Fallout 76

Started by fragger, June 11, 2018, 04:19:35 AM

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Thanks, Fragger. I've even upgraded a bit more since I took those shots, bought a fusion generator plan from someone else's vendor and got rid of the three noisy smoky medium generators and put in a nice quiet and clean fusion one. Still no second floor or roof yet though!

The workbenches are the same exact models as far as I remember, with a few new ones added for the mining of resources and stuff. There's the tinker workbench which you use to modify certain new items and craft ammo, I don't think that was in FO4. You still get XP for building stuff, so it's also a good way to level up early in the game, but you don't get XP for placing stored items, so no exploit of placing a wall, storing it, then placing it again like in FO4. You can scrap it, but you don't get all the resources back when scrapping, so that would end up in a loss eventually.

I guess they decided that everyone using ammo as money in FO4 was something they didn't want, so you can't sell ammo to regular NPC vendors, only to other players, and of course, everyone has .38 ammo out their ears so no one buys from you. Most everyone was hoping for a scrapping system to get back materials like gunpowder and lead to make into other ammo, as that would have been the easiest to do. The new trade system isn't too bad it's just the interface is so clunky that it takes a while if you've got more than a couple hundred rounds of something to get rid of, and most people, me included, had thousands of rounds of .38 and other stuff to dispose of. I doubt those players are going to go through what you need to do to get rid of it. So there might be a market for someone like me to buy cheap ammo and convert it, at least for my own use. I'm still always short on something, if I have a lot of 10mm, I'm short on .44 or 5.56 or the other way around.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Yep, more camp screenshots. First up, someone else's, yeah I know, but this one is nicely done, lots of decorations and stuff around the vending machines on the right wall, everything else are essentially trophies.

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And now to make me feel inadequate, my camp. I moved up stream a little as the spot I was in seemed to be really popular, but even this spot I still have to load a new world once in a while to not conflict with someone else's camp.

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I finished the porch around three sides and added the ammo converter on the front, added a second story and moved some things around.

The upstairs, not remotely decorated yet, but I got the special wallpaper from the current season quest that goes nicely with the glow in the dark map of the game.

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I was kind of disappointed you can't cover the ceiling rafters with wallpaper or anything decorative, so they look kind of bare. The outfit my character is wearing is the tadpole uniform (think boy/girl scouts) and the cultist helmet made of wrappings and a skull.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I like your house. :bigsmile:


Thanks, Art! I put very little effort into it, as you can tell, lol!

Just had my first solo battle with a scorch beast. I guess they are always level 50 and I'm just short of that. Took all the ammo I had for my 10mm machine gun, all my ammo for the 5.56 combat rifle and tons of what I had for my .44 magnum. Yes, I was shooting a giant flying bat with a pistol at the end of the fight, but I got him. Then another one flew overhead and I fast traveled out of there!  :o
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

quite an experience :anigrin:

As to your house, it looks normal and therefore nice :)


The house is looking good, D_B :thumbsup: I like the lattice-w0#k at the bottom (I'm assuming they're foundation blocks).


Thanks guys!

Yeah, the outside porch pieces are part of the contemporary building set, so that lattice, and the porch roof are part of that one piece, and the railing is another piece you add you you can mix & match them as you like. It's a popular set, I see a lot of camps built with it. I also have the barn set which I don't use much, the typical wooden red barn build. I may move again, but I'm still looking for the right spot. This spot is good to start out in, but it's a high traffic area, which can be good and bad. I get a lot of new players just out of the vault, as it's just up the hill a ways and pretty much on the way to the first quest location, so any new player following the main quest from the vault will walk past it pretty much. That makes for a few sales at the vendor as I have stuff like water and stimpacks selling cheap and plans for building things also cheap. I have a few bobbleheads and magazines in there too but they don't sell as fast. They are pretty much all over the place so usually people have extras already.

