Fallout 76

Started by fragger, June 11, 2018, 04:19:35 AM

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Art Blade

good find, thanks for posting, D_B. Now I'm even less inclined to try that game.


Thanks for the info, D_B. Still, I'd miss settlement building in the older FOs. That's a big part of the fun for me in FO4.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

looks as if they created something that pleases the devs (and Bethesda) while at the time thinking, go F. yourselves, hardcore fans. I can already see fans staying away but new players who don't know anything about previous FO games might have some fun with it.


Yeah the lore stuff doesn't really bother me too much. I mean, even FO4 has some inconsistencies in stuff, especially power armor, that freaked out the fanboys. If it's a fun game, then I'd like it, the fact that something doesn't fit with the story from another game, especially one I didn't play and is now 15-20 years old, I couldn't care less.

Now, on to the PvP aspect. Here's a video that gives more detail on PvP aspect and how it will w0#k.

So, if someone attacks you and you don't attack back, they can eventually kill you, but they won't get any reward, you won't lose anything and they will become wanted so that any other player can then hunt them down and get money from them that they have to pay out of their own pocket. There's also something like passive mode in GTAV, where you won't hurt any other player even accidentally, your attacks have no effect on them which is nice especially in a setting where a lot of people are in one area attacking a creature or something.

So, there may be a saving grace here, enabling the passive mode, not attacking back might keep stupid griefing down to a minimum. I'm still going to wait until I see real world video of the final game before I pass judgement, but those are some points in it's favor.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

the other vid you posted, that guy really, really wanted to kill players and tried to provoke them by shooting them. Once he found a willing target, he noted that they'd always spawn close to each other and could continue to kill each other. He also hunted a Murderer, someone with a skull floating above his head (like the bounty in GTA online) who had killed someone who did not shoot back. He mentioned that the damage dealt was minuscule as long as the other didn't return fire which would then lead to a full-blown fight with full damage. Well, there will be players who consider 76 a PvP shooter.


Yeah, there will always be that type of player, but hopefully it will keep the grief type player at bay, the ones who just kill other players for no good reason and can do it easily because there are no safeguards against it (looking at GTAV). So, if a player attacks you and you just stand there or walk away, then they should get the picture that you don't want to be bothered with them. A player that just wants to grief and get a kill for the joy of it probably won't find it too much fun and just go away. At least that's my hope.

That system has put a point in favor of getting the game, but it's still not enough right now for me to jump on board. I will have to see how things w0#k out for real first. Anyway, these online games usually have server and bug issues right at the start, so even if I was sure of getting it right now, it would be best to hold off until things are ironed out.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Agreed, I think there's bound to be teething trouble when they throw their online world open. Those things never seem to go smoothly at first.

Art Blade

oh yes. I still remember those reports on GTA online when it was new. You could lose cars, some random other stuff and even your entire career.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yep, wait 6 months to a year, if I'm still interested by then, that is.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I'm not particularly surprised by that. I haven't had much experience with Bethesda games prior to FO4 - in fact, I don't think I've had any. FO4 has it's share of - er, quirks - but at least they are generally not game-breaking. Mostly they're just amusing clipping-type snafus and they nearly always fix themselves, and considering that the devs have no control over what or how much players might build (and which the AI will then have to interact with) I think the game handles itself pretty well. There are few other games of this genre where parts of the game world can be changed by the player in a limitless variety of ways, and which the AI not only has to find its way around but fully interact with. There must be some pretty complex and tricky coding involved. Given the amount of factors that the game has to keep track of, and the sheer variety of options available to the player, I'm happy to cut it a bit of slack.

76 is a whole other thing though, being a live MP affair. Not having NPCs like settlers should theoretically remove a good chunk of the headache for the coders - they'll have enough other headaches to deal with I'm sure, without having to nut out NPC behaviour and dialogue on top. Hope their servers are up to snuff.

It was a nice move to release that letter though, letting players know what they may be facing. Many companies will just shove their games out there without giving a tinker's cuss about how the issues may dishearten players. These guys have never tried this before and there's bound to be a good bit of apprehension on their part. It was a good PR move to release that honest and quite urbane letter.

The game may not be my bag, but I wish them well. They're going to have a lot of tough customers to please.


So, is anyone else playing the BETA? Took me an hour to get signed in on the xbox x yesterday so by the time I got out of the vault I had 6 min. before they shutdown the servers. Going to try again this morning 9am pst. While I've played the Borderlands games with friends on both the xbox and pc this will be a first for this type of game...we'll see :D


I heard about the beta but didn't bother once I saw it was only on for a few hours over a couple of days. Then, my internet was out for most of the weekend due to a storm, so that didn't help.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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