) "Why don't you allow the apps you use to access everyone on your contact lists so we can share what you are doing with them and mass market you all as a group?"

1. There  are no microphones or cameras on my system.
2. I don't use apps and have never created an MS Account to visit the app store
3. My contacts are my contacts and MS can get stuffed.

Then they forced me to review my Privacy settings because there was an eminent update coming but I'd have time to save my vital files.  Friday (less than 24 hours later) the update rammed its way through as I was shutting down for my afternoon nap.

After the warning on Thursday I sought out and found a walk through that showed how in my system settings I could defer the installation for up to 60 days to get beyond the initial beta release period so the bugs could be worked out on early adopters but Thursday when I tried to set up the "Defer" option it had been erased from the menu it was supposed to be located on.  The exact same options above and below on that menu list were still there but Defer had been yanked out of the line up.

I suspect that on Thursday when I'd received the notice an update was coming MS had determined that I was someone who would balk at sticking to the program (I'd waited to almost the deadline to upgrade to Win 10 when it was initially rolled out) and there had been a previous small update made to remove the Defer Download option from my system.  :angry-new:

After the update I had to spend another 45 minutes or so to go through again turning off every feature I'd either previously blocked or were new unwanted intrusions and restore my former privacy settings.  By the way the new viral video news feed page they try to embed on your screen when you first fire up after the update is a dirty pigdog of an Extreme Radical Left CPU cycle eating pain in the a$$ designed to data mine your browsing preferences for MS and was the first thing to go.

I've been less than happy with being chained into the non-optional Win 10 experience other than it's been a stable platform for my gaming.  At least when they printed out the description of my machine it appears that they were unable to read the motherboard Bios as they failed to note that there an additional TB drive running Linux that I'm slowly getting more familiar with and will walk away once gaming becomes stable in that environment and MS drops the straw that breaks the camel's back.

And to top it off it would seem that there is a hidden feature that goes through and deletes without permission any files that have not been accessed for an undetermined period of time.  The results of that is that all of my saved Pictures, Browsing and Gaming screenshots, a lot of old orphan Word files (archived from a previous system when I had Word) which were sole copies of a compendium of short stories I've worked on over the years, and every last personal artwork I'd created in Paint has been deleted and no longer exist.

Apparently the clean up feature direct deletes old files without adding them to the trash bin first for User filtering.

Lovely.  :banghead:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Oh, that's quite a d**k move, MS.
At least let the guy choose
which OS he wants to use...
*drops mic* :-X
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.


What an awful experience mandru  :angry-new:

Evidently MS is punishing people for wanting privacy. Looks like you might be better off using a Unix variant for most of your computer needs, and using W10 only for gaming at this point in time


Well, the update fixed my Xbox app, it doesn't crash anymore when I enter the options menu...
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


mandru, that is a despicable act on the part of MS :angry-new: It's also why I'm hanging on to Win7 with a death grip for as long as I possibly can. I don't trust the buggers, and your experiences have reinforced that mistrust. I don't care how much better W10 may be for gaming or whatever. I have a lot of artwork, graphics and 3D files on my PC - a lot, like several hundred gigs' worth - and if MS took it upon themselves to trash anything I hadn't accessed for a while without my say-so, I'd be booking a flight to the U.S. to locate and terminate whoever was responsible with extreme prejudice. I wouldn't actually lose the files as they're backed up - well, most of them - but the fact remains that I would then have to spend an inordinate amount of time retrieving them from said backup, only for MS to possibly pull the same callous stunt on me all over again at some point.

I thought PC stood for "Personal Computer". You know, personal, as in it and whatever is on it belongs to the person who bought and owns it, not to invasive creeps at MS. What do you call it when you trash something that doesn't belong to you without the owner's consent? Oh, yeah - vandalism.


I assume MS are going the way with Google (Android) and Apple (Mac OS). I believe my phone sends a lot of info to Google, but I don't know exactly what...

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah, the phones are probably the worst offenders when it comes to data mining because everyone appears to have a phone - even people on welfare


Quote from: PZ on April 20, 2017, 07:47:40 AM
Even people on welfare

How can they afford that?  :huh-new: Unless they are buying second hand/cheap smart phones.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


Many will actually use their welfare money because we have so many liberal programs paying for what should be their obligations. They all have kids, and there are programs for food, clothing, and housing plus the free cash they get, so they can relatively easily afford it.

Art Blade

I just got my update installed.

After mandru's horrific story, I immediately checked some of my old backup folders (talking about folders from 2013 and files in there that date back until 2001). They're all there and intact. Apparently I haven't lost any untouched old files.

Makes me wonder what the real reason was for that kind of data loss.


Quote from: PZ on April 20, 2017, 06:03:05 PM
Many will actually use their welfare money because we have so many liberal programs paying for what should be their obligations.

