Far Cry 2 the worst of the series?

Started by Dweller_Benthos, July 09, 2018, 08:00:23 AM

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Like most people losing their memory as they age, it is easier to remember things decades ago, than a few days ago  :gnehe:

Art Blade

kinda weird but also kinda logic: back then you had a working memory so you can recall that stuff. Now it doesn't register anything anymore so you can't remember what hasn't been registered. Actually cool. You're able to enjoy bloody old games such as FC2 because you remember it was your favourite game yet it will feel as if it was brand new because you won't remember recent playthroughs. Does this worry you? Never mind, you'll forget about that in a minute anyway. :gnehe:

But seriously, try to fight that condition. Try to jog your memory and all that, usually it can be trained, like a muscle. You know that I know it works that way ;) I sincerely hope that your memory won't deteriorate too much, man.


 :D you're correct - I won't remember tomorrow what I wrote today until I read it again. I'm not too worried because the best part about losing your memory is that you don't remember what you forgot.  :gnehe:

You can't regret losing what you don't know you have lost

Art Blade

to me, my memory is very important. I'd really hate to start losing it. Don't you?


I have to admit if I had a memory as good as yours I'd be very disturbed when losing it. However, I've never had that good a memory, and losing it gradually is not that bad to me - there is little to nothing I can do about it anyway.

Art Blade

sorry to hear that. I wish you the very best, as in, may it fade away as slowly as possible. A really good idea would be to start learning a language that means something to you, like German. You'll know when you memorized something, obviously. I'd do everything to keep it but it needs exercise. Even I keep doing stuff like not writing any shopping lists, remembering appointments rather than relying on an organiser.. keep it simple but keep doing it. Works for me ;)


Thanks, but I honestly do not care that much. I have people like you that correct my failing memory here online as well as at home. I continue to live a satisfying happy retirement, and miss nothing because I cannot remember it anyway.  :gnehe:

Art Blade

at least you're happy. That's something not everyone can say about themselves O0


That's true!
Life is just life, and it becomes what we make of it  O0


Actually there was quite a lot of modding in the original Wolf 3D, I was in e-mail contact with a couple of the people who created the programs that were used to edit the files, and even made a mod myself. It was completely a rip off, I took the graphics and sounds from Doom and scaled them down to fit into Wolf 3D and called it Wolfendoom. Haha, get it? Heh.... It was popular enough that someone took it and ripped me off and made a copy with their name on it.

Anyway, there were BBS systems and online services like AOL and Compuserve to obtain files, and when all that failed, buying a "backup floppy" from a shareware distributor. See, they didn't sell the software, that would be illegal, they just sold you a "backup service" and you got a floppy of the software you wanted. Usually it was mostly legit, as you just got the shareware version anyway, but shareware vendors were very popular at computer fairs in the early to mid 90s before broadband internet became a thing.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Dang, I haven't heard nor thought of the term "Shareware" in a long time.  Too bad about the rip-off D_B; the world of full of bad people


Oh yeah, no such thing as shareware anymore, you just get a demo or a timed version that locks up after a week, if that.

I googled wolfendoom and didn't find any mentions of my mod, but mostly a mod for Doom that updates Wolfenstein 3D to the Doom engine, where mine went the other way around. This guy says he "borrowed" the theme and took it further, don't know if he borrowed it from mine, but whatever


Seems he did a lot more w0#k on it and updated it to the new game engine that allows higher resolution.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I just downloaded the game from the link you provided and it was definitely a blast from the past. Not something I would play for a while, but was a bit nostalgic.


I haven't looked at it yet, I might though. On the nostalgia front, I've been helping a person who e-mailed me looking for tips on how to mod Battlefield 1942, which I did a lot of w0#k on back in the day. Now that's over 15 years ago, and I'm a bit rusty on the particulars.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


hmmm.... the name is familiar, but I don't think I ever played Battlefield 1942. Might need to research it a bit. WWII games are among my favorites.

🡱 🡳

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