Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Started by Art Blade, February 13, 2018, 04:49:37 PM

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Art Blade

that certainly is more than many people get. I shift in and out of 9 and 8 "perfect" games. #9 is Hitman 2 and I had it completed 100% until they released new content with new achievements, so I dropped down to 8. Did those new achievements, went back to 9. Now they released yet another new map so again back to 8.. :banghead:

As to KCD, yep.. there are three really difficult achievements that I should have unlocked hadn't it been for that stupid "can't finish the game because the dialogue option to finish it is gone.." :banghead:

Art Blade

Anyway. I've continued to play without godmode and the difference is as follows:

- I usually run around in the strongest armour suit I can get my hands on. Only within city walls I may change to a more "casual" look (without armour)

- after my first experience with about five bandits, at least one of them peppering me with arrows while the rest surrounded me and started to pound me in turns with axe, mace and sword, which resulted in my first and very brutal death, I decided to reload and from then on be more careful. A lot more careful :gnehe:

- my favourite, or should I say preferred, weapon is the bow. Whenever possible, I keep my distance from enemies and kill them before they know what hit them. If it comes to close quarter combat, I prefer to run away or even better, call my horse and gallop away until they're out of reach :gnehe: Then it's usually time for the bow again.

- I'm getting better at duels, actually taking care of my skin and taking a duel seriously.

- my combat damage balance is surprisingly good: currently 6,969.3 damage dealt versus 232 damage taken. :)

- I killed only 7 enemies with a sword. Compared to the bow:

- Enemies killed with bow: 30, 21 of which headshots. Other than before, I'm getting good at headshots. Bow headshots really, really keep trouble away. It's a ballistic weapon, arrows fly in an arch so headshots really aren't easy, especially when those bandits are moving.

For some reason I also decided not to steal and above all, not to murder anyone. I try to make a living getting hired for god knows what, as long as it's legal, and by selling loot I got from dead bandits. Some of them are really well kitted out and selling their stuff is a good source of money.

Imagine my surprise when all of a sudden my statistics showed 733 stolen items. WHAT! How.. why.. when..? And then it dawned on me. One main quest takes me on a hunt with young Lord Hans Capon, land owner, who is allowed to hunt. I'm not. He encouraged me to compete in hunting the most hares before noon and I tried to impress him by also hunting roe deer. They got so much meat.. in the end both my horse's (saddle bags) and my own inventory were filled to the brim with game that I even had to leave some behind because I couldn't carry any more. We're talking some 450kg.. and yes.. they're counted in whatever kind of meat units and that was what caused those 733 stolen units  :laughsm:

It's been very exciting so far. :)

Art Blade

Oh, and.. one thing alone makes this new career worth my while:

No. More. Stalking. Bailiff.



Ah good to hear the Bailiff is gone, even though funny, that must have been annoying after a while.

So, the Lord of the manor invites you to hunt but said hunting is still considered stealing?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Oh man.. it was really getting on my nerves. He'd show up EVERY in-game day or at least tried to catch up with me until he found me. Could happen day and night. He was in cutscenes he wasn't supposed to be in, he interrupted me checking my inventory, bumped into me in my "safehouse" (something like that) and geez, anywhere, at any time.. I'm really looking forward.. no, scratch that, I already am enjoying a game without him staking me. :gnehe:

The Bailiff isn't "gone" but more like, not (yet) caught in a bugged routine. Thanks to the hardcore playthrough and thanks to having read up on that particular mission before, the one that I believe caused the bug, I played it differently and never had the Bailiff follow me in that playthrough. This time around, I'll be allowed to kill again (on hardcore, I played for the Merciful achievement without any kills...) so I don't even have to steal the mission-related quest item, a special die, from the imprisoned fellow. Back then when I believe I caused the bug, I secretly killed that guy in his cell and ever since, the Bailiff of the town the prison cell was located in was after me. Now I'll get the dice from bandits that expect me to bring the die to them to show "the deed is done" but I won't have it.. they'll each have one on them so I'll kill those three clowns and get the dice (only one die is needed) from them in order to show it to a bandit bouncer so he lets me inside a walled-up camp. In other words, I don't expect that bug to happen this time. However, I remember reading a comment from a player who said someone else (a woman) kept following him.. I think he must have done something like I did, causing her routine to break beyond salvation :gnehe:

And about that Lord: The quest is simply put like this: I was forced to accompany his lordship who wanted to go on a hunt on his own. There's some squabbling between me and him, some banter, and it starts to turn into a friendship. So he teases me, challenging me to hunt hare. I could have said no but of course I agreed. So the game puts me in a position that it's OK to hunt with the lord but apparently the devs forgot to remove the "poucher" penalty which tags meat, offal, hides, antlers and tusks as "stolen." However, it's not dangerous, I'm not running into a trap like, hey, you stole that! And a simple trick is to cook stolen meat and offal, it turns into legal cooked meat and offal. :) You shouldn't try to sell stolen stuff, though, and you shouldn't have stolen items on you in case a city guard wants to frisk you. :gnehe:

