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Started by PZ, February 15, 2017, 02:45:05 PM

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Just stumbled across this. Not sure what you'd call it, a parody maybe? But at first you think it's a legit scientific research project until a little while in when ... well watch and see. Some of you might have seen parts of this posted on various social sites, as clips from this video show up now and then.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

WOW those are among the most convincing special effects / CGI I've ever come across, LOL  :D :D :D


Yeah you're like, "Oh yeah, that's a wild fun park ride ... HOLY *bleep* WHAT THE??!!?..... oh, it's CGI, cool"
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


That was kind of - weird... CGI was pretty cool.

Imagine if some of those were real... There'd be a lot of shattered people in those rides!

Art Blade

the G-forces would be absolutely lethal, too :anigrin: unless you meant that. Your comment made me think of those things smashing into buildings and so on and so forth :gnehe:


The thing is a lot of them are based on real rides just expanded to the extreme. Then there are the ones (most) that are physically impossible, as in you couldn't build something like that and not have it fall down under it's own weight before you even turn it on.

But you know that actor was just walking around various amusement parks with a hard hat and clipboard, and probably making the other patrons feel very worried, as he looked like some kind of safety inspector or something.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hahaha :anigrin: I like the idea of walking around in an amusement park with a hard hat and a clipboard and everyone popping out of their cabins and offices like, "what's happening, is something wrong?" :D


Quite a while ago you guys talked about John Wick, which I too really enjoyed. But I just watched John Wick 2 on Netflix and I thought it was ridiculous. I know there's a third JW movie due out, but after watching number two I wouldn't bother with it.

The first one pushed the boundaries of believability somewhat with that Hotel Continental business, but I could overlook that bit of silliness because the rest of the movie had so much going for it. But with number two, they took that whole "rules" and "high table" thing to an utterly farcical level (not to mention that whole huge multi-floored space full of tattooed, secretary-like women processing hit contracts like shares in a bloody stock exchange. I mean, really). And that final scene... Geez, half the population of New York must be made up of assassins who pose undercover as hobos and buskers and janitors and mothers with prams, all day, every day, until they get a phone call to go and rub someone out ::)

JW2 was pretty damn stupid, I thought. God knows what the third one is like. I guess he takes on - and kills - every assassin on Earth. And if they're as prevalent world-wide as they apparently are in NY, there must be about a billion of them.

Art Blade

I really enjoyed 1 and never cared about sequels.


Yeah I just take it on face value, it takes place in an alternate universe where everyone is an assassin, I guess. I'll probably see #3 just to see it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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