Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Started by Art Blade, February 13, 2018, 04:49:37 PM

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"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

Today I finished another lengthy quest that again had unexpected hidden traps to cope with. To cut it short: A village fell ill to some disease, they were talking about pestilence. Animals and people had been dying already. I had to read a medical book and find out which disease it might be. I decided it was the plague, brewed a cure for it (that wasn't the trick, I did it exactly right and according to the recipe) and then the village had to drink it. After a few days of apparent improvement, everyone died, including some prisoner I was supposed to interrogate. That is what made me worry, how can I fail that part of the quest, don't tell me everyone could have survived? What the hell?

I had to go back to a prior savegame, from several hours back. Dang. I checked the medical book again and realised it must have been water poisoning. Brew the cure, run back, check on the prisoner and aha, he got better and I was able to interrogate him. And the village survived, too.

It is crazy, they don't tell you what exactly went wrong. Actually, they don't tell you anything except that part of it, the interrogation bit, failed. In other words, that "medic" monk who had me read the book didn't suspect anything was wrong so I was convinced to be on the right track, brewed the bloody potion that didn't do anything against water poisoning, and carried on until the surprise slapped me across the face. :anigrin:

The game is full of things like that O0

Art Blade

One more thing:

There was some kind of boss fight at the end of the battle that ensued when raiding the camp with Sir Radzig's people which I had infiltrated prior to the raid in my Cuman disguise. By the way, despite the fact that I had killed everyone in the camp, there still was a battle. It's a bit crazy, there was one small part inside the camp, around a church ruin, that was inaccessible—that's where Runt, the boss, was, and apparently a bloody big amount of armed men. However, the boss fight. I know from watching vids that many players either had a lot of trouble defeating him (it was a duel, so no help from your men) or resorted to a reckless trick: quickly pull out the bow and headshot him.

In my case, I was trained well enough (levelled up almost to the max) that it turned out to be just a normal if rather short fight for me. Plus I had more than one weapon on me: a strong longsword that I had kept unused and designated specifically for that duel so it was still sharp and fresh and to which I had carefully applied some very lethal poison—that's what made short w0#k of it :anigrin:


Art Blade

you seem to have misread it, PZ.

It is actually a leader, a real boss you have to fight, who is simply physically strong and a good fighter, which is why he is their boss.

Once you're trained fairly well, you can easily defeat him. It was a matter of seconds here.


 :D :thumbsup:

I seem to be a bit Pavlovian when I see the word "boss"  :gnehe:

Art Blade

you might want to read just a few more words, then, not only looking for the word "boss"  :anigrin:


 :D Lots of "boss" talk in that paragraph!  I'd have been one of those people that had a difficult time  :gnehe:

Art Blade

I don't think so.

Unlike those people, you'd likely be more aware of the the fact that you're going to go to take a fortified encampment with two groups living there (bandits and foreign warriors called Cumans) so I don't suspect you'd think, "I'm totally underdeveloped and untrained and inexperienced and only spent a few minutes in the game, LET'S GO."

Likely, you'd have made the experience how ONE bandit can kill you and trained a fair bit so you'd come prepared. Like I did. And for me, after around 300 hours of gaming and by that, training, it was indeed, "LET'S GO" but still, I was a bit wary.


You have never seen me game, my friend - it is not a pretty sight  :gnehe:

Although I love to play video games, I suck at it.  :anigrin:

Art Blade

Oh, I did watch you gaming. :anigrin:

Unless the vids you posted about you gaming weren't showing you gaming :gnehe:

What I like about your gaming is that you tackle it with your head. Not as in headbutting but as in using your brains. You use poison and stealth or companions to do most of the w0#k for you. This works here, too, and you can still run away if things get hectic :gnehe:


Cool stories as usual, Art :anigrin: :thumbsup: Why was he called "the Runt"? Is he actually a little guy, or is it a nickname for some huge bugger? We do that sort of thing here - we'll call someone with really red hair "Blue", or some massive bloke "Midget" :gnehe:

KCD could be a game I would really get into, except that I don't like melee-combat games, or ones with medieval settings. Fascinating period, but not to play in, not for me :gnehe: Now, if they could produce a shooter-type game like a Fallout one with that depth of immersion and attention to detail, I'd be all over it. Dream on, frag...

Art Blade

thank you, fragger :)

I don't know why they called him that but he was a tough guy. Very early in the game, he surprised Henry (me) and although I tried to do something, anything, he clobbered me over the head with a massive club and nothing I could do about it. Now we met again, and I turned the tables on him :anigrin:

Here three pics in sequence, before and after the duel.

Runt. Note the reference to the first encounter
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I was ready for this
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Note the reference to "Runt" ;)
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Thanks for the kind comments AB; I'm okay at stealth and companion control, but when it comes to races and timed events I'm equally competent at using my feet or hands on the controller, with the lowest common denominator being my feet.  :gnehe:

I too like the mechanics of this game, but do not appreciate the medieval setting. I played Witcher 3 for a bit, and the game was good, but the setting was not my cup of tea. However, I enjoy seeing your adventures  O0

Art Blade

thank you, PZ :)

This is meant to be an entertaining topic which is why I typically narrate rather than going into what level I've reached or how many achievements I've unlocked (albeit I do mention stuff like that when I think it might be interesting) so I am truly glad that you enjoy reading my posts here :) Much like I enjoy reading your Origins adventures and FC5 stories although I don't play those games.

🡱 🡳