I'm back on YouTube. With own videos.

Started by Art Blade, July 14, 2018, 10:00:37 AM

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Art Blade

I don't think fb fakes those likes but I do think that people come across stuff because a friend liked it and out of a habit, believing in "one for you, one for me," that you'd "like" them in return or some such.


It's pretty pathetic the way some people go after "likes" on various platforms. I've seen comments on You Tube where people have straight up said something like "Give me a like if you agree". That sort of thing is cringe-inducing.

Occasionally - very occasionally - I have commented about something on You Tube. I once got into a long correspondence with a couple of refreshingly literate and rather bright people about the movie Alien and it was a most interesting, intelligent and civil discussion, like you'd find here. Exceedingly rare, in other words. Usually you get replies like "your an idiot" (yes, spelled just like that) or insulting bilge from people WHO WRITE ALL IN CAPS and other examples of puerile remonstrance. But generally I don't communicate online with people other than here, and in the occasional email.

Trouble with things like YT, FB and Twitter et al is they give every nitwit out there a world-wide voice. Before the internet, you only had to put up with some people's inane blatherings in person, if you were silly enough to hang around with them. Now they can broadcast their tripe and demonstrate their idiocy to the entire planet, usually in atrociously mangled English.

I'm certainly not interested in amassing online "friends" or "likes". I don't know who these people are and I don't want to. Some of them could be wife-beaters or child-molesters or some other species of lowlife for all I know.

One solid friend is worth more than a million faceless acquaintances.

Art Blade


Indeed!  :thumbsup:

Quote from: Art Blade on July 11, 2019, 11:56:33 PM
I don't think fb fakes those likes but I do think that people come across stuff because a friend liked it and out of a habit, believing in "one for you, one for me," that you'd "like" them in return or some such.

Funny thing is that there are 4 legit likes in 2015, and 1 legit like in 2017, yet I get a notice every day that I have a new like even though nothing is recorded. They are just trying to get me to visit the page in hopes of getting me to post something.  :gnehe:

Art Blade

Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on June 20, 2019, 12:32:31 AMit worked and it's a mutual thing, luckily. We've been staying in contact and have been frequently chatting with each other. :)

The chats became less and less frequent, I was the one trying to hold it together but obviously it didn't w0#k: today he removed himself without warning from my steam friends list. He seems to be the type who goes all in at first and quickly loses interest and then simply disappears.

The original idea was to get an item (a disguise called "phantom suit") together that can be unlocked in Hitman 2 but requires playing a competitive mode. I don't like it, so I hoped somehow to find someone who'd w0#k together with me. Since he didn't like that competitive mode either but also wanted to get that suit, it seemed a good idea to team up and play it non-competitively. We both thought it would be cool.

However, it never happened.

Well.. I've always said, YouTube is a zoo. :gnehe:

Art Blade

Been a while I posted..

Meanwhile, I've earned (with 100+ subscribers) my own channel URL:

youtube.com/c/ArtBlade :bigsmile: (or click on my button in my signature)

I started 16 months ago and by now I've got over 200 vids and over 44,000 views. I'm pretty content with what has become of it, for a tiny channel like mine I think it's doing quite OK :bigsmile:

Also, looking at the previous post, meanwhile I experienced the exact opposite:

One of my subscribers asked for a steam friendship, then asked me about the Phantom Suit because he wanted it but didn't want to do it in public (anymore) and suggested we could help each other. Turns out he's a teenager from Ukraine and I think he's really talented regarding video editing, very smart and a very nice person, too. For that suit he needed only 9 unwitnessed target kills while I still needed the full 100. Once he got his suit, he continued to help me getting mine. We played during about two weeks, not every day, but when we played it was just a 10-kill-stint per day. Sometimes a bit more. In the end, finally, I got my Phantom Suit. :)

It is a zoo but there are still those extremely rare nice people among the channel owners.

I decided to thank that guy by dedicating a very fast Hitman run to him, featuring the new phantom suit he helped me get. He was pleased. :bigsmile:


It's been a couple of days I created it but that doesn't matter.


What's the phantom suit do? Make you less likely to be spotted?

Oh and congrats on 100 subs and dedicated URL, that's nice!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

thank you :)

And no, the suit doesn't provide any bonuses. It's just cosmetics. It's only available if you "compete" (we didn't..) in an online mode against another player as soon as you killed your 100th target without getting spotted. See, even though we did not "steal" each other's kills nor did we prevent each other from killing the target, it still took around 30 minutes to get 10 kills, sometimes longer. 300 minutes = 5 hours without interferences. It could literally have taken forever to get 100 kills had it been against random players because both players share the same target. A match ends as soon as one player gets 5 kills. You lose a kill if you killed a "non-target" which is how we did it, score one, lose one, score one, lose one.. so we could rack up 10 valid kills without having to start over all the time.


Congratz on the dedicated channel, AB! That definitely deserves a +1  :thumbsup:

Art Blade


Did you get the notice from Youtube about marking your videos for kids or not? I watched the video they linked to and they really couldn't put a hard and fast definition on what "for kids" means. I guess some channels were definitely targeting kids with their content and teaming up with companies to sell directly to kids via the content in the videos, which I agree is kind of underhanded taking into account that kids are more impressionable than adults (well, some adults anyway) so I can see why that sort of thing would be best to be regulated. So I marked my channel as not for kids, even though, who's stopping a kid from watching my videos, or any other not marked as for kids? No one, that's who. Well, maybe except their parents but I doubt most are even aware of it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yeah, changed the default settings to "not for kids" and I agree, it's nonsense.


I think it's mostly a way for youtube to have a system in place for when someone does complain about a channel or video that seems to be targeting kids and wanting them to spend money on things, that youtube can then look at the setting and have a course of action. I know they made clear in the video it wasn't them deciding to do this, they were forced to by law. Now, the law being valid or not is another thing, but I can see if there are channels that specifically target kids for the sole purpose of selling product, then yeah, that's an issue.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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