BinnZ goes to County

Started by BinnZ, April 10, 2018, 03:08:08 PM

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I still maintain there are guys on the development team muttering under their breath when they read positive forum comments: "oh, so you think your having fun, eh... we'll fix that... we ain't gonna let you play the game yer way, your gonna play my way"

Art Blade

haha :) that sparks another idea of what they might say:

"Boss. Boss! There are still players who enjoy FC5."
"Really? How long have you been working for me, not counting tomorrow? You catch my drift? So find out what exactly they like about FC5. Then find the ones responsible so I can fire them. You there! You'll congregate a task force to 'patch' those parts as soon as you've figured them out, if you care about having a job."


 :D :thumbsup:

Still no word on the night glitch patch, although they quickly jumped on making it easier to make in game purchases.  :banghead:


That whole buying silver bars with real money to get stuff is so stupid, who the heck would do that? When I finished the main story, I had just over $200,000 in game monies, and something like 700 silver bars, just by playing the game, and looting everything I could find. I didn't dedicate hours to fishing and hunting, but I'd shoot a deer or bear if I saw it and I'd stop by a nice fishing spot and catch a few, but not an extreme amount. I'd buy ammo and explosives even though I could easily make explosives and find ammo that would usually keep me topped off. Many times I'd not be able to loot something because I couldn't hold any more of the materials that the loot box contained, which were usually stuff to make explosives and drugs. So, I wasn't skrimping to get that money and pretty much had all the weapons and vehicles I wanted, because, let's be honest, there isn't much difference between the various options for either. Aside from skins, there really isn't any reason to spend money. I bought stuff mostly to get the achievement for it, but spend real money to get in game money to buy stuff? No, there is absolutely no reason to do so. I don't know why they wasted the time to program that into the game.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


So true - I have nearly $100k with nothing to purchase that I want. I certainly would not spend real money to get fake in game money. The only thing I can imagine is that there are gamer children that instantly want high powered weapons and do not want to gain experience in order to get them. After all, their parents hard earned money is as real to them as in game money is.


Yep PZ, that was my thought too. The microtransactions are probably there to cater to the instant-gratification mob. The devs know those people exist, and if there is an extra buck out to be made out of them, they'll go for it. There's no way I'll pay real money for in-game goodies that I can get by just playing the game. Besides, I like to feel that I've earned the goodies :gnehe:


Every company wants money. Think they are there due to UBI*bleep* shareholders... I never bought any Silver Bars and the weekly challenges that arrives, gives plenty of them anyway.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Right, I'm back up to over 800 silver bars and something like 150,000 monies after my airplane and helicopter buying spree.

Finished the weekly challenge last night by gaming the fast travel system. I barely used fast travel in the regular game as I wanted to drive/walk around and look at stuff, but now that I'm in the post game, I use it. The only reliable place to find peggies now is Joseph's compound on the island. There are about a dozen and one truck, and I needed to destroy 15 trucks with explosives for the challenge. By using fast travel, just to the closest place and back, the area resets and you can do as much damage as you want. I also used that to get the last few kills with a specific weapon that I needed.

I have all the perks now except one, the airdrop, which I would never use because I don't fast travel. But playing arcade maps gives you a perk point so I may get it that way, or I may start a new game which will erase them anyway and start over.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I wonder if you lose the silver bars if you start a new play through.


Silver Bars are stored on Uplay servers. You cannot use them in offline mode, for obvious economical reasons :-X
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Well today I decided to go on. I did the same Nixon trial and with D_B's tips I managed to get the bloody yetpack out in time. The challenge itself wasn't that extremely hard, although I must say I don't like how you control yourself in the air with said thing.
Anyway, when I got back the the little house that challenge is close to, there was a truck. On of those that are meant to blow up. Wow, I love blowing up things! So I diced a couple of grenades in and got it; a smoking carcass. And that was basically all I got. The little 'blow-me-up-icon' was still there. So I tossed in another grenade, and a piece of dynamite. Nothing. Bug? Likely. *bleep* that truck and move on.
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I went to a prepper stash to get some money. It took a while before I found the key. Turned out that I had to blow up part of a fence that was put inside the house and was blocking me to go up a stairs. Tossing a bit of dynamite was the last thing I did to find a way up after running around that house a dozen times. Actually it was more meant to blow off some steam than to actually find the solution well, there it was.
I went down the ladder again, found the stash (yay!) and wanted to go up again. But wtf; I couldn't get up the final piece of stairs! There was a chain-lock blocking my way up! I already shot that lock on my way down. Maybe some bearded fool wanted to fool me. Then why not just shut the entrance entirely instead of just that lock, floating in the air? :undecided-new:
Another shot at it and I could get out, lol
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Well, who said anything about bugs? So far I have ONLY discovered an undead bearded freak, an unblowable truck and a floating lock. And I haven't even gotten the night-shift until now. Keep up the good w0#k, UBI*bleep*! O0
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

"Bugs? There are no bugs in our games. You may have found secret riddles, is all."



"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Well folks, I haven't touched the game since the 6th of May. I freed 2 areas and was about to free the third. But somehow I didn't want to go on. I had the idea of coming back to it once I had time, not busy with Mastermind Challenges or other stuff. But I know myself well enough... I think I am never going to finish that playthrough. GKID invited me to do some of these arcade maps. I might want to check that, since you can do them in coop. We'll see. I've spent 30 hours in the game until now. Won't be much more I suppose. So much for Hill-billy County I suppose ::)
"No hay luz"


Well, it's Ubisoft :anigrin:

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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