Far Cry 5 First Impressions. (Spoiler: I finished the game already)

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 28, 2018, 06:45:29 AM

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It's found in the "Journal" section. Just like AC: Origins ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yesterday I was quite happy playing in the map opening new areas, speaking to people and getting new side missions when I made the fatal mistake of continuing in the story line.  Into a drug haze I went, and when I woke up it was like a bad nightmare - I was back into the same ridiculously lame timed mission I disgustedly ranted about a few days ago, only this time it was even longer!  For a second I thought I must have encountered a glitch, but as I went through the "mission" AGAIN, I discovered that it was even longer in what you needed to do, and the time was even SHORTER - 30 seconds this time instead of the initial 45 seconds.

I did not even quit the game - I just ejected the disk from the console. I do not know if I will return to this stupid game.  Again, I do not see a quit mission menu item from the pause menu like I see with some of the other missions. UBI*bleep*-morons are forcing you to try to continue this line even if you do not like it - what moronic idiots. People on the fence like me are forced to make a decision - try to play the game as they want or abandon it entirely. :banghead:

If they do not provide a solution, I'll never purchase another Far Cry game again - what complete and utter idiots, when their sole purpose is to sell games.

Shame really, I love parts of the game, but I do not appreciate having to research each and every mission to be sure it does not lead down a rabbit hole from which you cannot escape.


Jacob loves to brainwash you three times
...  :banghead:

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I know, but it would be nice to know where, so I could avoid those missions.  As it is, the game is bricked as far as I am concerned, and I will not return to it unless I can find a w0#k around.

I am totally pissed off, and I cannot imagine those UBI*bleep*-morons have anticipated my reaction to their idiotic lack of ability to abandoning this kind of mission, else they would not jeopardize their loss of my support to their stupid games.

Art Blade

one possible workaround could be this: ask your son to copy a savegame once he's played through the game. If it works, you should be able to just roam the lands which I know you like to do.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


I've not found a way to save game progress on the console to share with another. My only hope is that he can join my game in it's current state to complete the ridiculous sequence. If that cannot happen, then I'll throw the disk away (or likely burn it in a fire so I can enjoy it) and never purchase another Far Cry game. I still cannot believe UBI*bleep* would be so stupid to alienate gamers like me that appreciate the Far Cry world but do not want to complete their idiotic elements.

I realize I am in the minority of gamers, but because they want to gain every penny, they are stupid to cause people like me to leave their franchise.

Art Blade

maybe you could lend your console to your son and have him finish the most cumbersome missions for you? :) Perhaps even better, as an incentive, invite him to one of your nice meals and then have him do it using your console while you watch? :bigsmile:


Unfortunately he lives in another state - but I'm going to visit him soon, and will bring my disk along. He has a couple of PS4s and I'll install the game on one of them so we can play co-op while I'm there  :gnehe:

Art Blade

ah, that's not worth it. Better spend some time with your son, have some fun and forget about that bloody game :bigsmile:


Art Blade

if you've still got FC2, you should whizz around a bit in Africa, listen to merc chats and enjoy your favourite game for a change ;)


I still have FC2 and prefer to play it on the PC - I'll likely never get rid of it. However, I'm back into Origins right now because there are almost no "features" that annoy me to leave the game.  :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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