Crime (and consequential punishment) throughout the world

Started by PZ, April 27, 2018, 08:26:25 AM

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I wonder how criminals are treated elsewhere in the world, and I have an example of an admittedly extreme case I just discovered a few days ago of "justice" in America.

A man lost his beloved wife due to illness, and because he was lonely, found a waitress at a local diner to spend time with. The relationship developed, and as time progressed the girlfriend increasingly distanced the family from the man. Eventually they married, and to make the story short, she killed him for his insurance, money, and house. She spent the next 23 years living on his wealth.

The family was finally able to convince a Texas Ranger to reopen the case and again, in short, she was arrested (tearfully) and brought to trial.

What do you think her penalty was?

  • 6 months
  • 1 year
  • 5 years
  • 30 years
  • Life
  • Death
She received 6 months in jail, and by successfully completing probation, her record was completely expunged. She now lives comfortably in Texas as if nothing ever happened, on her deceased husband's estate of course.

In contrast, African American Rapper Meek Mill was arrested for popping wheelies on his dirt bike and because of a probation violation stemming from his teens, he was given a 2-4 year prison sentence. Where in the world would violating probation by popping wheelies result on a stiffer sentence than murdering a person?

Art Blade

here the sentence for one murder is one life sentence which equals 30 years of imprisonment. It does not become time-barred and there is only one reason to stop investigations: if the suspect dies. We are not allowed to investigate dead people.

🡱 🡳

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