BinnZ goes to County

Started by BinnZ, April 10, 2018, 03:08:08 PM

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You don't have to use the parachute to use the wingsuit? At least I don't, when I jump off a cliff, I get the prompt to use either.

The Clutch Nixon wingsuit race was a bit of a pain. I wasn't aware you couldn't skip them once you started them though. But for the wingsuit one, you don't have to hit all the markers, they just give you more time, so the first couple that were hard to hit I just skipped over and hit the next one that was easier to get.

The rest of the Nixon races though are fairly easy and give you a nice vehicle as I mentioned in the other thread.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I started the wing suit Nixon mission, saw that it was a timed race and immediately went to the options menu which allowed me to cancel the mission.


The wingsuit one is the worst, TBH. If anything, I'd say do the one in the ghost town, it's fun and gets you the sweet dune buggy truck thing. The rest, eh, can probably be skipped.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Maybe it was too late to notice a cancel option, I couldn't find it anyway. When I start the challenge, I see two buttons on-screen; left shift and space. The latter is to open the parachute, shift for the glider. However, pressing shift doesn't do a thing? I have to press and keep pressed space to open the parachute, then when it's open I can change to the glider with said shift button. It's a time consuming procedure and by the time I manage, I already lost a lot of time and hight.
Anyway, what I said about my general impression of the game, is solid. I find the story cheap and the gameplay repetitive. I think I will enjoy it for as long as it lasts, which based on the other shared experiences won't be very long.

Lol, if I want to go hunting and fishing in Bob Ross country I'd pick a hunting game, saves me the bearded *bleep*-heads. And if I want to shoot bearded *bleep*-heads I might as well get a game like Serious Sam :anigrin:

Well, enough ranting for now, I'll see if I can go on with or without the glider madness :-\
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

from my observation and listening to comments in a YT vid, the wingsuit requires holding down the key for some time until it deploys. The guy I observed jumped off a cliff, cursing and swearing about the controls, and did a proper faceplant. Repeatedly.



Until he grew a beard and joined the cult ;D
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Art Blade

Binnatics asked me to post that vid here, so there you go, but be advised

A LOT OF SWEARING AND CURSING. He's Glaswegian (a proper hardcore Scotsman from Glasgow) and I got used to his cursing. If you look at any of his vids' likes vs dislikes, it's impressive how he tends to get thousands of likes vs only a handful of dislikes. He edits his videos, adds music, and most of all, his vids wouldn't be what they are without his comments.


Nice Vid Art, thanx :)

And Jeez, what an accent 8)
"No hay luz"


Yes the wingsuit deploy is a bit weird, I did many face plants trying it out. Not to mention dying because I just jumped off a 1,000 foot cliff and the windsuit didn't deploy.

But after fooling with it a bit, as well as other controls in the game, I figured it out. You have to wait for the prompt on screen to tell you that you can deploy the wingsuit before holding the button down. So, what I was doing, because I knew what button to hold, was jump off something and immediately hold the button, which doesn't register. Waiting for the prompt then holding the button works fine. Probably the same reason for holding the button on other things, controllers are slow to respond, are you sure you want to do that? - type of reasoning, or something.

I did the same thing with the use medkit button, when I was in a firefight and taking damage, I'd hold the heal button down, thinking that it would take effect when needed, but no, you have to already have damage done to you before you can use a medkit, and it just ignores any button press otherwise. I presume so you don't waste medkits by pushing the button on a controller accidentally, but kinda useless on a keyboard.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


That explains quite a bit - I did not know the buttons wouldn't w0#k until the on screen prompt appeared that's a significant annoyance. On one hand there are the timed events in which you need to be johnny-on-the-spot with reactions, and then there are others in which you die if you are too quick to click.  :banghead:

Not exactly what I'd call smart programming.


Yeah, at least that's the way it seems it works to me. I was even holding down the button to open the wingsuit before jumping off, because it's the same button I use to run with. So I'd run at the cliff edge, and jump off, continuing to hold the run button which is now the open wingsuit button, and nothing would happen, I'd have to let go of the button and quickly hold it down again to engage the wingsuit.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Now I know why I die so often when trying the wing suit - too quick to click  :gnehe:


Crazy, the way they control your actions. They take so much liberty away
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

and it's the opposite of intuitive

🡱 🡳

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