Fallout 76

Started by fragger, June 11, 2018, 04:19:35 AM

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Yeah  :bigsmile: I am subscribed to both of them.

Compared to other publishers, Bugthesda still insists to use a buggy engine frame w0#k. It's sad, as other devs can provide engaging open world RPG experiences (AC Odyssey/Witcher 3/KC:D/Red Dead Redemption 2) without bugs. FO76, is, well, nothing compared to those.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I've been playing 76 pretty much nonstop since the beta. I ignore reviewers since the only opinion that counts is mine, and I've been having a ball...so much so I've been losing sleep. Sure the game has bugs, and some can be irritating. Not a pvp player myself, but have managed to get hit with a "wanted" tag a couple times  :evil2:

Made about a dozen new friends so far, and most everyone agrees the so called "reviewers" aren't playing the same game we are :) That being said, for anyone interested in buying the game I say wait until after Dec. 11th. With big patches/updates coming on the 4th and 11th I for one am looking forward to see what transpires ...

Art Blade

now that's a statement :D :thumbsup: Seems we'll have to get more info from "the other side," then ;)


Yeah it seems a lot of reviews are jumping on the "let's bash Bethesda again" bandwagon just for the clicks and views. Like I said, I've watched several hours of live streams from a bunch of different players of the game. Most of them seem to have quite a bit of fun while they are playing. Sure, there are issues, and they are being looked at. I still stand with my assessment that I'll wait until at least after the 1st or even a few months into 2019 before I think about buying it, and then wait for a sale. They had it down to $40 a week ago, not sure if it's still that, and I was tempted. But I will wait. It looks like there are a couple times you really need to have a few friends with you in order to win a battle, like the scorch beast, but for a lot of the game, going solo is a viable option.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I feel it's Bugthesda's fault. We have given them too much freedom to release broken releases and rely on customers to fix it for them. Also, a lot of people are not impressed as FO76 lacks the elements that makes it Fallout. I am not surprised if they saw what NMS and the other early-access survival games on Steam were doing, and thought: "Hey, let's do this, people don't mind us releasing broken *bleep* year after year"... Sorry, but I doubt people are flaming Fallout 76 just to do so. A guy called Griffin Gaming suggested Bethesda should have released a co-op update to FO4 instead, then build a solid online experience.

I'm not saying you can't enjoy the game, as I believe you certainly have found something you like about it, KingRat.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I guess it should be remembered that game reviewers are not wise, all-knowing sages. Like "professional" critics of anything, they can be just as opinionated and foible-afflicted as anyone else, and from what I've seen, at least a few reviewers are actually pretty lousy game-players. So they'll trash a game because it just plain isn't to their liking, or they simply stink at playing and take it out on the game (especially if they're anything like theatre critics, a few of whom I've known will rubbish a show simply because they didn't get a very good seat in the house).

So play on and enjoy, KingRat 8) I sometimes comment here on what critics have said, but that's all I'm doing. I don't see reviewers as any kind of authorities on anything (least of all games) and I try not to let them sway me, but having said that, I think they do perform a service. If you read enough reviews of a game it can give you a pretty good aggregate assessment of a game's pros and cons. After that, whether you buy or not is still on you, but you may be a bit more open-eyed about what you're forking out for. Reviews can be helpful, but they're not gospel.

76 may not be my cup of tea, but I can't stay enormously mad at Bethesda. They made my beloved FO4 after all, which has become one of my favourite games ever, which I am still seriously hooked on more than a year later (I haven't kept track but it would have to be well over 3,000 hours I've put in by now, possibly closer to 4,000. I call that great value for Art's money :gnehe:) And even after all this play, there are still many, many options and approaches which I haven't yet tried. No other FPS game can come close to holding my interest, and so keenly, for as long as this one has.

Quote from: OWGKID on December 03, 2018, 02:30:04 AM
I feel it's Bugthesda's fault. We have given them too much freedom to release broken releases and rely on customers to fix it for them.

That may be true, but if so then it's true not only of Bethesda but of almost all AAA devs these days. If you ask me, if we want the industry as a whole to stop releasing unready games, a very good start would be to stop pre-ordering them. If people refuse to buy before release, and still refuse to buy after release if any major probs remain unresolved, the industry will soon clean up its act. NMS is the only game for which I ever broke my rule about pre-ordering, and that experience deepened my resolve to never pre-order again. And I won't.

We could also try saying NO to micro-transactions... Come on, it's easy to do. I do it all the time :gnehe:

Art Blade

Quote from: fragger on December 03, 2018, 03:15:22 PMI guess it should be remembered that game reviewers are not wise, all-knowing sages.

Especially if they played it like for an astonishing 1.5 hours before writing a smashing review. :banghead:

Quote from: fragger on December 03, 2018, 03:15:22 PMwell over 3,000 hours I've put in by now, possibly closer to 4,000. I call that great value for Art's money :gnehe:

Hehehe :gnehe: It was worth every penny because I do enjoy knowing that you're having a lot of fun with it :bigsmile:


Quote from: fragger on December 03, 2018, 03:15:22 PM
That may be true, but if so then it's true not only of Bethesda but of almost all AAA devs these days. If you ask me, if we want the industry as a whole to stop releasing unready games, a very good start would be to stop pre-ordering them. If people refuse to buy before release, and still refuse to buy after release if any major probs remain unresolved, the industry will soon clean up its act. NMS is the only game for which I ever broke my rule about pre-ordering, and that experience deepened my resolve to never pre-order again. And I won't.

We could also try saying NO to micro-transactions... Come on, it's easy to do. I do it all the time :gnehe:

Well, most of the AAA games released isn't broken like Bethesda's games on launch. The titles I can remember, are either EA games or Ubisoft. Battlefield 4 on launch was a major disaster for everyone and same for Assassin's Creed Unity. Microsoft/343i tried to crunch out all of the Halo games one one disc on Xbox One, The Master Chief Collection. Online matchmaking was a disaster. However, the singleplayer portions ran stable without any crashes. MS/343i have now fixed matchmaking, 4 years later...

Also, shitty PC ports.

AAA publishers also claims their game is "below expectations". Really? How? Isn't 500 million+ good enough for you?!

When it comes to microtransactions, I don't buy them, most of the time. In some games, I have bought cosmetic items only.

Anyway, back on topic: Bethesda is on full damage control now, after the duffel bag scandal.

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


Yep, it is. However, the damage is done and people will be cautious with Bethesda now
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


wow, that crashed and burned fast didn't it? Glad I didn't pre-order. I still think there's a decent game somewhere in there, but it's buried under a *bleep* ton of hype and marketing cash grabs.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


That's too bad. Shame for Fallout fans

Art Blade

Bethesda's losing it, Rockstar's losing it, MS, EA and UBI*bleep* already lost it.. well, well, well.


We're heading towards a new game crash :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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