Far Cry 5 First Impressions. (Spoiler: I finished the game already)

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 28, 2018, 06:45:29 AM

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Yeah I thought of that right away, that essentially it's FC3 and FC4 all over again with "liberating" towers. At least each one is different, and the gravity belt and wings make things a bit more interesting.

But the arachnids are much harder now that I've helped Anne get to above 75% or so. As you can see by me dying three or four times in a row in one of those videos. I eventually just left the area and stopped trying to kill them all. The weapons I had at the time just can't kill them fast enough when they are ganged up like that. That's why I always get up on high ground and try to snipe them as much as possible, but now, they are sniping back with their acid attacks.

I lowered my stream settings a notch, so maybe the next time it won't cut off all the time. It was getting a bit annoying.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Why do the developers at UBI*bleep* think that overdoing the tower-like things are good in a game? Sure, an occasional one might be kind of fun, but when you need to reveal every inch of the map by doing a tower, it becomes really old, really fast.


Not all of them are a tower climb, though quite a few are.

I played for quite a while today, and streamed a few times. These first two are attempts at a geyser run, which are always a bit weird. With this one, though, the game would crash at the end for some reason, must have been because I was streaming, because it worked fine when I tried it later without the stream on, so who knows.

Those are both the same thing, and end when the game and twitch stream crashed. I guess they just didn't like each other. Then I had a more successful run with another geyser and then a bunch of stuff:

Then at 11:00 there's a fight with three queens that was a bit intense. The actual queen fight begins at 14:00. Cool but short fight for one of the pieces of Hurk's body at 29:00. A Clutch Nixon run begins at about 31:30 but the successful run begins at 39:00. Another facility reboot begins at about 45:00, in an area where there's blue sand, which disables your jump boost and you can't fly upwards. Which makes it essentially a tower climb, I guess, lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

finally I managed to watch all those. Nice :) I think I'll dream of C64 style music and black clouds from those gas station burritos while hurling myself through burning loops of Spirits of Christmas :D

Are you almost done with 94% or is that just restoring Anne to full power and more stuff to come?


I'm pretty much done. I have everything booted back up and just have to go to the control center and restart everything. I'm finishing up the last of the achievements first though. I just have three notes from Larry to find first, then I'll see how it all ends. I'm sure there's going to be a surprise, as in, everything is not as it seems.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Yeah it was fun. I think I liked the Viet Nam DLC a little better. The Mars one looks really cool, the environment feels like another planet, and the weapons are cool, but the large expanses of sand on the map that you can't walk on or risk getting attacked all the time was kind of a bummer.

I finished it, and of course my stream video quit and didn't tell me. I got a few minutes of the first part of the battle. This first stream is me making my way to the control center, then remembering that I didn't make the last weapon I got unlocked for finding all of Larry's notes. So I go and do that and the stream quits.


Then I restart the stream and it lasts a few minutes into the fight when Anne is fully activated and of course turns evil, or shows her real plan, because she was always evil, of course.


I thought the stream was still up, so a lot is missed, like the fight inside with a bunch of Hurk clones and then powering up the teleporter. Once you leave, the game is over and there's a few comic-style pictures to see of Hurk and Nick being welcomed home as heroes, as the credits roll.

So, yeah, a fun few hours but I would have liked a little more inventive game play to go along with the cool scenery and fun guns. I had also gone back to the main game a bit and used the Mars weapons on some Peggies back in Montana, but the stream was long dead by then. I'll fiddle with the settings again, but if it keeps failing like that, I'll get OBS and see how it works.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

OBS has worked like a charm for me when recording my stuff, it has never failed me in over 200 vids (of course I haven't uploaded all of them) so you really should give it a shot.

Pity those last streams were so very short. And broken. :anigrin:


eh, it is what it is. The fight with the 100's of Hurk clones was kinda boring actually, then the final discussion where Hurk has to decide to sacrifice his real body and remain a robot in order to save the Earth. So, as far as this story goes, it doesn't really happen in the "real" game world of Far Cry 5, call it a comic or movie I guess.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Did a stream mostly to test out the lower settings, which seem to w0#k, but the quality suffers. Anyway, the first 15 minutes is hunting bears with the pistol to complete the weekly challenge. Then, the last 10 minutes is fooling around with the Mars weapons and just generally causing havoc.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Yeah the pistol rocket launcher is a bit OP, and can get you in trouble.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I lived streamed the first couple "chapters" of the zombies expansion.


So far, not really too excited about this one, seems it's mostly a corridor run-and-gun with tons of enemies thrown at you.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

kind of underwhelming. More suitable for 13-year-olds, I suppose :anigrin:

The video quality is alright until you reach dark areas such as around 9:00 or on that bridge when it becomes so pixelated it could easily compete with Tetris. :gnehe:


I would play CoD zombies instead to be honest. Haven't touched the Mars DLC and I'm probably not going to play this one.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

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