Far Cry 5

Started by LowPolyOWG, March 27, 2018, 02:08:23 PM

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The thing about the ending, is, once you get done with it, you can go back to the "normal" way things were and have fun, though in a more limited sense because most of the outposts are taken and there aren't a lot of enemies around. Or you could go on to New Dawn which I really enjoyed quite a bit as a continuation of the story after the bombs. I also enjoyed the three DLC games as well, in order of fun for me: Hours of Darkness, Mars, and the zombies. Hours of Darkness was a really good Vietnam era game and really removed from the rest of the Far Cry games, and really could have been a full fledged game in itself. The Mars game was decent but a little repetitive in tower climbing and alien bug squashing. The zombie one was OK but a bit linear, especially the first couple "episodes" but they improved a bit later on, and tell you where that guy who was directing the movie came from, the last quote from the producer, "You ever been to Montana?" was funny.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Once you've finished the game you can only reset the outposts, how many times I don't know
but it really becomes boring when you only have the outposts to take.

One of the reasons I enjoy GRW so much. It doesn't have main or side missions, they are all just
straight forward missions you need to complete, once a mission is completed you can re-do it
over and over, there are convoys all over for you to attack whenever you like,
there are Unidad vehicle and chopper patrols all over the show and when they spot you they will attack.
There are NO drug-induced zombies nor missions, and your attackers don't just respawn and respawn.
Respect is earned, not given.


Sounds like you and I have the same game preferences, nex  O0


Think so too PZ, I played the game then reset the outposts, liberated them in quick time,
and now I'm back with GRW

Respect is earned, not given.


Some of the older games are still really good. I'm playing Uncharted 4 and Watchdogs, and thinking of going to the older versions of each.


Unfortunately most games are 3rd person which I don't like, GRW on the other hand
is a tactical shooter I struggled with after all the first person games I played.
I managed to get used to it and then struggled with FC5 again, getting beaten up by
something or someone I couldn't see (damn skunks biting my ankles)  :banghead:   :-[
I looked at Tom Clancy's GRW predecessors, too much into science fiction for my liking,
GR Breakpoint won't even be considered.
The chances of devs developing games simular to FC2 and GRW are very slim, so I'll
wait and see what the future brings  :undecided-new:
Respect is earned, not given.


Yeah, FC2 is what got me into gaming. I doubt that we'll see something revolutionary like that in the near future.

Art Blade

come to think of it, mentally comparing FC2's free roam open world aspects with RDR2's free roam open world aspects, then you'll probably agree that they have a lot in common:

FC2 / RDR2
desert / check
mountains / check
water bodies / check
jungle / (swamps) check
free roaming animals / check (tons more)
weapons / check
degrading weapons / sigh, check
jeeps / horses
repair jeep with wrench / revive horse with horse reviver tonic
fire, spreading / check
Datsun Dummies (mercs) / various gangs
outposts / gang hideouts
towns / check
sleeping / check
"fast" travel by bus / "fast" travel by train, stagecoach and horse
huge world / check
weather changes, moody weather / check

and so on. They're not that different regarding the basics. :)


It is so Art, A number of games can be added to that "free-roaming" list,
sadly the comparison unfortunately ends there with most games.
Just look at the Farcry franchise,
FC1 was semilinear, the first half was good but then the godzillas and zombies took over.
FC2 as we all know made history, the only bad was the malaria thing and the game became boring
once all the outposts were liberated.
FC3,4 and 5, zombies on steroids by the dozen, timed challenges, outposts don't reset, the list goes on.
FC4 and 5 are basically an extension of 3, hordes of enemies constantly respawn all around you  :banghead:
Made me think what the actor Audy Murhpy once said about the western movies he made,
"They are all the same except I'm riding a different horse every time"   

The same goes for most other game franchises, you might find one that was made different,
the Tom Clancy series as well, I had a look at them all and only Wildlands stood out.
Sure, many players like the godzilla, zomby, drug-infused, shoot_em_all_to_hell,
and post-apocalyptic wasteland games and movies, which have become the best thing since sliced bread.
I see these games and movies as science fiction, which is not on my list of favorites.
These and of course the price of these games are the reason I don't have a big selection, and unfortunately
I play the ones I do have over and over again, to the extent that I never play them again once I find another game I like.   

ps.  Instead of playing any games I'm watching "Live PD" online, PZ, you guys in the States will know what I'm talking about  :anigrin:
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

yes, most games are copying from each other and there seems to be quite a demand for zombies which I really don't like. Most games don't interest me and most of those that do are not exactly main stream. There are only few that give you just a mission objective and leave it to you how you achieve it, without limiting you. I think your favourite game is one of those, as far as I could tell by watching your videos. Some of my favourites are Hitman, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Thief Simulator and Mount & Blade which are of that type as well, albeit you really can't compare any of them with each another, they just share that one principle.


I'm like you, nex. I play the old games because they are better than what I'm seeing today. FC2 was (and is) the best game I have ever played, and is the single reason I entered gaming.


Re-patched the game to restore cut content.

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Huh, a gold plated grenade launcher? :o

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Hmm, more masks

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Pre-release .44 magnum animation. In the retail version, the speedloader vanish at the end of the reload.

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Being a part of an animation, gotta "store" the speedloader somewhere on the screen. It's the small round object at the bottom.  :laughsm:

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Cut hair colors. YIKES
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

Interesting. I'd never know how to make a patch that unlocks cut content. Would be REALLY cool for FarCry2 because I'm sure they cut out stuff in that game, too.


The tool I use let's you customize your patch by selecting different files. Those files are bundled with the tool, or made available for everyone else to download. Within the tool, I mark the files I want to install, check for conflicts and patch the game. Basically, a modder made a file package that adds cut content and the tool lets me install it with other files I want. No need to do it the old FC2/FC3 way, where you need to dig the files out by yourself, then make mega patches.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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