Playstation 5 incoming; Devs already provided with dev kits

Started by LowPolyOWG, March 09, 2018, 05:06:57 AM

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So, PS5 next year then? ??? As I outlined in the article I created, the hardware the current consoles launched with, was quite abysmal and affected the core gameplay. Sure, prettier graphics, but AI/world simulation, is quite last-genish. JC3/AC Unity are some great indicators, both games were supposed to have "next-gen" world simulation. Even the PS4 Pro/Xbox One X are hit hard due to CPU limits, neither of them can do 4K/60 fps on the same time. The Jaguar CPU just can't keep up with the GPU.

However, with AMD having a great CPU lineup, I expect we might get better, more lifelike games as a result. For us PC gamers? Time to upgrade, but not until 2019. Oh, and developers are slowly getting used to low-level API programming so expect your quad core CPUs to be considered low-end. AMD's recent APU launch effectively made 4c/8t CPUs low-end.

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Art Blade


Yeah, most games have still simplistic AI/limited physics. Again, developers has to develop on the lowest denominator. I'm looking forward to E3 this year, I am not surprised if Sony mentions the PS5 there. Not that I'm looking to buy one, I'm just curious whether gaming will be held back for another half-decade ::)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I can only imagine how much improved games might become if the level of improvement is similar to the upgrade from PS3 to PS4.  As you guys know, I'm playing Origins, and the graphics quality, AI behaving more like people, and speed are stellar, and I'm not even using the Pro.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Art Blade



If you don't want to watch the video, here's an article.

To summarize, quite the powerhouse ??? Wouldn't surprice me when games demand 16 threads in 2020 ???
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Will the games get any better though? So many "AAA" games these days are rehashes of the same old things. They've become like movies - if it does good biz the first time around, keep churning out more of the same. All the beautiful and lifelike graphics in the world won't make a dull game any less dull. I'd rather play an engrossing game with less sophisticated graphics than one that looks a million bucks but bores me to tears.

A prime example is FO4. After about six months I'm still an avid player of it, even though I haven't posted much about it lately. It's not exactly ground-breaking in the graphics department, but it more than makes up for it in sheer playability. I have now put well over 1,000 hours into it. I don't own a console and probably never will, but even so.

Art Blade

you're right and I can absolutely relate to FO4 and not owning a console :anigrin:


I was thinking that there would be no backward compatibility, and their lack of mentioning it only furthers my thought.

I started gaming on the PC with the original Wolfenstein and did not purchase a console until one of the Gran Turismo games came out. However, I do not really like driving games so the PS3 sat around for a couple of years until I heard of FC2 - I was intrigued by the open world architecture. Then when I discovered that you could see the Far Cry world in wide screen on the PC as compared to the console, I went the PC route with my games. After discovering modding on the PC which was not possible on the console, I was hooked.

When I purchased the PS4, I have slowly become a console guy because I can sit in my recliner in front of a huge television screen, fireplace, outside stellar view, and of course good food and drink to play video games (my PC in in my office).

I somewhat feel like I am losing interest in serious gaming because I do not want to spend much time learning the nuances that make a detailed game worth playing. The last PC game I purchased was AC Revelations in the bargain bin, but when Origins came out for the console, I have not fired up a PC game once. I'm now playing FC5, and love the environment, but some of the legacy dumb stuff almost had me throwing the game out the window the other day.

Seems like I started serious PC gaming, then have descended to the console, and if the PS5 feels like simply a money maker for Sony with no backward compatibility, I might give up gaming altogether.

Art Blade


 :laughsm:  :anigrin:

AMD Zen is x86 so there should be no issues running PS4 games. I think Sony wants to avoid using the word "backwards compatibility", otherwise, people will ask about PS1, PS2 and PS3 backward comp. Costs money sooo :-X

When it comes to fragger, I think games will be better on the technical side. Design-wise, not really, but I don't want games to jump on huge trends (survival, battle royale) and turn into nothing. It comes down to people sticking with few games that master their respective genres quite well (Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, GTA, Assassin's Creed, Civilization). Multiplatform games requires you to develop for a large group of people. I haven't seen an open world game that's better than GTA yet, nor a fps game that has "deleted" Call of Duty/Battlefield. I am not saying stuff can't innovate, but adding some small tweaks here and there while having a solid foundation isn't bad. I think it comes down to release cycles/focus demanded by the publishers, which can be quite hard on the AAA developers. Which can make games duller over time ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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