I passed level 50 which is the maximum for your perks so you don't add any after that. What happens each level from there on is you can move points around to different attributes or pick a new perk to use. You can then swap out the perks you have for the new ones. For instance, you only need the armor and gun building perks available when you're actually crafting that stuff, not all the time. So you can deactivate a perk you don't need while crafting, like lock picking, turn on the crafting perk and then swap them back around as needed. Once I got the hang of how it worked, seemed a nice system.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Update on the camp:

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I built the Red Rocket station and put the trade vendor and ammo converter in there, clearing space on the front porch. It's a pre-fab you get from the atom shop. Only problem with it that many people complain about is it doesn't "snap" to the rest of the building parts, so you have to fiddle with it to get it in the right position if you want it next to something you've already built like I have here. It still isn't quite in the right spot, but there's also the deal that it won't place in a lot of the terrain around there as it isn't flat enough, so I had to take what I could get.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that's annoying if stuff doesn't w0#k properly. Wasn't tested, just published.. :banghead:


Could you build a set of foundation blocks and put the RR on top of them? It would end up off the ground and you'd still have to fiddle with it to get it in position, but it might make it easier to put it where you want it within the camp area.

I like the two settlement sites in 4 that are centered on RRs. The garage parts of those make cool workshop spaces. The one in Nuka-World will let you snap doors into the empty doorframes, though they'll only go one way around.


Yeah I think it's more intent than not being tested, but probably also that. It's supposed to be a free-standing structure and not part of an existing building, so there was no "need" to have it snap to the other building parts. It's just that 99% of players want it and would expect it to, but that's another thing. I was also limited on space, as there was no other place to put it that was close to the road where people walking by would see it and realize it was the vendor shop. So it's floating over the stream and just barely placed in a position that keeps it close to the walkways I've built. Just would have been 1000% easier if it had snapped into position.

This one comes with a garage door and a side door, which you don't have to use if you don't want to, but they match the decor. I didn't try putting it on a foundation already existing, but I kind of think it wouldn't go, I'm pretty sure it has to be placed on the ground. Mine is just barely clinging to the bank of the stream that it's floating over, there was a sliver of land there that was a viable place to put it and I just barely squeaked it in. I wanted it to be by itself on the other side of the stream, between the stream and the road, so it would look like a real garage but I had no room over there.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on July 27, 2020, 08:18:12 AMthere was a sliver of land there that was a viable place to put it and I just barely squeaked it in

nice. :thumbsup: :anigrin:


Been a while since I posted anything on this, just finished the first "season", the Legendary Challenge. It was mostly fun to do, as in a lot of the required things were something I'd already be doing anyway, just a few were something I'd probably not do that often but weren't too bad. There's still time left to finish, so I didn't even have to do some of those things if I didn't want to.

Anyway, the final reward is the Captain Cosmos bundle which includes the Captain Cosmos power armor skin, and the costume, shown here

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Oh yeah, the fireplace behind is actually a hidden door, one of the other rewards from the quest. The next one starts in a few weeks, based on a new character I think, so that will be something to look towards. Right now I'm just following up on some quests I had let lay idle while doing the Legendary run.

A few interesting info items also came out of the recent news announcements, one being that sometime early winter they plan to release the player vaults. They are a single instance vault, from what I can gather, like the vault in Fallout 4 that you can build in, that will have a very large build limit and I presume storage space for each player to use as they see fit, so you won't be limited to the smaller camp space in the open world. So that's something to look forward to, I'll finally not be so cluttered for storage space maybe.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Nice one O0

I really like that Power Armor 8) Looks very Starship Troopers (the book that is, not the movie). I think Robert Heinlein was the one who originally came up with the whole idea of power-assisted armoured spacesuits for that novel (1959). The armour in the novel even has rocket-assisted jumping, just like the PA mod you can install in the FO games.

Anyway, the Captain Cosmos PA looks very much how I'd always pictured Heinlein's suits.

What's on the other side of the fireplace door?

🡱 🡳

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