Gaming Rigs / PC Specs

Started by Art Blade, May 12, 2018, 07:21:14 AM

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"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


True, but what a way to go  :gnehe:


I didn't bother with any bling stuff in the new build because the way the computer fits into my desk, the window side is facing the wall essentially, so you can't see in it anyway. I didn't think at the time I was ordering it that the case has no option for external drives, I know those are getting archaic at this point but I need an optical disc drive for all those piles of CDs and DVDs I have and a way to read memory cards. My old case had an optical drive of course, and a mounted 9 in 1 USB card reader. The new case can't even mount a drive like that so I had to get external options for each. Not the best solution, and I'm not really thrilled about it, but the other option is a case swap with the old system and I don't feel like tearing down and rebuilding two systems to do that. Though I'm still thinking on it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, we old-timers in the computing world have some ancient stuff that we might want to access one of these days. Until I copied all the data to newer hardware, I had old 8-inch and 51/4-inch floppy disks, the 3.5-inch kind (lots of those), and of course the requisite CDs and DVDs

Art Blade

agree, it is strange that these days they don't come with DVD players any more. Funny how you can buy an OS like windows on disc but there's no way of installing it from said disc. How the hell?


Indeed - why bother distributing the OS on DVD these days. I formerly watched movies in DVD, but these days even my slow Internet speed is able to stream effectively. The DVD drive in my PC is just there to fill the hole.


I still buy audio CDs just because I like to have something physical. I then RIP them to MP3 to put in the car player, and put the CD on the shelf, usually to never be looked at again, but it's there if I want it. My CD ripping software complained there was no CD drive in the computer when I installed it, like it was asking "Why are you bothering then?" LOL
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."



I'm the same - I've not put a physical music CD into a drive since I ripped my entire collection years ago.

Art Blade

I ripped a couple of my CDs before I went on holiday many years ago when mp3-players were new. But my whole collection? And my whole DVD collection? It would take years to do that, so not going to happen. (Talking about a collection that exceeds 1,500 discs...)


Quote from: Art Blade on June 11, 2021, 08:22:44 AM
(Talking about a collection that exceeds 1,500 discs...)

??? wow!


Yeah, I remember you told me that years ago  :)

Anyway, it looks like the GPU market may improve a little. Ethereum wil have it's transaction fees (gas) changed. It's rumored to reduce profitability from mining by 50-70%. Miners are going to dump their cards. Meanwhile, scalpers in some regions have reduced their prices, as no miners will buy atm. The scalper's prime customers are the cryptominers.

Buying an used mining GPU can be a risk when it comes to reliability. The experienced miners tend to undervolt/keep their GPUs on a fixed temperature to reduce heat/power consumption. Still, fans may need a replacement
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah this whole crypto mining craze is throwing things out of whack. And then Nvidia making cards "for mining" that don't even have video outputs or are crippled in some way, so that even if someone used them for mining then wanted to sell them, they can't except to another miner or they get thrown away because they are of no use to anyone else. Just stupid, and it's essentially manufacturing e-waste and we don't need any more of that.

Art - I have over 1300 CDs in the collection and ripped them all. I don't have many DVDs though and wasn't going to be playing them in the car anyway, so no need there lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

impressive CD collection, Dweller, and lol.. the idea of playing tons of DVDs in the car is really amusing  :D


Yeah I mean there are vehicles with video players in the back seat so it's not a huge stretch but not something I'd be doing lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

ah, you mean those cars that also sport a champagne bar and come with a chauffeur? Yeah.. not something I'd be doing, either lol

🡱 🡳

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