FC5 teaser

Started by LowPolyOWG, May 22, 2017, 09:25:25 AM

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Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on June 22, 2017, 04:46:13 AM
Not to mention, it is Ubisoft, right?

Of course - the company has produced some of my favorite games, but the organization remains equally disappointing.


UBI*bleep* have somewhat changed, WD1 was a small flop, but WD2 fixed it. Well, the characters are a little cringey, but the fun you can have with the hacking makes WD2 a game I don't regret buying :bigsmile:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I liked both Watchdog games although I agree that the second version was much better than the first. Wait a minute... did UBI*bleep* actually make a game sequel better:-X


Never thought they do that ???
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

Don't worry, they'll fix that.  :D

I have to say, the MOST promising games regarding graphics and game worlds come from UBI*bleep*. That's what got me hooked several times. Then, when I got a game of theirs, it starts out nicely, all good.. until I start to happen upon glitches, bugs and other details that slowly but steadily build up some kind of rage in me that, in the end, I decided to just leave UBI*bleep* titles be and enjoy my life without that rubbish. :anigrin:

Regarding players you can watch on YouTube. Doesn't really matter which type you're thinking of -- the guy who was invited to a trade show and there allowed to test the upcoming block buster or the guy who's got several hundred thousand followers (subscribers) on YT doing some "let's play" aka playthrough. There are only VERY, very few exceptions to the rule that those people usually simply rush it. They don't notice details, they ignore most side quests, they don't read anything (pick up a bunch of stuff in a hurry and never even take a look at what it was they picked up, or some type of job description for a side mission: the moment it pops up, they skip it) and then they sometimes mumble to themselves, "I really should actually read what I'm supposed to do" and some such. To me the worst case is if I know the game. I am a details guy. I instantly notice stuff they missed out on, and I know it would have been so much better for them to have noticed, too. Just a random example: I notice the guy almost ran out of ammo during the last fight. He's now running around without reloading his gun, only like one bullet in the chamber, and we all know what's going to happen the moment he encounters the next enemy. Usually like this: Sees enemy, wants to spray and pray, basically only fires one round, notices something is wrong, enemy is homing in on him, he's reloading and panicking, enemy kills him.  :banghead:

That's why I stick to just a couple of people, perhaps two or three guys, I like to watch playing. They know how to and on top, they're funny or extremely professional. Unlike those retarded players mentioned in the previous posts.


I checked half of that 17 minutes playtime of FC5 and it really disappointed me. Yeah, let's liberate a poor bunch of people in a village from some villains. Let's explore more land, unlock cool stuff and above all; kill anything that wears a red triangle and is blinking like hell.

The downside on FC2 was that anything that moved was an enemy, but now that there's friendlies as well, the game is like Super Mario in first person. I'm not going to get this title.
"No hay luz"


I think all devs are targeting you Art, if a game is glitch and bug free then just pass it on to Art, he'll find bugs and glitches    :anigrin:

I was going to comment on the same thing fragger, the guy was so close to a baddie he could have poked him in the nose with a shotgun, but when he pulled the trigger he completely missed the baddie   :banghead:   
Respect is earned, not given.


I thought this thing out and there can be only one explanation.
The day brains were issued these guys were standing in the back of the queue and couldn't
hear so well and thought they said drains.
They all asked for just a very small one...... :evil2:
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

^ :laughsm:

nexor, regarding those "bug free" games.. you described my gaming life pretty well  :anigrin: I really keep finding stuff that isn't supposed to happen and sometimes I'm the only one with a certain bug that might even stop me from playing while the rest of my friends keep playing happily until kingdom come.

Just a small anecdote: When I was new at OWG, I kept sending PMs to PZ informing him about stuff I wanted him to fix. When he made me admin, he more or less literally told me, "now you can fix stuff yourself." I think he was quite relieved that those constant requests finally had stopped..  :gnehe:


He had to do something to shut you up Art......  :main_rofl:
Respect is earned, not given.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Quote from: Art Blade on June 22, 2017, 01:20:03 PM
Just a small anecdote: When I was new at OWG, I kept sending PMs to PZ informing him about stuff I wanted him to fix. When he made me admin, he more or less literally told me, "now you can fix stuff yourself." I think he was quite relieved that those constant requests finally had stopped..  :gnehe:

:laughsm: :thumbsup:

We have a wonderful organization - I'm proud to know each and every one of you chaps  O0


Just relieved you didn't "have" to make all of us admin PZ    :evil2:  :anigrin:
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade


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