Far Cry 5 First Impressions. (Spoiler: I finished the game already)

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 28, 2018, 06:45:29 AM

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Didn't know that about the shovel, will have to try that, must be funny.

Since I've mostly been in Faith's region, I figured the fake animals that turn into something else were everywhere. But since I'm almost done clearing the region, maybe that will be done with. I still need to conquer the water treatment plant and a few other places then that should get rid of the drugged out sections of the game for the most part. But like I mentioned in the other thread, so far there hasn't been any real combat while under the drug, just cut scenes, so that's something anyway.

Anyway, as I was driving around, I got into the habit of running into enemy vehicles to make the occupants jump out so I could run them over. Didn't w0#k in this case:

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I didn't survive that crash, and my companion had to rescue me. You can see her here looting a body, where she finds extra stuff, even after you've looted the body, so that's a plus for having her along. I forget her name, as she's just a random person I hired, not one of the specialist companions.

Then at one point I shot the driver of a van as he was approaching us at speed, I jumped out of the way, but my companion didn't and got run over.

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But she shook if off ('twas but a scratch as the joke goes) and was back in the action 10 minutes later. She uses a bow almost exclusively and you could say this guy took an arrow to the knee?

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Guess he won't be adventuring any more. Yes, old joke, but first thing I thought of when I saw it.

Then I got to the point in my reputation that Faith started to send planes after me. I got bored of this and decided to show them who's boss.

I love the .50 cal sniper with silencer. You can also see my companion take out a guy with an arrow just as I was about to shoot him, then she finishes off a zombie dude with her knife.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

nice :)

I'm not sure, is there any bullet drop when using the sniper? I mean, there shouldn't, not at those short distances, but it looked as if when you were shooting the plane.


That was quite the shot D_B  :thumbsup: That fighter pops up at the most inopportune time. and it nice to see him get his just desserts  :evil2:


Quote from: Art Blade on April 01, 2018, 05:45:31 AM
I'm not sure, is there any bullet drop when using the sniper? I mean, there shouldn't, not at those short distances, but it looked as if when you were shooting the plane.

It is. You see, you need to account for the plane's movement in that scenario. So, aim slightly ahead of the pilot's head. Or, just aim the RAT4, wait for the constant beep and fire :anigrin:

I think bullet drop is a thing beyond 200 meters or so ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Today I sent my bomber specialist to deal with the fighter pilot. He managed to bring things into order  :gnehe:


Yeah there is bullet drop, but at the range I shot the plane down, it wasn't an issue. I have hit shots with the sniper that are several hundred meters away. You just aim a little above their heads. Moving targets you lead a bit and are more difficult.

I got to the point where I had to battle Faith. Once you get to the amount of reputation needed, the battle starts automatically. It wasn't too bad, a bit of the drug haze stuff, but she was fairly simple to defeat. Remote explosives helped a lot. Then after you defeat her, you return to reality and have to rescue the sheriff, and that was a pretty exciting firefight. Now that she's gone, I think there won't be any more ghost creatures looking like other things. For instance, there's the ones that look like people but are actually bears or other animals in disguise. You can tell because they don't scan with the binoculars and have the sparkly dust trailing off them. I still have a lot of outposts to clear in that region and other things to clean up though.

Changed my outfit again, mostly because I had this one for free. And again, someone ran around all over changing the wanted posters.

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Aside from that, I did a lot of wandering around getting into trouble, finding prepper caches, that sort of thing.

This game isn't a huge change over the last one, but there is enough different that it makes it "new but familiar". The companion system is a real plus, I'm liking that a lot even if they can act stupid sometimes, that's just the nature of AI in video games at this point. But they removed any kind of sleep mechanic that I can tell, so there's no way to advance to the time of day you'd like to do a certain activity. Not sure why that is, maybe it was deemed not as important?

Oh yeah, Penny Arcade did a comic today that anyone who's played will certainly understand.


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"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I did not finish the initial region, but went to Faith's region to do the statue at the top of a mountain. It was fun, and not too difficult. Then going to some kind of prison, defending against the white guys, and then to a trailer park doing the same. Both were fun and not too difficult to complete. After that, I went into the final region just to open it up and all went well.

Upgrading the weapons is good in this game, and switching weapons is reminiscent of FC2 in that you visit a weapon shop.

Still enjoying the game, and while I have encountered some drug haze, it has not been a game changer.


OK, so you're skipping around, nice. I just did the trailer park mission yesterday. I kept getting hosed by that guy's flame thrower until I figured out it was smarter to stay away from him lol.

Yeah the drug battles aren't nearly as bad or as prolonged as the ones in FC4. I was actually a bit surprised how easy and short it was to get rid of Faith. The battle in the bunker after that to free the Sheriff was quite lengthy though.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Indeed. I regret NOT hauling with me the M60 or the M249 for that mission :banghead:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah, juast seeing how it goes by treating it as a true open world from the start. I just went to the 3rd region and found Cheeseburger - I love that bear.

Art Blade

nice pet, albeit a very strange name for a bear :anigrin:

Makes me wonder what other strange combinations there might be, perhaps a pet mouse called Melon or a goldfish called Steak. :)

Now I'm getting hungry.


There is a cougar named Peaches  :gnehe:

She is almost as vicious as Cheeseburger, but not quite.

I love the way Cheeseburger sometimes throws his victims about  :anigrin:

Art Blade

Peaches, haha! :D

Yes, I watched your vid and was indeed fascinated when I saw the bear whip his head around and letting go of some guy he had jammed his fangs into. That guy flew away in a manner that I thought, "and where is the return volley."  :anigrin:


 :D  :thumbsup:

I have come to be very fond of Cheeseburger - he is relentless in his attack, although it means he is taken down at times necessitating revival, sometimes at my own expense.


It seems Cheeseburger can also soak up the bullets, they don't seem to slow him down any and they were shooting point blank on full auto. Just made him more mad....

Last night I did a little exploring, liberated an outpost or two, and visited the haunted barn prepper cache, which was funny. Also met up with the guy who gives you better speed boost drugs. Nothing too exciting so no screenshots today.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

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