Art Blade

Although I'm doing really well in combat, I've decided to put that "immortality" mode back on because in the end it just saves me a lot of time. How? Without, you need to acquire money to buy healing potions and bandages, the horse's saddle, bridal and horse shoes wear out or break and it costs money to have those fixed. So in the end you're very busy spending time and money just so you can keep going. I much rather keep going without that. The god mode for some reason protects the horse's gear :) As to repairing stuff.. the mod I've got enables the console and gives access to various cheats. I can damage my inventory and repair it. Damaging it with "health:0.99" causes a 1% damage only and gear can be repaired with small repair kits for armour, shoes, weapons and clothes each. The kits wear out repairing stuff but not much. The command to repair everything in my inventory puts those kits and all the consumables (extreme example: rotten meat) back to 100% (which means fresh meat, apples, and all that) while the stuff I had already repaired stays repaired. Repairing my own gear triggers buffs, like "the sword you repaired yourself gives you an attack bonus" or "you can run faster with those shoes" or "those clothes now make less noise" and that kind of things. So I still have some w0#k to do but it's way faster and more efficient than without the mod.

During fights, I can still disable the immortality just to see how bad things go but I've learned to fight properly. And I still prefer to simply keep my distance and kill enemies with my bow and arrows :bigsmile: I don't get involved in fights that end with me being surrounded and getting minced. I much rather run away, shoot them, and if there's just one guy or two, I dare take them on with a sword. I've really got better with sword fighting, currently practicing and memorising "combos." A combo is a defined order of three to five slash and stab moves, there are many different combos and for each weapon type except of course bow and also fists. So I'm playing as if my virtual life depended on my skills but I don't have to worry about all the above and dying, obviously. It's just easier to enjoy the rest of the game. :bigsmile:

Art Blade

I know that you, Dweller, are my only follower here and won't miss a vid I publish, this one is dedicated to you so you can finally get a good look at what I love about KCD.

It's mostly cutscenes, so consider it more a movie than gameplay. I believe this is the most iconic part of the game, although the whole game is about equally cool.. in this vid, the conversations are interesting. They allow us a glance at the church in around 1400, a time with two popes, and when everyone believed in God. The remarkable fact that the game devs worked hard to get the historical background right makes this even more interesting.

If anyone else (fragger..?) is going to watch this, I certainly won't mind. :gnehe:

However, you should really, REALLY watch this from start to end, otherwise it won't make any sense.

Enjoy :D

If you've never heard of let alone played this game.. you may want to after watching this. Probably the most memorable and iconic character in KCD, Father Godwin's major appearance in "Mysterious Ways" can be observed here. During the opening fist fight, I allow Father Godwin to punch my face bloody as I'm going to return the favour. With both our faces bloodied and bruised, the following scenes look just way cooler than oiled and pampered ;) Henry's haircut and beard are chosen on purpose to resemble Sir Radzig for (later) obvious reasons. Enjoy :)


Thanks for sharing Art. It's very well done and the gameworld and characters look terrific, and while I'm fascinated by medieval history, I'm afraid that interest doesn't translate into gaming... It's simply not my bag. But I'm happy that you love it. That's the important thing, doesn't matter what I think :gnehe:

Art Blade

cheers, thanks for watching, and I wasn't trying to make you want to play it. It was just about the crazy situations and how it got to that. :)


It was entertaining, I should have mentioned that :bigsmile: Father Godwin is a pretty memorable character!


I'll have to watch that later when I can dedicate all my attention to it, sounds interesting.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I hope you'll enjoy it, D_B. I find it so remarkable, that mission and scenes, that I essentially recorded it for myself so I can watch it again when I feel like it and I already watched it like 3 times :anigrin:

Quote from: fragger on August 07, 2019, 07:24:14 AMIt was entertaining, I should have mentioned that :bigsmile: Father Godwin is a pretty memorable character!

Thanks for letting me know, mate :)


I liked the duke-out session near the beginning :gnehe:

"You think because I'm a man of the - " BIFF

Art Blade

haha, you won't see that in other videos so I put it in :anigrin: Typically players try and fail to convince him, leading to the same ale house scene. In my first playthrough, I completely missed out on ALL of that!! ??? Because I did convince him and he gave me the information right away.. Recently I learned that he'll ALWAYS accept a fist fight which is why I chose it this time. And I love the bloodied and bruised faces during the whole scenes as I believe it properly shows what type of a character he is, in a lovable way. :anigrin:

My fave scene is when he pukes from the bell tower and even better, when he bumps into the candelabrum which cracked me up so much I was fighting for breath laughing so hard :D

"Now I'm curiousā€”curious which one of them will puke first!" :laughsm:

By the way, if you don't go with him to help him with mass, you'll see the church from the outside, hear him speak until he rises the chalice and then you'll hear him puke violently across the altar, accompanied by OOOHS and AAHHS from his horrified flock :D

Art Blade

just to show off how beautiful the landscape is. Anything you see there, you can go to and buildings can usually be entered. Like the curch, all those houses and the monastery in the back, too.

KCD view over Sasau and Monastery
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