Far Cry 5 First Impressions. (Spoiler: I finished the game already)

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 28, 2018, 06:45:29 AM

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Quote from: OWGKID on April 13, 2018, 10:51:21 AM
In other words, we are playing the game "wrong" :-X

Maybe so, but I my way of thinking is that I should be playing exactly as I want, like in Origins. I was so hopeful for FC5 after Origins (I spent an extraordinary amount of time in that game for me, and I am still not done). I naively thought that UBI*bleep* finally got the plan right, but sadly they did not learn much, and made parts worse, at least for me.

It is amazing that I finished the game so fast - reminds me of how fast Unity went when I could not believe the game was already over when I finished it. Maybe UBI*bleep* is trying to do like film makers - leave you wanting more.

I think it is kind of lame that we lose missions simply by not knowing exactly what increases your RP - I do not want to have to research what I can do to increase the length of the game  :banghead:

It seems that many of the activities result in RP increasing, albeit slower than when you do the big missions. On the other hand, you get bigger rewards in the shops for doing the main missions.

I have been on the UBI*bleep* forums reading the comments and among them are the short duration of the game in comparison to prior games. One guy even suggested remastering FC2 with the game mechanics of FC3 (I'd have recommended FC5 mechanics)


Yeah the whole RP meter thing with it's set places for when something in the main story happens is a bad idea, at least for the way I play the game. I can stand at a road intersection for an hour getting RP by killing VIPs, freeing hostages, stopping reaping trucks and destroying cult fuel trucks that all come rolling by - I don't have to move very far at all. This is how I finished Faith's region so fast, I hardly did any main story stuff, as that was how I played all the previous games. None of them had forced main story missions depending on how much you did in the open world parts of the game. Since you can't really avoid the various things I listed above, unless you fly everywhere or walk in the woods, you're going to advance the RP meter and the main story whether you like it or not.

Speaking of, I finally got around to heading to Fall's End. Thinking I'd have the fight of my life on my hands, gauging by the preview videos, I was ready. As I approached, I get a radio message from the chick who runs the bar and she says because I had given the cult so much trouble elsewhere, they liberated the town themselves. I've already killed Faith and Jacob, and cleared both of their areas, so I guess the cult is running out of zealots to throw at me. So I drive into town and talk to her and get some side missions. I've watched videos of the fight you're "supposed" to get there and saw the cut scenes I missed. Well, that was a let down. Then some of the stuff John says doesn't jive with my game as he talks about Faith and her angels, and well, they've been dead in my game for quite a while. I think the order you're "supposed" to do the main story is John's region, then Faith's, then Jacob's. Their difficulty seems to go up in that order, both with what you find in each region and the boss missions. I mean, the first thing you're told after the tutorial is to go to Fall's End, and it seems you get directed to Faith after that. But it looks like I messed that up and "broke" the story. I think the devs didn't quite plan for all contingencies very well.

Anyway, story troubles aside, I'm still having fun. I think we need a new term for bad drivers, as this is the seaplane version of a "Datsun Dummy"

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I was in the lookout tower and heard a strange sound outside, so I went out looking around and saw nothing until I looked up. Nice landing. Of course, the pilot kept getting back in and trying to take off, but couldn't so he'd hop out, not be able to walk anywhere without falling, so he'd get back in the plane. Lather-rinse-repeat.

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I spent the $1,000 in clothes to get the achievement, and changed the look of my character again. Though the cult doesn't have enough people to defend their hold on Fall's End, they still can spare someone to run around changing wanted posters.

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I had the same thing happening with me :laughsm: Although I had to go through a "baptism" (capture party) and got rescued by Jerome. ::)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Well, I think I broke the game. I've already been through the baptism part, got rescued, then fought off the counter attack while waiting for the chopper to pick us up. That was pretty much as soon as I did anything in John's area. After that I did some free roaming stuff, increasing the RP meter each time, and at each junction point I would get the message that they were sending planes after me. So, while doing the quest for the crazy guy building the teleporter, I got a radio message from John that I didn't pay much attention to as I was busy fighting off some groups of enemies. Anyway, I finished that quest, got the almost useless sonic impact gun or whatever it is (if you're really close you can send an enemy flying, then disintegrate his corpse) and started wandering around again. I needed supplies so I headed back to Fall's End, but no one was there. The bar and store were empty and I couldn't sell or buy anything. The garage had no option to buy a car. I looked around and the only person I found was the pilot guy, um, Nick I guess, and he was lying on a mattress in the church, said hello and that was it. No prompt to talk to him or anything. The rest of the town is empty.

