Far Cry 5 First Impressions. (Spoiler: I finished the game already)

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 28, 2018, 06:45:29 AM

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So, the Viet Nam DLC dropped yesterday and I played a bit of it. Pretty much what I expected, a Viet Nam game with the Far Cry engine. It's decent though, you start in a helicopter that gets shot down (this is all told in comic book form, much like the DLCs from Wolfenstein II) and then have to escape the camp you're in, find your squad mates, and make your way to the extraction point to escape. Actually the only goal is to escape, apparently everything else is optional. You might be able to make it to the escape point just by sneaking around most everything, I don't know. But you have other prisoners to liberate, including your squad, who can then become your guns for hire and tag along with you. But if they die, they are gone, no magic respawning like in FC5. You have anti-aircraft guns to destroy, which then allows you to call in air strikes against enemy camps and such, which is fun. There are enemy commanders to assassinate, bunkers to explore, etc.

So, all in all, it's fun, the open world is very well made, but I don't see right now any reason to go back to any of the places you've already been, it's essentially a piece of countryside to make your way through to get to the escape point.

The stealth system is re-done, you don't get to pick perks, the more stealth kills you make, the more perks you get for it. But if you are spotted, all your perks go away and you need to make stealth kills again. If you don't care about stealth, then you can ignore that part, as you can just run and gun as usual.

You have to watch out for patrols, especially in areas you've already been, as they will sneak up behind you if you're not careful. So just having killed everyone in a compound is no guarantee that there won't be someone there looking for you a little while later.

So far, it's fun, but ground-breaking? No, just a decent war based shooter to run around in for a while. The map is a little less than half the size of the map in the main game, so I expect maybe 10-12 hours of play time in it, depending on how thorough you are in looking at everything and completing those side quests.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Yep, something like that. If you want to see what it looks like, here's about an hour of live stream I did last night. I doubt anyone was watching, I just wanted to see if it worked OK on the new connection. Seems to have, so there's a way to upload game footage without having to go through Youtube. The archive will only last for two weeks, though, so there's a trade off. But I went through most of the action in the game, some stealth stuff, rescuing hostages, firefights, the usual.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Cool  :thumbsup:

I've not seen twitchtv yet. Unfortunately for me, my connection is so slow it stops every 15 seconds or so to buffer more videdo  :undecided-new:


Check your resolution setting, PZ. If you do HD quality, that might explain your hitching ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


No, I never do HD quality else I'd never even see a video start.  :banghead:

I get faster Internet from using my phone as a hotspot, and I live where I get only a single bar of connection.  :banghead:

Kind of back on topic, I played about an hour or so of FC5 yesterday and still heard the obnoxiously annoying planes overhead even after the requisite update. Consequently I went to the weapon shop and got my Carl-G.

Now when I liberate an outpost and I hear that stupid engine starting (in mid-air) I immediately shoot the plane down, receiving the red banner "Don't shoot civilians". Immediately the friendlies see me as an enemy, but they do not shoot at me (at least not so far).

Take home lesson for me: UBI*bleep* wants me to hone my launcher skills on friendly aircraft. I must admit it is satisfying to see those plane go down.


UBI*bleep* seems to have a knack for putting things into their FC games that rub people the wrong way :huh-new: In 4 it was those blasted Eagles and the silly frequency of wild animal attacks, now it's planes buzzing around like mosquitoes (going by what you guys have reported). Why do they do these things and think they're good ideas?


That's a good question fragger - nothing like pissing people off to keep them playing a game.

Art Blade


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on June 07, 2018, 08:19:03 AM
here's about an hour of live stream I did last night

lol@coughing fit at around 25 minutes

Some of the YT uploaders that I kind of follow, upload their twitch live streams to YT later.


Yeah I could upload it from twitch to youtube, but there's nothing really worth bothering with there.

That bunker filled with toxic gas was pretty annoying. I may have missed some parts as I just wanted to get out of there. It was like the agent orange area later on, you just run through it as fast as you can I guess.

I haven't played in a few days, been busy otherwise, but that guy who was with me then is dead now, got on the wrong end of one of my remote explosives, I think, or the subsequent vehicle explosion, but I picked up another and have about a third of the map to explore before the game is finished, I think.

After that, I may do another run, as stealthy as possible, ignoring all side missions and just running right for the exit marker as fast as possible, seeing if you can really finish the game without doing anything else.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Finished the first run, I guess my estimate of how much game there is was a bit high, it took me about 4.5 hours to finish. Not bad, but not awesome either. Let's just say it was fun while it lasted.

So I started a new run doing as little as possible, and sneaking around everything to get to the end as fast as possible. I only had 25 minutes to play so I got about halfway there. Here's the link to the stream if you want to see me sneaking through the jungle. I'm calling it a "chicken" run because I'm being a chicken and not fighting anything if I can avoid it.

It starts a bit abruptly as I skipped the intro cut scenes and after those it jumps right in, so I didn't start the stream fast enough. But you get most of the beginning action.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Well, here you go, part two. I finished the game in 55 minutes according to the timer at the end. Had no one else alive, but hey, that's their problem. I'm thinking you might be able to skip that entire battle at the end, if the end game trigger is just a "get past this point" type of deal. You can cross that final river and get into that last village on foot, you don't need to ride the helicopter, but it might not trigger until you've picked up the last piece of intel in the bunker, so maybe not. I don't know if I'll do another run just to see if that works or not. Depends how bored I get.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

reminded me of Rambo what you did there :anigrin: fitting achievement, "80s hero" :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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