Have you ever talked about your end? Creepy, huh?

Started by TheLost-Worlds, May 24, 2017, 11:17:41 AM

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Something crazy happened to me yesterday.. I was invited in a testing program about AI - artificial inteligence.

I will not say the name but it was one of the most crazy experience I had.

I never talked about my end of life, or my death... but imagine talking about this with an inteligent robot?

One capable to make your end of life wishes come thrue with a series of actions.

I don't know when they will launch but I think it will be wierd and creepy for some. In the end to me it turned to be helpfull, I realised what I want to do and that it's all .. passing by.

Art Blade

I may have told my computer after some Microsoft updates or installations, "even if it's the last thing I do, I'll kill you!" :anigrin:


to me it sounds like a confession :D but really, this AI thing is going to grow and nothing is put in place , u know .. like when cutting a tree u'll have to plant, here jobs of humans are gonna disapear, still no plans of the switch .. anyway .. have mercy with :D

Art Blade

AI certainly could be useful if it reached a certain level of "understanding" but I don't know real life applications except games.



I've already come to terms with my end and I'm fine with it. I like to think it isn't going to come anytime soon, but come it will, and everybody has to deal with it at some point. So I decided years ago to get it out of the way and move on.

So now that I've done that, I can focus on living in the present. There's no such thing as the future, except in the abstract, and what's past is past. You can try your best to plan for the future in terms of base practicalities, but to try to plot a life-course though a future that you can't possibly foresee is futile. Take the road as it comes, that's my philosophy :)

Art Blade


I'm not ready yet to think of my end; I'm only just starting :)
"No hay luz"


Quote from: PZ on May 25, 2017, 10:10:11 AM
Welcome to OWG TheLost-Worlds  O0

Thanks PZ .

You know, when you actually talk about this, things change a bit, I am into positive and leave it away ... but anyway, positive live can be upon these words: live like it's yr last day


Art Blade

maybe a tad less morbid. If I was to live as if it was my last day and "had to" live accordingly, I would probably end up spending all my money and who knows what kinds of things I'd be putting in my system. Likely, I'd find out the next day that it hadn't been my last but I'd be sitting there without money, a terrible headache and nausea, and perfervidly wishing it had been my last day -- for the rest of my days.

I have a different way of looking at things. I learned it when I was a teenager. I was in a second-hand record shop and there was a record I had been long looking for, it was an imported vinyl, rare. It cost just about as much as I had left for the rest of the month. I hesitated and decided to return later, didn't want to spend all my money just then. When I returned, it was gone. I was almost going nuts. It took over twenty years to find it again and I bought it, still got it. What I learned back then was: if you have a dream, a strong wish, and can make it come true, DO IT, or you might regret it for the rest of your life. Ever since that moment of realisation in the shop that the record was gone only because I was indecisive and didn't get it when I could, I decided to fulfill any dream and make any wish come true if it was in my power. I can handle money, never had any financial problems, which means that I'm not crazy and buy everything that I see. I mean, if I feel that I want something, if I feel it is really keeping my mind busy as in, I can't stop thinking about it or I keep thinking about it, then I know I should get it. I know the difference between "that's nice" and "that, I want." :anigrin:

Ever since, I have been living a content life.


Interesting - I have similar experiences - things I have wanted to acquire or things to do and with enough patience, they have come.  O0

Art Blade

where did you come from? I was editing, still.  :D

Read the added words, my friend :bigsmile:

And yes.. I know that you and I have a lot in common  ;)


Art I probably would have stashed that record in another spot making it less likely to have been whisked away until after my next payday.  :evil2:

Contemplating my end?  Well...

I'm sure you've noticed when watching high platform diving competitions it's often the case that no matter the athletic skill put into all the twists, spins, turns, and launch height when it comes right down to it a belly flop on entering the water will nullify all of that expended effort.

Recently I shocked a small group of friends (Mrs. mandru included) by saying that I wanted to hit the water with as close to zero splash as possible.  The fewer ripples the better.  No funeral or eulogy.  No obituaries.  Instead of a grave I'd prefer cremation and my ashes scattered secretly with as little formality as possible.

"This life, which had been the tomb of his virtue and of his honour, is but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."  (William Shakespeare's Macbeth Act V Scene V. )

I find an unusual comfort in the sentiment of that passage.  :bigsmile:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Seems that we appear to be content in our positions in life  :bigsmile: O0

🡱 🡳

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