Gaming Rigs / PC Specs

Started by Art Blade, May 12, 2018, 07:21:14 AM

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Thanks PZ. I'm using, they are a custom builder I've dealt with through w0#k. I'm not building this myself, I'm past that. It's going to be delivered fully built. Essentially, you pick the system you want and then swap in parts you want and out parts you don't want and it gives you the price. As for the SSD, that's just the boot drive, I'll be swapping over my storage drives which have most of my games and other stuff on them from my old computer. I may upgrade those at the time as well, getting faster and larger SSD drives to replace any spinning drives I may still have, I think there's one or two in this system yet.

As for noise, yeah I hope it's on the quiet side, the water cooler only is for the CPU, so the graphics card will still have air cooling which might get loud once it ramps up. I erred on the side of caution with airflow, with the three extra case fans, just to be sure I don't have issues, the video card and that 1000w power supply might create a bit of heat and getting it out will be necessary. I decided to splurge this time and not scrimp, well within reason, a 3090 card is an option but I didn't even consider it, honestly I don't know what the cost would be, probably well over $2K just for that card. The 3080 was bad enough. Plus the gains in framerate for a 3090 over a 3080 are not worth exorbitant extra cost.

I'm still looking at monitors, deciding whether to go with a curved screen and maybe higher resolution than 1920x1080, so there's that to think about too.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks for the info D_B  O0 looks like a cool place to get a rig built exactly to your specifications. I briefly looked at the gaming PC section, and it is quite impressive.

I'm looking forward to your experiences  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

looks like a good rig, Dweller. The only surprise is the intel CPU. I expected an AMD.


Yeah if they'd had the new AMD available, I would have went with that. The gains over the Intel though, are significant. Not huge, but measurable. Whether that's noticeable to a human or not, is another thing. So it came down to getting something (hopefully) this summer or earlier, or maybe having to wait until later this year or even next. And with my plan to rearrange my entire computer setup into another room, I didn't want to wait for that. Hopefully I won't have to wait more than a couple months this way.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yeah, what a horrible thought, having to wait several months for a PC. Let's hope that it won't take months. Fingers crossed :)

By the way, I am still grinning at those (JayzTwoCents for instance) who belittled people who had bought a new 2080Ti in the light of the then upcoming 3070/80/90. I've been enjoying my 2080Ti for over a year now, having played all my games with maxed out graphics (CyberPunk 2077 included) while most of those who waited for a 30xx series GPU are still waiting.. :evil2:


Huh, I thought this domain was going to be retired :o

Congratz DB  :anigrin:  I bought my 1TB SN850 at a -28% discount earlier in this month. All of the chip manufacturers have pitched Biden to reshore "critical semi-conductor" industry due to the supply shortage.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


OK, well, it didn't take a couple months. Or weeks. Got the shipping notice yesterday, should be here by end of the week. Now I am in a quandary, I really didn't expect it to arrive for at least a month, in which I'd have time to rearrange furniture (and buy some new) and whatnot to get the new area ready for the computer, and move everything from the old area. Now I'll have that spanking new computer sitting there nagging me to get off my behind and actually do some of that w0#k.

Well, I guess I'll have some w0#k ahead of me sooner than expected. But I guess those parts aren't as rare as I've been hearing on all sorts of videos, that it's nearly impossible to get your hands on a 3080 these days. One thing I did just think of, I made no provision for an optical drive of any kind. I don't think that case even has external drive bays to accept one. I still use an optical drive to rip CDs and burn the occasional DVD. Not often, but when I need it, I need it. So the only option I can think of is an external drive of some kind. I'm not fond of that idea, I kind of wanted to keep the extra stuff on the desk to a minimum.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

nice one, D_B, good story, too  :anigrin:



I'm accustomed to receiving emails informing me that there has been a delay on what I ordered.  :banghead:  ;)


Yeah, who would have thought? Not me for sure lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Today I need to eat my words - ordered some stuff yesterday and it is scheduled to be here today  :o


haha, great! So I unboxed it yesterday evening and it's all there as far as I can see, including a big wad of bubble wrap inside the machine to hold the enormous video card in place during shipping. I'll "borrow" a monitor from w0#k today to use with it over the weekend as I don't have an extra at home to use. Then comes the task of setting it up where I want it to be, which means tearing down the old setup and moving it to another room, running network and cable TV wires under the house..... ugh no wonder I've put this off so long!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I know what you mean - every time I go into my "office" to make a significant change, I look at the daunting task ahead of me and wish time would pass to the point where it was all finished and I can be proud of my achievement.

In retrospect, it always feels good to have made the "plunge" so to speak.  :gnehe:

Art Blade

lol PZ, regarding eating your words.. nice when an ordered item arrives so quickly.
As to what the two of you are lamenting about (wiring and stuff)—although I understand you guys, it's usually not my problem. What I hate the most about a new PC is configuring the whole bunch of software properly.


I know what you mean. I just switched from Android to iOS and have had to "build" my phone and iPad systems from scratch.

🡱 🡳

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