Far Cry 5

Started by LowPolyOWG, March 27, 2018, 02:08:23 PM

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At least you didn't get Ghost Recon Breakpoint, which is basically a worse version of Wildlands. Anyway, Ubisoft figured out their copy-pasted iteration of the FC3 formula is getting old and they want their games to be more "diverse".

I hope your wife will recover, Nex :)

Five Ubified products coming on a PS5/Xbox Series X near you
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Ah, OK Jacob is the army vet who brain washes you. He's "supposed" to be the last one you go after, not the first, lol! Even though you can play the game in any order, the way the "intent" was, I think, was to go to John's area first, with the town, ummm Falls something. Anyway, then you're supposed to move into Faith's area with the prison and then on north to Jacob. I did my first play through with Faith first then Jacob then John, the second time I did it the "intended" way and though not much different really, the story flow was a little more even.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Respect is earned, not given.


Ok, so that means I'm playing the game arse about face   
That explains Joseph bawling his eyes out about Jacob being his second sibling
to bite the dust, serves him right.   :anigrin:
Respect is earned, not given.


Sorry to hear about your wife's plight, nex. I hope all will be well for her soon :)

She had cataracts removed from both eyes within a week? Geez. I had my right eye done about six or seven months ago and it took a good week or so for my vision in that eye to stabilize. I can't imagine having both done within a week. Poor Mrs. nex must have been living in a rather blurry world for a while there.


Thanks fragger  O0

Her right eye was done two weeks ago Wednesday around midday, saw the surgeon on Thursday and the patch was removed.
She went back to w0#k on Monday, still needed to wear her specs for the left eye though, the eye was quite blurry for a day
or two but started clearing up during the weekend, she couldn't wait to get the left eye done. By Wednesday she wasn't wearing her specs at all
and by this Monday both eyes were in full focus and not red at all.
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

nice, and remarkable :thumbsup:


Now that you mention it nex, my eye also was good just a day or two after cataract surgery. In my mind I was mixing up my cataract removal with when I had uveitis. It was the uveitis that bunged my eye up for a few weeks because I had to keep putting steroid drops in it every day, which made every thing blurry.


I seem to recall something to that effect fragger   :thumbsup:

I am continuing the game at a very slow pace  :undecided-new:
I'm sure my brother's 10 year old could do better than these game devs. You get caught
three times and allowed to escape three times, not just by one brother but two!!
The third time you escape you don't release any prisoners, no, you must fight your
way back into the bunker to set them free then fight your way out again.
You have to go round up some joker's cattle which is about 200 meters away from him.
You have to go look for another joker's crew which is locked up inside containers right outside the building
from where this guy is.
You have to go hunt for 12 lighters hidden all over the map with a promise of a special bunker full of
arms, ammo and military useable's, when you're eventually given access to this bunker there's more foodstuff
and other paraphernalia stashed there than arms, ammo and explosives.
A complete useless bunch of worthless missions    :banghead: 

Will see how the sister's missions turns out   ???
Respect is earned, not given.


Even if you slow pace the game, the RP gain is way too fast. I remember finishing John's region in roughly 8-ish hours
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Oh right the reputation meter that fills way to fast, that was a downside to trying to do the game at your own pace. They really should have done that differently. I know I did at least on the second time around, was not do that last couple missions, leaving the region open but unfinished, with the RP meter at full, there were no more forced interruptions. I could just wander around and cause trouble as I saw fit.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Sorry to hear about Mrs. Nex, nex  :( I hope she has a speedy recovery.)

My mother had cataract surgery done, but only one eye at a time with plenty of time to heal between. I guess they were making sure the first one worked before they tried a second (this was over 3 decades ago).

I'm glad that you have a new game though, and hope you have loads and loads of fun playing. I enjoyed FC5 mostly, but still had issues with the timed events.


Thanks PZ, mrs nex's eyes are fine now.                                                                                                                 
The wrist is still very stiff, sensitive with limited movement
Respect is earned, not given.


If it wasn't for the (ala Farcry 1, 3 and 4) zombi people and animals,
running around in underground installations closing off valves to blow up said
installations while fending off an unlimited supply of bad guys coming from
all directions, even from behind, although you've already killed all behind you.
The idiotic side missions, finding cigarette lighters, vinal records, baseball cards,
comic books and cheeseburger "bobbleheads"???
and finally, although I haven't done it yet, the ending  :o   ???   :banghead:
then the game would not have been such a bad game at all  :banghead: :banghead:

But then again, what the hell do I know!!!!
Respect is earned, not given.

🡱 🡳

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