Far Cry 5 First Impressions. (Spoiler: I finished the game already)

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 28, 2018, 06:45:29 AM

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The Lost on Mars DLC has dropped and I played about an hour of it. Live stream links below. The first one is the intro, and then I find that it didn't transfer over my controls, so I had to remap keys for a few minutes so I stopped the stream and started when I was done. The second one is the actual game play.

So, first impressions, well, ehhhhh..... I mean, interesting situation, and it's Nick Rye helping Hurk repair Anne, the AI from the side quest about the crazy guy who builds a teleporter. So you travel to Mars and have to help power Anne back up and save Earth from an alien invasion. Since it's Hurk, there's a lot of jokes and funny antics, so this one is not very serious. It looks cool, and the mechanics for getting weapons and such is cool, though it looks like there's a limited number of weapons to choose from once you get all the blue prints. From the size of the map, and the number of quests in the journal, I expect maybe another 4-5 hours, depending on how much looking around you do. One thing that already annoys me is that certain enemies hide under the sand, and pop out when you walk on it, so you have to use your jet pack carefully and always walk on rocks. Borrowed directly from Half Life 2, make of that what you will. But I find it a bit too limiting in that you can't just go where you want and wander around. If it turns out the way I expect, I think it will be decent, but I think I'll like it less than the Hours of Darkness DLC. But a cool addition to the game in that I'm sure they will add the assets to the level editor for arcade and hopefully we get some fun maps out of it.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Those sand monsters look to be quite annoying, and that pistol looks as weak as the Makarov in FC2  :gnehe:


First thing I did when I had enough goop was to get the rifle. Even that isn't that powerful, need more upgrades.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Did you try the invisible suit? That sounded interesting.


You have to make charges for it and I used the one I had accidentally, so I tried it but not in any way to know if it works or not.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Art Blade

in a way it reminds me of the movie Starship Troopers because of those arachnoids ("the bug planet") but they didn't have a, hahaha, BROBOT :D that is hilarious, with that bandana on top. But else.. hmm... I don't think I could stand that country music in space any longer than I had to while watching your vids ;) Well, that DLC definitely is better by orders of magnitude compared to the vanilla FC5 O0


Yeah that's right, Starship Troopers. The book was billions of times better than the movies (yes there were several), and the book was one of my favorites by Heinlein. I'll have to keep that in mind as I play through the game, see if there's any more references to it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I got all Starship Troopers movies. I think the first is still the best. They really screwed up the next (horribly, even) and then they kind of redeemed themselves by going back to the roots in the follow-up.


Was there more than three? That's all I recall seeing. It seemed the end of the last one I saw was kind of open for more.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


hmmm.... I think I've only seen the first three then. Didn't realize there was a TV show as well. Out of the loop or not paying attention.

Anyway, I was doing some Far Cry arcade stuff to get some club challenges and decided to try out some of the new stuff you can get. Mostly the best one is the MG42 which is pretty much what you expect, but then I noticed you can use Lost on Mars weapons in the main game. I guess Nick Rye got back to Earth and brought some alien guns back with him, I dunno. Anyway, here's about 12 minutes of live stream trying some of them out.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

funny how your car got hijacked :) and later when you shot out a tyre, you seem to have thought the same as me: "that was fun.." and shot out another tyre :anigrin:

Pretty powerful weapons, it seems, and they look cool. O0


Yeah I didn't want to walk and I hate it when the civilians take your car. You can get it back from them if they are stopped, but not if they are moving, so I shot the ti(y)re to get them to stop and repaired it to take it back. Of course, they got mad at me for that and I had to take a few of them out.

Back on Mars, I made some more progress, here's a stream of fighting with the power gloves, which was interesting, the usual forced melee segment where they take all your weapons away. Then I went on to the bovine research center which was funny, but for some reason the stream cut off, not sure why, but you only miss the end of the queen fight and the bit where the yeti from the first part wakes up and I have to fight him. Made good use of the invisibility cloak there to confuse the yeti and and kill him. That was only after he killed me first, though.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

damn, we'll miss the boss fight? Well, I'll watch it anyway :bigsmile:

🡱 🡳

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