Far Cry 5 First Impressions. (Spoiler: I finished the game already)

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 28, 2018, 06:45:29 AM

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"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"



I know what you mean - the car horn was blowing way before this part of the mission started!  I think the developers had in mind that you take the car out with a rocket just to get rid of the noise and take the punishment from all the cultists and Angels that would attack you  :gnehe:


Anyone know exactly what you need to do to enable the Outpost Master?  I have completed all three regions, but have not done the final mission because some on the consoles report that the credits roll and you cannot go back into the game. I certainly do not want to start over because I still have many of my side missions left, and I'm not fond of most of the story missions at all.


You can free roam. It's a glitch that makes the credits constantly scroll. To free roam, you need to close the game and relaunch it after dealing with Joseph. Menu background screen will change too! I would still recommend you to complete everything just in case the glitch happens
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"



Well, I completed the main story line this morning and was able to activate the Outpost Master. Observations on the process and outcome:

  • I was presented with the choice to resist or walk away. I first I walked away, watched the cut scene and the credits rolled. However, starting the game trying to activate the Outpost Master did not w0#k - I was put back into the ending mission.
  • I had to do the "Resist" option to complete the main story line (even though I still have story missions to complete. Now the Outpost Master is available, which I activated.
  • The first loading screen now shows a devastated Hope County
  • I do not know if this is a feature or an issue, but as I return to the game after completing the main story line, it is always dark - the sun never rises
This video was done before I completed the main story line, and is a bit longer than my usual less than a minute length. It shows how useful Hurk can be with his rocket launcher - he responds to commands, and will also shoot down targets on his own without instruction.


Nice vid, PZ. I just unlocked Jess last night myself. Along with Linda, my other archer companion, they can do short w0#k of pretty much anyone, though Linda, being just a run-of-the-mill person, and not a "specialist" usually has to get two shots on someone to take them down, whereas Jess usually just takes one. Both have a love for fire arrows though, as I've said before. A little irksome when you're hunting, and it takes 2-3 shots to take down a bison or elk, and then before you get your third shot in, Jess hits it with a fire arrow and burns the meat and ruins the hide.  :angry-new:

So what I do now is get my bow ready, then target the animal with both Linda and Jess, and once their first arrows hit, I plink the last one in and that usually takes down even a bison quickly. Though I don't need the money, I just like the hunting aspect, running around, checking things out and seeing what's around the edges of the map.

I did a prepper stash way up in the mountains where a plane had crashed. A lot of climbing and scrambling to get up there, and Linda and Jess had a hard time keeping up. Once I got there, I did a bit of fishing in a remote lake and reeled in an arctic grayling which put up a good fight considering it's size. But after that I used the wing suit to jump off the mountain and glide to the next one where there was a radio tower. Linda and Jess couldn't keep up again, and last I saw them, they are stuck on a ledge halfway between the two mountains. I'm sure they will be along side me once I reload the game tonight. I'm almost done with the Whitetail Mountains area, just a few more outposts and side missions to clean up then it's on to the valley and the last Seed before the final confrontation with the boss guy. I hear of the possible endings you can get, none of them are very happy.

I see PZ posted while I was writing. Seems another one of those, "you have a choice of endings, but not really" deals. If you want to continue in free roam mode, that is.

Oh, and you don't need to use the binoculars to have your companions target something, you can just aim down the sight of your gun at something and target that way. You can also target without even that, but it's less precise.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks D_B  O0

Good story of your experiences  :thumbsup:

I wonder if Jess or the others become better as they get more kills - Jess almost always accompanies me these days, and it is rare that I do not complete an outpost undetected just by targeting the cultists for her arrows - I rarely need to shoot.

boss fights
I did not like the Faith boss fight - just too drug induced hallucinations for me, and the Jacob Seed boss sequence was run and gun for quite a bit. However, as you approach Jacob to kill him in the end, it was normal fighting with any approach you like, but no companions.

It was kind of funny - Jacob was atop a high mountain, and I shot at him with my Carl-G until I ran out of ammo - he fell quite a few times. Then I hit him with all the .50 rounds I had in my SA-50, and he also fell quite a bit, but still did not die.  Then I did all the climbing required, weeding through the wolves and cultists to get to his spot, and it took only a few rounds from the AR-CL to finish him off - best boss fight I have ever experienced. However, you had to go through his run and gun bunker to get to that part.

Overall, the open world parts of the game are the best in any of the FC games, but the run and gun story missions are not my cup of tea. I'm now glad that I can open the outposts again to play with different methods of attack.

I have yet to be attacked by an eagle, and there was one mission where I walked right through an eagle nest with the eagle walking past me several times. I did not shoot at it.


I used the Carl G on Jacob too. Rather than climbing up the mountain, I ended up sniping him. By dealing with the other enemies first, you can actually kill him without walking up the mountain.

Other than those goddamn capture parties (apparently
it's about three times per region. Now, three is a holy number, the Trinity and this game is definitely full of biblical references throughout

UBI*bleep* had a survey regarding the next FC games and this year DLC is focused on those community requests (zombies, Vietnam War and Mars) I expect FC6 to be post apocalyptic, given the endings ::) I might just buy FO4, mod it to *bleep* and call it FC6  :laughsm: :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah the trinity stuff is everywhere in the game. I also sniped Jacob from the bottom of the mountain, I didn't even know who it was at first, he was just a blip on my scanner and I shot at it. Once I realized he kept getting up even though I was sure I was hitting him, I figured out who he was. I think you just have to kill all or a certain number of his followers on the lower parts of the mountain first. Then you can kill him, so I sniped them all with the MBP or whatever it is. Then you get Jacob's rifle which isn't any different than the normal SA-50, which isn't as good as the MBP if you put some upgrades on it. I think all it does is reload slightly faster, but with a better scope and larger magazine, the MBP has better accuracy.

I liberated the last outpost in the Whitetail Mountains and did the radio tower quest. I still have the bobbleheads to pick up as well as the vinyl records and baseball cards, but I'll do them as I find them. So more wandering around with Linda and Jess, nothing too exciting. I found this place and was hoping to be able to use the telescope, but no, I was sad.  :(

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"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, I'm just wandering around looking for collectibles. The game feels a bit short. I still always take Jess as one of my specialists, and then either Cheeseburger, Hurk, or a random person depending on the targeting need.


Yeah I was kinda thinking it was shorter than the last two. Definitely shorter than FC2 was.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I did reset all the cult outposts and did a couple - they are still one of the fun parts for me. However, once you complete the main mission line it feels like just mopping up a bit. I'd probably have purchased some of the DLC, but zombies and mars locations are not my cup of tea.

Art Blade

I've been reading all posts and I have to say, I was a bit surprised at how fast any of you finished the game. Like, five or so lengthy posts and already reporting completion indicates a very short game. Kind of sad, and annoying, given the amount of money you paid for it.


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on April 13, 2018, 07:56:30 AM
Yeah I was kinda thinking it was shorter than the last two. Definitely shorter than FC2 was.

At least this game doesn't have the bads from FC2 ::)

I think it comes down to their focus on co-op and world exploration. Actually, a lot of missions will be "lost" if you fill the RP meter by NOT doing missions. In other words, we are playing the game "wrong" :-X

I ended up not liberating Fall's End due to I got captured by John's people
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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