Far Cry 5 First Impressions. (Spoiler: I finished the game already)

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 28, 2018, 06:45:29 AM

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Sorry to hear your frustration with the required missions, PZ, I have the same, though less extreme reaction to them. Just by playing the game, where you rescue hostages or take out cult VIPs, you gain reputation, and when it hits a certain level, you are forced into the cutscene and escape sequence. You have no control over when it happens and no way to get out of it. I would recommend playing them in co-op mode. OWGKID and I did one on my save game and they are a literal breeze with two people. It didn't look like there were double the enemies, so one person could basically do nothing while the other finishes the level. Luckily, they are fairly short, at least the ones I've encountered so far are, but the timer bit is just stupid. I realize what they are trying to do, story-wise, but let's not be so ham-fisted about it, OK?

The side missions you get after clearing an outpost are so random, one was to catch a certain fish. The hint said to use a certain lure but I didn't have that option yet, but it didn't seem to matter, got the weird looking thing anyway.

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Then I just wandered around for an hour or so, looking at stuff and hunting things. And here I always thought the wild jackalope was a myth....

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Though the game calls it an "alpha hare", probably jackalope is a trademark by now. It was funny as I thought it was an antelope or deer because of the antlers, I thought it was a bigger animal further away, and my arrows kept going over it's head. One trick with using the bow with the ranging sight (whatever it's called, the one with the distance markings on it) you can use the binoculars to sight on something, then mark a waypoint there, and it will tell you how far away you are, which gives you an idea how much distance to dial in with the ranging sight on the bow.

I saw the marker for this truck on the map and my compass but kept walking past it, thinking it must be on the road, but no, those tricky cultists thought they'd hide it down this ravine.

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Then Linda, the archer I've had tagging along with me for a while, gave this guy a lot to think about, and probably regret, in his last few moments....

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Either that or this vaping trend has taken things to extremes.

Oh, and if you're hunting around for a dead body to loot, and it's lost in the underbrush, there will be a small X mark on your compass that will lead to each of the last few things you killed. Just put it at the center of the compass and walk towards it. Still can be tricky to find, but having Linda along with the vulture attribute means she also looks for bodies to loot, so I just follow her around, and loot them right after she does. Double money and ammo.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks D_B; I'm becoming more extremely reactive as I age - I appear to have lost my tolerance for stupid stuff, and am vocally active for any dumb stuff I experience :gnehe:

I did complete the 30-second timed sequence after I had calmed myself in Origins, but am dreading the next one (I think there are three in total). First one was 45 seconds, the next 30 seconds and longer path to get it done, and what is the final one? I am afraid to even think about it.

I did co-op a while ago, and my son gave me his "Old Betsy" fly rod, which is the top tier - I've been using that to do fishing, and it is quite successful.

On an aside, I did the "Judge" side mission and it was relatively easy with the M79  :evil2:

Nice pics and story, D_B  O0

Art Blade

yeah, I like it, too (and I'm glad I don't have to mash the like-button here) :anigrin:

That ravine pic, that's the legacy of the Datsun Dummies. :bigsmile:

And lol@vaping trend :D


Well, I went into a story mission to fly a plane and destroy a convoy. Without revealing too much, you need to go through three stages of progressively difficult levels, and again you cannot abandon the mission - must be a main story "feature" that prevents you from quitting missions you don't like.  :banghead:

On the positive side, the game has the most interesting environment of any of the Far Cry games, and I absolutely love using the specialists and guns for hire. I've cleared a few outposts without detection just by using my stealthy specialist.  :thumbsup:

My stealthy specialist (Jess) who uses a bow and is feral friendly sometimes uses fire arrows

Art Blade


Her fire arrow is an annoyance while hunting... Although killing the burning animal with a regular arrow still gives me the skins :laughsm:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Like I said in the video comments, they love the fire arrows, as does the archer chick I have with me, Linda. Then almost invariably, the fire spreads and everyone freaks out that there's a fire, that they started.

Found an interesting glitch last night. I was following a stream mostly just to look at how it flowed around rocks and over small waterfalls, somewhere up near the veteran's hospital where you have the meetings with Jacob. Anyway, I have the habit of holding down the jump button while I'm still in the air. Probably an old habit from some game long ago where you jumped further the longer you held down the button. Anyway, that button is also assigned to the open parachute action, so on some jumps, holding down the button opens the parachute. Usually this isn't an issue, as you just land and go on your way. But this time I must have hit it just right and as the parachute opened, I glitched through the ground and was under the map. I was still swimming and considered "under water" because I was below the stream still, and couldn't get back up through the ground. So after a bit, I must have left the area where the water physics were active, and fell into a void area and died. Oh well.

Had Hurk along and he's good for a laugh especially with that rocket launcher of his. We were jogging along ("Come on legs, I know you're full of pancakes, but get a move on!") and a moose runs across our path. Of course Hurk thinks it's a good idea to shoot it point blank with the rocket. Kills himself, the moose and Linda. After laughing, I revive them both and get the damaged meat and skin off the moose. Needless to say, once Hurk got his requisite number of kills to get me the perk points, I sent him packing.

It is interesting how the guns for hire interact with each other and have lines of dialog. Hurk and Linda would talk about various things and Linda would talk to Cheeseburger with lines like "Who's my big fuzzy bear?". I guess there's something like 72 hours of dialog in the game? Sure, there's a lot of the main story stuff, but I find the little bits like that more interesting.

They will also revive each other and yourself if you're still clinging to life. Nice mechanic there. Cheeseburger just comes up and licks your face. Funny.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Go to the 8-bit Pizza bar in Faith's region. Considering the fact you enjoyed the banter between them :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah, the dialog is quite interesting.  :thumbsup:

Cheeseburger has revived me more than once, as have the others. However the revival is mutual - I've had to revive them from dumb stuff more than once  :gnehe:

Art Blade

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on April 10, 2018, 08:40:00 AMeveryone freaks out that there's a fire, that they started.


That's something typical of UBI*bleep* AI.


I just did a side mission for some guy named "Guy" who said he'd kill himself if he had to continue to w0#k on Far Cry 5  :laughsm:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Oh yeah the movie, that is pretty fun. There are a couple missions for him. The last one in the cave where you have to lure in the angels and kill them in various ways so he can film it was a bit tiring as I kept missing the prompt in how you were supposed to kill them, and had to keep running out of the cave to lure more of them in.

I spent most of an hour last night fishing. I was doing the mission for the girl who gives you the next level fishing rod to catch the admiral sturgeon. Well, after an hour of trying to catch him every way I could think of, I looked it up online and found out it's almost impossible to catch him using the mouse, you pretty much have to use the controller. Apparently the fishing mechanic is way different on the controller. Well, after two casts using the controller, I caught him. By then my game time was about up and pretty much all I had done was fish. So I guess from now on when I fish, I'll use the controller.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I have the Old Betsy rod, but have not done the Admiral yet - might give it a go soon. Right now having fun doing cult outposts and side missions mostly undetected.

Jess has turned out to be one of my favorite specialists

Art Blade

it was nice to watch how accurately she took out the enemies. However, having to endure the car's stuck horn whaling like a siren for almost the entire duration of the video, was probably the worst I have had to stomach for some time now. Geez, PZ, you sadist :anigrin:

🡱 🡳

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