I looked on the map to see if I had a quest marker and found none. Only when I zoomed out all the way to show the region with John's picture did I see it said something to the effect "John has called you to Fall's End". Maybe that's what he was saying in that last radio transmission? I don't know, I was too busy to listen to it. But he's not there that I can find, so anyone know where he's supposed to be? I tried saving and reloading as that usually resets any stuff, but still nothing.

So if I can't get him to show up, I guess I never finish the game.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


With all the glitches this game has I don't know if I should pass.
I don't think FC2 had more than three minor glitches in total
Respect is earned, not given.


Yeah I went on a wander to the pig farm to do that mission and half way there I got the radio message again and once I got back to town it was set up for the confrontation with John. Took me forever to shoot down his plane though. Never could get the rockets to actually hit him, though, my aim isn't the best. But once he bailed out, I was disappointed you couldn't shoot him as he parachuted back to the ground.

After that it was back to causing trouble, and getting Nick his plane back, so I think you're "supposed" to do those missions in reverse, as when you get Nick's plane there's a tutorial on how to fly. Not that it would have made shooting down John any easier, but it turned out OK.

There really aren't any more glitches in this game than most other open world games with complicated story lines, I think it's inevitable with something this complex. Fallout 4 surly has it's share of glitches, some so bad you can't continue or have to use console commands to get it fixed.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Just ram him. That's what I did (GTA style) :anigrin: :evil2: I used a controller, so it was easier for me to spam rockets :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I suppose you're right D_B, it sounds very complex.
I just get the impression it's not as open world as UBI*bleep* makes out it to be,
Looks like one has to follow a certain sequence of missions, outside of that
it scrambles the game    ???
Respect is earned, not given.


Yeah. I guess they decided to double down on the FC4 prison sequence with Pagan, although in a more annoying way. However, at least the cutscenes/dialogue can be skipped as in GTA V.

I would not mind the resistance meter, although the side stuff gives way too much RP. Could have cut it down by 50-75% for the random event stuff. Sure, grindy, but I guess it would give the game more longevity. Think the designers wanted the side missions/random events to have some effects on the narrative flow. The open world is defintely fun to explore and the Arcade mode is definitely worth to check out. I am looking forward to the new DLCs coming out
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I tried ramming his plane, and it just made mine blow up and me die. I was using the controller to fly, but he was doing loops and maneuvers I just couldn't keep up with. I would literally get him in my sights for a second, shoot a bit, then he would be zooming past me and I wouldn't see him again for another couple minutes, he'd just be a blip on the radar. I recorded the whole segment, but it took me 20-30 minutes to finish the whole thing, maybe more.

Doing the game out of intended order doesn't impact the story much, or at all, you just get a mention here and there in random dialog of events that haven't happened yet, or of something/someone that is long gone being referred to as if it still existed. For the most part, though, I've encountered no game-breaking bugs, just a few glitches here and there that were fixed by reloading the game or moving to a new area. I haven't seen the always night bug yet, but it seems that only happens after the main story is done? I did see something similar, though. When I was fishing for the sturgeon, using the mouse, which makes it impossible, it stayed daytime the entire time I was fishing, and that was about an hour of real time, which is plenty for the day/night cycle to flip a couple times. Once I stopped fishing it seemed to go back to normal.

I agree that the resistance meter fills too fast, especially for non-story activities, which should be the main source of filling it up, not the stuff you do just driving around. There were a couple times I skipped saving a hostage or engaging a roadblock just because I didn't want the meter to fill too fast. Then again, now that I've defeated John but haven't gone to his bunker yet, I don't have to worry about triggering any story related stuff while just having fun making trouble.

I'll try more arcade stuff to see what's available, and wait for the DLC even though it's nothing related to the current game, hoping it will be interesting at least.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on April 18, 2018, 08:44:59 AMI tried ramming his plane, and it just made mine blow up and me die.
That sounds like a proper approach, could have been me. :gnehe:



D_B, John will eventually fly in a straight line. Good time for putting him down with the rockets. It's difficult, they are not homing missiles... You could also call in   Nick, he tells you over the radio he will assist you :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Can you do any of the actual flying or is your buddies the only ones who can do the flying?
Respect is earned, not given.

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