Here, we call such people "dole bludgers" (dole = welfare payments, bludge = to unscrupulously live off the generosity of others). We have the same problem - a government which is way too liberal handing out dough to lazy do-nothings who don't deserve it and who contribute nothing useful back to society. For example, in 2002 our visionary leaders came up with the insane idea of introducing a "baby bonus". For every baby a woman had, the gov would give her $5,000. The idea ostensibly was to boost the population (why? Because politicians). Instead, of course, dole-bludging females and their no-hoper boyfriends started pumping out the babies just to get the bonus money. Boost the population? Yeah, right. Fill the country up with dysfunctional families and ill-begotten little bastards ("bastards" in the literal sense - some women will have half a dozen kids by as many different fathers just to get multiple bonuses). Fortunately, this madness was scrapped in 2014 and was replaced by a slightly more sensible approach. It still sort of exists, but in a modified form which makes it less attractive to the female baby-factories and the male dregs of society who agree (or are unwittingly used) to knock them up. Even so, there are still plenty of abusers.

Modified or not, I reckon it should be scrapped altogether. It's a ludicrous system and has been from the get-go. For heaven's sake, there are too many people in the world as it is, let alone offering monetary incentives to bring more into it - especially from those who are completely ill-suited to be responsible parents or to provide a stable domestic environment.

I've been unemployed for almost two years now, not by choice and certainly not for want of trying. But there are almost no vacancies in this part of the country (and I'll be damned if I'll move back to the city) and my age counts against me, so I receive a fortnightly unemployment benefit. I don't feel any guilt or shame over this - I have worked bloody hard my whole adult life and paid my dues, so the gov can look after me for a while. If I had all that tax money back, I wouldn't need the benefits... As an unemployment benefit recipient, every six months I have to take part in a "w0#k for the dole" scheme, where I undertake voluntary w0#k or do some job for the local council for the following six months to keep receiving my welfare payments (some of you may recall I did this last year). This is fine with me as I feel I'm contributing something useful - and it gets me out of the house a bit more :gnehe: Since I'm over 55, I only have to put in 15 hours per week, so it's not exactly slave labour. It's a good scheme and I'm totally down with it, because then at least the community gets something out of the dole bludgers (who, if they refuse to do it, can kiss their benefit payments goodbye).


In Norway we have a state organization called "NAV" (Ny Arbeids- og Velferdsforvaltning) English: Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. There have been some cases of fraud. Not done in the same fashion as fragger mentions. I think welfare here in Norway is different to Australia as we built this from WW2 and wiuth the oil fortune.

Finland are experimenting with the basic income concept. Those people who receives those benefits are jobless and are ofcourse actively looking around for jobs. I assume as soon you get employed, those benefits will be taken away.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I forgot to mention that when you see the news videos of people on the dole making use of the social problems, almost to a person they are covered in tattoos and piercings. I cannot see the government paying for tattoos and piercings, but after reading your post fragger, maybe I'm wrong  :banghead: (not seriously - I know these people are either doing something illegal or making use of the social services money to pay for them). My wife has cousins that are on the dole - they sell their food stamps so they can purchase alcohol and drugs. Interestingly the entire family line from my wife's aunt is exactly the same - not a single person holds a job.  All are on disability or welfare of some kind, and it spans 3 generations so far (not including the great grandchildren). In fact, my wife has two uncles and one aunt - the uncles are normal people with normal families working for a living. The aunt has had only the dysfunctional people mentioned above, and unfortunately their offspring outnumber the total number of descendants of the two uncles by 3 fold. I have two thoughts: 1) how many other loser families like this are there, and 2) how long as a society can we keep funding people like this before there are so many of them, there are not enough working people to pay for the dysfunction. Worst part is that these people are the first to complain when their "entitlements" are disrupted. Who knows, this might be the reason that so many civilizations in the past have ended in revolution and failure.

Your situation fragger is exactly how services should be used - unemployment by the very nature of the term itself implies that a person has been employed, which the dole bludgers cannot claim. Their profession in life is to find whatever method works to make use of social services to ensure as much as possible that they never need to get a job.


Couldn't agree more mate :thumbsup: It's one thing to financially prop up those who genuinely need it - those like me who want to w0#k but are having trouble finding any because of their age and lack of vacancy (the latter largely because the government has been instrumental in killing off local industry) and those who are past retirement age or who are too ill or infirm to w0#k. It's another thing to support a class of people who come to depend on working society to fund their inebriation and sloth and who pass their entitled mentality on to their offspring as some kind of socially acceptable lifestyle choice, which it sure as hell ain't.

If some of these lazy sods put as much effort into getting and doing w0#k as they do trying to avoid it, they'd be pretty productive members of society :gnehe:

They look the same here too - tattoos all over them, bits of metal sticking out of them, dressed like unmade beds and with hair that looks like they threw a mop head and a dye bomb into a threshing machine and put what came out on top of their heads. The men are even worse.

🡱 🡳

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