Far Cry 5 First Impressions. (Spoiler: I finished the game already)

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 28, 2018, 06:45:29 AM

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Yeah, he is one of my "go to" companions now.  :thumbsup:
My co-op buddy said that he obtained the SA-50 at Angel's Peak close to the feet of the statue of Joseph Seed in an ammo cache. I think I'll visit again today to see if I can find it.


I missed a lot of stuff at the statue due to hitting the wrong key and jumping out of my helicopter by accident, dying, then respawning back in the chopper already on the ground, and when you do that, all the dead bodies that were laying there and all the stuff they dropped is reset and gone.

I did the race at the ghost town last night and got this sweet buggy added to my available vehicles, so it's my go-to car now.

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Also changed out companions, this guy also has the loot perk and something else that I forget, but he's decent enough in a firefight, enough to cause a distraction so they don't all swarm on me.

Changed outfits again, though I don't know why. There's really no point in this game to clothes, you never see your character unless you're dead or waiting for a revive from a buddy. Otherwise, you only see what you're wearing and what you look like in the menu.

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I went up to the prepper cache on raptor mountain and that was the only time so far I've been attacked by eagles. Mostly because you're tramping around in their nests up there. And they only just swipe at you, they don't attack like they did in FC4 where you had to beat them off. So they aren't as much of a pain now. I mostly ignored them once I realized what they were doing.

After that, I took the wing suit and landed at the taxidermy shop to look for peaches the mountain lion, that's where I left it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on April 04, 2018, 08:58:41 AM
Changed outfits again, though I don't know why. There's really no point in this game to clothes, you never see your character unless you're dead or waiting for a revive from a buddy. Otherwise, you only see what you're wearing and what you look like in the menu.

Just look down on your legs :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah, and your arms too when you reload or climb something, but really it's not much. I would understand if you could go into 3rd person view, but otherwise, I guess clothes are just something to spend money on....
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I got caught up in one of the dumbest missions I've experienced in any Far Cry game. It is called "The World is Weak", and once started there is no way to abandon the timed requirement to make it to the finish.  :banghead:

I just hate it when they absolutely force you to do something that lame rather than giving you the option.


I haven't hit that one yet, at least I don't think so. Most of the missions can be abandoned in the menu somewhere, forget exactly where. Certain story missions might not be though.

I started the live event and found that burning things with the repair blowtorch works fine. Even chickens count. Set myself and Peaches on fire quite a few times doing it though. Got maybe 5 or 6 kills that way. Actually it's much easier to kill enemy humans with the blowtorch than it is animals, as the animals run away from you.

Peaches the cougar is fun to have along, but it bothers me animals can't get in vehicles and you just leave them behind and once you get out, they show up. I mean, I flew across the map in a helicopter, and it could keep up by running along the ground? Wow, they are fast I guess.

Picked up the mission to find all the whiskey barrels in the lake, which are scattered around a large area. They are marked by crosses on the shore with a direction marker painted on a rock nearby, then you swim around looking for the rope leading to them, but I bought the map in the weapon shop and that just marks them for you. Made hunting them easier. Then of course, I got sidetracked by several things as I was wandering into areas I hadn't been yet and there were enemies to attend to.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I think you might be correct - I checked each and every menu option, and the only thing active was "Restart checkpoint", which did nothing but take you back to the start of the lame sequence. I also quit the game without saving, and at first it seemed to w0#k because I was back in the world again, but in a minute or so, the same drug haze started and I was right back into it.  :banghead:

I managed to gain all my specialists, and they all are useful for certain situations. For example, I started a mission in which I was to watch out for Jacob's helos, so I equipped my Helo specialist and she made quick w0#k out of them, and I did not even need to tell her to attack. It is funny in this video where the two cultists fall out of the helo as it is crashing  :D

Art Blade

that helo coming down almost took the buns off Cheeseburger.


Art Blade



I spoke with my son yesterday (who has completed the game) and mentioned my ire regarding that part of the Hurk mission I detested, and he said if I did not like that, there is worse to come.  :banghead:

If I again am forced to go through something stupid without being able to abandon the mission, I think I'll throw that disk out the window like a Frisbee.


I haven't met Hurk yet, but it seems his missions are always pretty stupid. Well, he's a pretty stupid character, even his father says to bring him along to have someone to blame (saw that in a video). Those monkeys with bombs on them was a dumb mission in FC3 or 4, whichever it was. But it says you can abandon a mission from the pause menu, so maybe that will w0#k for you. Since I don't think any of his missions are story-critical, you can probably ignore them.

I found all the whiskey barrels in the lake, definitely worth buying the map for that, though I think it's a wash once you get the reward for completing that, as the map costs about as much as you get from it. I picked up the perk to have two people with me, but that got to be tiresome, as it was too much trouble keeping both of them alive, so when one died I didn't bother getting her back.

I finished the online challenge mission thing, forget what they call it. Burning animals with the repair torch turned out to w0#k pretty well. But the flame thrower you get for it isn't special except for the paint job on it. The plain one I already picked up has the same stats.  They should at least bump up the damage it does or something.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Those missions sound quite do-able so maybe I'll give it a go soon.

I tried to find an abandon mission menu item in the Pause menu, but nothing other than restart from the last checkpoint.

I now have all the specialists, and one of the most useful is Adeline, Hurk's (or his father's) ex-wife who is a helo pilot - she is most excellent to have on certain missions. Unfortunately, to get her, you need to go through the Hurk mission.

🡱 🡳

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