Fallout 76

Started by fragger, June 11, 2018, 04:19:35 AM

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Thanks, Fragger!

Yeah the power armor skins are pretty easy to do, mostly just take some metal and oil usually. They don't do anything otherwise to the abilities of the suit, cosmetic only. I don't have the jetpack plan for this type of suit, but I do for the t60 which I have yet to fool around with, mostly because this is the excavator type, which has higher carry capacity and also gives you more ores when mining metal deposits, which you smelt into metal scrap to use in whatever recipes you make. For me, it's always iron and lead for bullets. There's an iron deposit just down the hill from my camp so I mine that when I get the time, but lead is a bit more scarce, I haven't yet been to the real mine where there's a lot of lead to get, so I head up to this one place in the hills where there's a lead deposit. You can also claim a workshop that has these deposits and put a resource extractor on them to get the materials, or you can build your camp near a deposit and build the extractor right over it.

Starship Troopers is one of my favorite books in general and right up there in the Heinlein collection. The movies, eh not so much, but they were OK. I think he was one of the first to come up with the idea if not the first to do so. Now that you mention it, this set does look like what you'd expect from the descriptions in the book.

The fireplace door just leads outside, nothing secret about it really! LOL
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I'm not sure what to make of those bullet holes just above your female avatar's knees..


Those are part of the costume, not sure what they are supposed to be, something futuristic, I guess lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Been doing the usual in FO76, and having fun. Still liking the game, and eventually I will get around to finishing the main quest line lol.

Anyway, the current "season" is wrapping up, at least for me, a few more steps and I'll be finished. So, the way the seasons w0#k is kind of like the outlaw pass in RDR online, you have daily and weekly objectives and the more of those you complete, the more steps you progress in the season board. You don't have to do them at all if you don't want, but most of them have pretty decent rewards so a few extra minutes now and then to do a task to get some points is no big deal. Most of what they ask for are things you'd be doing anyway, so it's really just a bonus.

Anyway, one of the daily objectives that I usually ignore is the Nuclear Winter one, which is the PvP battle royale mode that's separate from the main game. Sometimes though it's a really easy one and yesterday it was one of those "Take a picture" which you can do from the menu while still in the lobby before the game even starts. So I loaded the lobby and took my picture, got my points and was about to quit when I thought I might as well load the game anyway. So I did and my main strategy is to just hide in a bush. This is called being a "bush wookie" by people on reddit. You can get a ghillie camo suit to complete the look, which is I presume where the wookie part comes from, but I don't have one of those so I just use regular camo gear. The idea is to just crouch in a bush and hope no one sees you. It's actually quite effective, I've had people run right past me and not notice I was there. The idea is to get as far as possible in the match because you still get credit for playing the match even if you do nothing. This is separate from the season points you get for doing tasks. So this time instead of crouching in a bush, I spawned in the city and hid inside a port-a-john (portable toilet stall) for the first few minutes of the game. So I left the computer to take care of the laundry I had running and put it away and when I got back, I was still safely in the toilet stall, no one had found me. By then the play area was shrinking and the next contraction would put me outside the safe zone which is deadly so I moved to the river, using the second stealth technique, "mermaid" or hiding in the water, using the aquaboy perk to be able to breathe. There are only a few places where the water is deep enough to completely submerge, and I didn't get to one of those so I crouched down and just the top of my hat was sticking out. I waited and saw one player run by and hop the river but they didn't see me, as I looked much like any other junk floating in the water. Again the play area shrinks and I had to move, being more careful this time as it was small enough to where any exposure could make me obvious to other players. Luckily I found the one spot in the river that was deep enough to completely submerge this time. I could hear the last few players alive shooting at each other when the play area was the smallest and the various monsters appear that make life difficult for the last players trying to fight each other. I had already been found by a bloatfly that attacked me and I had no weapons, I hadn't picked up any, so I had to swat it to death with my bare hands and go back to hiding.

One player killed the other two players left and I could hear them jumping and running around looking for me. But they weren't so lucky and died from something, leaving me the last one, and the winner of the round. First time. Pretty funny.

TL:DR - Won my first (solo) round of PvP Nuclear Winter in Fallout 76 without shooting a single bullet, or even picking up a weapon!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Actually, now that I've thought of it, I did win a match before but that was with another player on a team and they did 99.9% of the w0#k lol.

Last night's match was a similar one, this time the season goal was to use a stimpack four times. This is pretty easy as well, not as easy as taking a picture, but not too bad. The easiest way I've found is to hack a terminal and request an aid package, you usually get a couple stimpacks, some anti-rad meds, etc. Then you jump off a cliff and use the stimpack, and repeat the number of times needed. So I got the season goal done and by then the circle was shrinking and I headed towards the safe area. Spent the next few minutes crouching in the bushes as the other players died. This time it was a full team I was up against, they were all heavily armed and armored and searching for me. It was down to the smaller play area when I used my stealth boy to become invisible, but just then one of them literally stumbled upon me and shot me. Second place, so that's still pretty good for pacifist mode.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Heh, I won a BR game in H1Z1 by waiting. Speaking of Battle Royale, I do bush camping like you. Except, I turn my settings below the lowest, so they don't render :anigrin: :evil2: Kinda funny killing people from bushes I can see through, but the other people don't.

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


I actually had something like that happen in 76, when the world loaded, only the base terrain appeared, everything else was invisible to me. I could see across the map fairly well but nothing rendered, or blinked in and out of view as I moved. So I had no idea where trees, rocks or bushes were, I had to kind of stumble around and hope I was hiding. I watched some other players and avoided them, not knowing if they could see me or not as I had no idea where anything was in the world. Eventually it was again down to me and a few other players when someone spotted me and that ended the round for me. Was pretty funny.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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