I'm back on YouTube. With own videos.

Started by Art Blade, July 14, 2018, 10:00:37 AM

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Art Blade

Years ago I had a channel and deleted it. Now I started a new channel and uploaded my first vid.

Just take a look.. :)

channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw6eFZEf8KU8qQScDzuXyXg

first uploaded vid:


Just checked, and subscribed! Nice man, looking forward to more content, which surely will come :bigsmile: :thumbsup:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

cheers :)

I've got a nice set of software now, free, open source, without ads and "freemium" nonsense. I still need to create an edited film.

recording/streaming software



Cool  :thumbsup:

Reminds me of driving the highways in GTA5 at top speed - sure is a rush.  :gnehe:

Art Blade

thanks :)

I'm not so sure about the vid editor. It kept crashing while editing. I might try a different open source one that doesn't spam you with ads and that isn't a "freemium" software (get the bones for free and pay for the muscles) so this one will be my next attempt.



Just one question Art, aren't one supposed to use the part of the road that's
between the white and yellow lines?    ;D

Oh and i see you're riding like I drive in Wldlands, mostly on the wrong side of the road  8)
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade


I just ride where I don't hit anything :gnehe:


Wish I could say the same, you should see what the vehicles
i drive look like after I'm done with them    :-[ :anigrin:
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade


It's not as if I never crashed mate :gnehe: But I've improved my driving/riding skills and it doesn't happen that often anymore :bigsmile:

Art Blade

here's proof that I know how to crash... enjoy  ;)


"No hay luz"

Art Blade

hehehe, thank you :) I couldn't believe it when it went "splash" and man was I lucky that I was recording it. :anigrin:

Actually, I never knew there was a pool.


Nice    O0
Next time wear your wing suit, or diving goggles.....  :anigrin:
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

I'd love to do that :)

Regarding video editing: using ShotCut. Today I produced my first edited video.

It took comparatively little time to get the basics down and to cut the main video (essentially I cut off a few seconds at the start because the game radio kicked in and I had to switch it off, no need to leave that in the final video) and I added a screenshot at start and end, made transitions like fade in and out, adjusted the volume because I had set the in-game sound volume to 50% and that's why the source video volume was so low. I edited in some music of my own (yeah, copyrights.. so I used my own hehe) and had to cut off the end and made it fade out matching the video's end. The program then offers a billion of possible formats regarding video and sound, so I had to decide which ones to use and then it had to render the whole project in order to produce the final video. That didn't take too long, a couple of minutes for about a little more than 3GB for a short vid of 1:49 (high quality, full HD) and that's that.

ShotCut was stable and almost intuitive. I got exactly what I wanted. :thumbsup: Then again, it is too much for my taste, editing and rendering takes quite some time in total. Uploading 3GB to YouTube isn't the same as uploading a file. YouTube seems to load the data and process it on the fly and that takes a surprising lot of time (around 50 minutes) so it doesn't help to produce a vid in MP4 format; you can't "just" upload it. I might have to check what they say about "streaming" formats. Those take less time to render. Which means, I'd have to change the recording software's settings so I get a streaming type of file right away. Well, those two not edited videos took far less time but they were smaller, too.

In the end, I've come to the conclusion that my future videos will be exactly what I recorded. I'll simply upload raw material, unedited. Saves me a whole lot of time :)

And here we go.


🡱 🡳

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