(Luc Besson movies) Liked The 5th Element? Watch Valerian.

Started by Art Blade, February 03, 2018, 04:19:25 PM

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Art Blade

I just finished watching the movie Valerian. I didn't know anything about it. I bought the BR "blind," it was just a gut feeling -- I'm usually good at that and indeed, I'm glad I bought it :gnehe: I'm still like in a dream world, it's clinging to me :thumbsup: :anigrin:

Luc Besson to me is a man who's got a lot of love and the right creative mindset for fantasy sci-fi movies. The 5th element has been one of my all-time favourites.

Now he created "Valerian" and I think he finished what he could only show a small part of in the 5th element. Valerian is a beautiful movie with incredible images, a love story that doesn't make me want to vomit, and there is enough crazy action not to doze off. I think he was inspired by Avatar, and other movies, and created a nearly perfect mix. A couple of known actors play supporting roles, almost as if they really wanted to be part of it :) At first I wasn't so convinced it was going to be a good movie but it grew stronger and stronger and then I was lost in it, excellent :anigrin:

If you want some really good entertainment that carries you away.. go for it. :thumbsup:


We really liked the 5th Element, so this one sounds like one we should also watch  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

definitely. :)

come to think of it, Valerian is almost the same story (it contains the same elements .. erm, apart from the 5th :gnehe: ) so there are tons of weird aliens, something unique in the universe, bad guys who want it, good guys who want to prevent that, a love story, and vast amounts of crazy locations, very colourful in every aspect. Good show O0



I saw it when it came out. I thought it was pretty decent, though it dragged a bit in the middle. There was an entire section that could have been dropped (the bit with the singer, forget her name, who is a shape shifting slave or something, I think it was only there to have her in it), but the visuals, as usual with his movies were awesome. The creature designs are truly alien and not just a guy in a mask. The whole part with the shopping bazaar that was time shifted (or whatever it was) out of sequence with the rest of the universe was really imaginative, and I'm sure was confusing enough that a lot of people didn't get it.

Overall a good movie, though like a lot of his stuff, didn't catch on at the time of release. As I recall, the 5th element wasn't received all that well at release, it was only later that it became such a cult favorite.

Besson's style reminds me of Terry Gilliam's w0#k. "Brazil" being one of my favorite movies, as well as "12 Monkeys". Both directors have that unapologetic visual style that they put out there and if a viewer doesn't get it, well, their loss.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Brazil was great, but I didn't like 12 monkeys

The singer who played Bubble was Rihanna and I had fun watching that part :anigrin:


Is this the full title?

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Netflix does not appear to have a movie titled only "Valerian"

Art Blade

yes -- I was too lazy to type that and the topic's subject would have scrolled around three corners :anigrin:

they should have kept to the base: based on the comic book series "Valérian and Laureline"



can't type that URL like this or it gets truncated https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valérian_and_Laureline


Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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