FC5 teaser

Started by LowPolyOWG, May 22, 2017, 09:25:25 AM

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So, UBI*bleep**bleep**bleep* decided to copy-paste RDR this time ::) /s

No, seriously, they published the Call of Juarez games back in 2007 which had the same theme, but those were linear games. At least this is guaranteed a release on PC compared to R*'s schedules of delaying/not announce anything

This might be a viable option in case R* decides to give us PC gamers the middle finger :angry-new: :'(
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


The trailer is a live action one so nope, this footage doesn't represent the game ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

live action as in "a film" with real world imagery? If not, if it's CGI which I suppose, it does look cool. I mean, look at the river. All of what is shown. Really amazing  :thumbsup:


Perhaps a combination of both. We have to wait on Friday to see how the game play and looks like. I hope we don't have to climb towers :-X
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I don't mind towers, it's those psycho's on steroids I don't like..... :angry-new:
Respect is earned, not given.


Not much to see at this point, but it's evidently not a western as such (only insofar as it takes place in the American north-west). There are grain silos and power lines visible in the trailers, and the guy running across the field looks like he may be wearing modern clothing, so it's evidently set present-day, or close to it. That rules it out as a RDR clone.

If you look closely at the bit with the church, that's not a guy ringing a bell in the tower - it's a guy bashing someone else's head against the bell...


Hmmmm..... speculations......

Some kind of serial killer on the loose? You have to hunt them down? Or escape?

Zombies? Or some other virulent thingy that makes people go crazy? (Why else would someone use some guy's head as a bell ringer?)

Military/government testing/experimentation that goes wrong?

Alien invasion?

Will it not suck so bad? Well, it is UBI*bleep*, sooo......
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


You never know, but remember the mantra of the game developers - make each subsequent iteration of a game worse than the prior one.  :-X

Art Blade

and: make really big promises they can't live up to.


Quote from: OWGKID on May 22, 2017, 09:25:25 AM
So, UBI*bleep**bleep* decided to copy-paste RDR this time ::) /s

No, seriously, they published the Call of Juarez games back in 2007 which had the same theme, but those were linear games. At least this is guaranteed a release on PC compared to R*'s schedules of delaying/not annunce anything

This might be a viable option in case R* decides to give us PC gamers the middle finger :angry-new: :'(

Careful criticizing Rockstar son, I will have to quote R*'s statement about the delay here:
QuoteWe are very sorry for any disappointment this delay causes, but we are firm believers in delivering a game only when it is ready. We are really excited to bring you more details about the game this summer. In the meantime, please enjoy this selection of new screenshots from the world of Red Dead Redemption 2.

I am more than happy to wait. To be honest, I have even checked the price of online services for a PS4 because I really don't want to miss out on this one.

Sharp observation Fragger, I also noticed the strange looking clapper. Take that together with the guy running through the field after that horrible scream is heard, and I fear for at least some crazy boss fights.
The general impression I got from this title though, is that this could actually be a good game. I will definitely wait for a good bargain offer this time :bigsmile:

Btw, if you like the introduction, you might want to take a look at Outlast 2. That seems to be a very entertaining horror game, open worldish, creepy and weird. I am actually thinking about a side trip into that insane village ;)
"No hay luz"


R* have always been that company and that's something I'd like to applaud them for :) I was somewhat sarcastic, hence the /s. However, their schedules regarding PC could be improved.

Btw, I assume the console refreshes are something Rockstar wants to push to their limits, we saw how that went with GTA V on last gen :bigsmile: In terms of quality, R* beats UBI*bleep*/EA in that regard  :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

oh, hello fragger. :anigrin:


Hi Art! This is turning into a thing ;)

Rockstar: "We are very sorry for any disappointment this delay causes, but we are firm believers in delivering a game only when it is ready".

ALL game devs should be held to that standard. BY LAW. No release-day patches allowed - and if they try to pull that nonsense, they should be made to either halve the purchase price, or be legally compelled to delay the release until the game is fully developed. But then I imagine there would be all sorts of legal squabbling about what constitutes "fully developed", the devs' lawyers would be looking for loopholes, etc. I know that not all probs with a game may be immediately apparent or foreseeable given the huge range of hardware configurations out there (for PCs anyway) but something is clearly wrong with the process when so many devs provide day-one patches these days, i.e. pretty much every one of them. Patching is acceptable to deal with unforeseen problems, long-term issues which may arise outside of a reasonable testing time-frame, or dealing with uncommon hardware configs that the devs couldn't reasonably be expected to test for. But not on day one for everybody - that is clearly a case of "we know the game is not ready, but we'll sell it now anyway, and fix it later".

Imagine if you bought a new car and you got a message from the manufacturer saying, "Here is your new car, all ready to go - except we're still waiting on the windscreen wipers and the tail light bulbs. We'll send them to you once they've been manufactured, then you can install them yourself". Then watch the fun begin at the Department Of Fair Trading (or whatever the equivalent watchdog body is known as in your country) :angry-new:

Art Blade

Turning into a thing, is it? Hehe  :anigrin:

yes, it has been an issue for years now that games are being published without working properly and requiring patches from the start. Then there are delays in publishing which is typical for UBI*bleep* but unlike Rockstar, they manage to delay a game and still publish it unfinished.

Support is another issue that should be regulated by law, just the same stuff you mentioned in your post will apply to that, however. No guarantees, these days.

🡱 🡳

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